By Jim Darlington.
That one day is coming, when Chicken Little’s sacrifice will be justified, and the sky will fall at last.
We allow ourselves a grudging encouragement, as that dread collapse approaches, hoping that a remnant of our world might endure. We will survive, again alive, to thrive; the wishful marching hymns of tomorrow, but the die has long since been cast. The tower of freedom has been eaten away at the base, underground, a foundation of granite turned to liken feathery wormwood, out of sight to all, except those few brave inspectors willing to dig and get dirty, and who, in the end, will only to be buried alive.
“We are the many,” cry the sons and daughters of liberty and, “we are armed to the teeth.” The wearied but wise answer, “Yes, but they have counted every weapon and named every owner. And they know where you live. And they know where on the Earth you are, minute by minute, within a short measure of yards.”
“We are in the right!” say the morally proud. “The ground we walk on is saturated and reeks of the pooling, fetid blood of our unborn children,” answer those who are ashamed.
“We will not let them steal the next election,” say those who whispered their defiance when their rulers stole the last election.
“We will stand up together, united,” they say, in tones that suggest an effort of self-conviction. But the streets are already emptied. The public square has gone virtual and is now effectively controlled to our hurt, pulsing each day’s fresh propaganda.
“We won’t be fooled again. We’ve sealed all the leaks and stopped all the loopholes. We will be watching.” “Watching what?” says anyone paying attention.
Politicians who are planning elections put forward policies that they believe will earn them votes.
Politicians putting forth policies, so wrong, so destructive, as to make any thought of electoral victory utterly unthinkable…are not planning to hold elections. Two plus two equals four.
Politicians whose contempt for the integrity of the nation’s democratic process is such that they can happily steal one election, are already primed to cancel the next, if they cannot be certain of winning it.
If they are able…
A crisis is coming. The people who told us all to stay home will again tell us all to stay home. The land will be suddenly silent. The dollar will shrink to the size of a penny. The lights will go out. Our ability to communicate will be terminated, until further notice. An old man (me) walks the streets. Old men walk every street in America and wonder what will be different. The hustling, bustling streets are a memory. The parks are empty. Half the stores are already shuttered. A fear-bound people hiding within their amusement devices will shrink in terror when their screens go black. The preppers will bug out to their places in the woods, or huddle in their basements, with their year’s supply of foodstuffs, ready to shoot any neighbors who come by for a cup of sugar. Everyone will wonder who can help them and most will realize there is no one. So much for unity.
The newest crisis, whatever the selected particulars may be, will be blamed on those who thought they could vote back to life the freedoms they had already let die. When the lights come back on again, the leaders and the doers and the outspoken will be gone, like the fallen statues that preceded them, the voices of opposition having been silenced, with extreme prejudice. The jackboot of absolute tyranny, with the force of vetted SWAT teams and military brigades purged of the honest and brave, will seek out and crush any who might be armed and prone to object, and the slaughter will be justified day and night, even glorified, on the only available channels, as being necessary for the sake of Democracy and National Security.
These things will come to pass because they are being communicated now, telegraphed daily, and because the enemy has already convinced themselves, after the manner of our own ongoing surrender, that they can do with us as they wish.
May these be the words of a foolish False Prophet, to be mocked and forgotten.
Our Father in Heaven, if not, may the resistance prove more costly than the enemy can bear.