Biden’s High-Stakes Gamble Risks Everything – Including His Nomination – As He Prepares for Trump Debate

Biden’s High-Stakes Gamble Risks Everything – Including His Nomination – As He Prepares for Trump Debate

“It’s good to be the king,” as Mel Brooks mischievously put it in “History of the World, Part I.” It’s also good to...
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Report: 61% Of Renters Can’t Afford Median Apartment Rate in U.S.

Report: 61% Of Renters Can’t Afford Median Apartment Rate in U.S.

Due to inflation eating away at earnings and less supply of affordable housing, the majority of Americans today cannot afford median rent prices,...
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Why Do They Lie About Extreme Temperature Deaths?

Why Do They Lie About Extreme Temperature Deaths?

In a recent News Brief I pointed out that the major climate alarm propaganda cabals [CCNow, Inside Climate News] would be flooding the...
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Jesse Watters: ‘Biden’s Leaked Debate Prep Reveals Campaign Chaos’

Jesse Watters: ‘Biden’s Leaked Debate Prep Reveals Campaign Chaos’

Joe Biden’s campaign is frantically trying to reinvent the “elderly statesman,” as the New York Times labels him, for his upcoming debate performance....
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New Monkeypox Strain Is “10 Times Deadlier” and Is NOT Just Hitting Homosexual Men Like the 2022 Version

New Monkeypox Strain Is “10 Times Deadlier” and Is NOT Just Hitting Homosexual Men Like the 2022 Version

Editor’s Commentary: This was originally titled, “Global Health Authorities Press the Panic Button as a Strain of Monkeypox That Is “10 Times Deadlier”...
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Flatulent Cows, Sheep, And Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax In Denmark

Flatulent Cows, Sheep, And Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax In Denmark

The insane and anti-human war on food and carbon intensifies at the same time, virtually assuring famine in due time. That these technocrats...
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Russia teases downgrading diplomatic relations with the West

Russia teases downgrading diplomatic relations with the West

Ukraine’s foreign backers are edging closer to the “point of no return,” Moscow’s senior diplomat has said Moscow may be forced to downgrade...
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International News

Russia teases downgrading diplomatic relations with the West

Ukraine’s foreign backers are edging closer to the “point of no return,” Moscow’s senior diplomat has said Moscow may be forced to downgrade the level of diplomatic ties with Western countries, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said, citing hostile policies

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Watchman: Wake up! If You Are Still Defending This Guy (Con-Trump), Then You Are Just Being Willfully Ignorant to the Facts. He Is Not Some Superhero or Some Godsend That Is Going to “Drain the Swamp” or Restore America; He is the People Enemy

HNewsWire: “We look forward to being here. Klaus has done a fantastic job,” Trump said at the time. This article was first published on June 19th, 2021. New information has been added. A recently posted video on YouTube is getting some

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Watchman: The Biden/Obamanation/Nazi Soros/Anti-Christ Google Admin is a Reign of Terror Unlike Anything the United States Has Ever Known, and It Will Get Worse. Arrested Recently J 6. Defendant Passes Away Three Additional Defendants From the Jan. 6 Case Have Passed Away—These Killers Are Professional Satan Soldiers—Judgement Day for Satan Soldiers is Very Close

HNewsWire: So far, four people have died because of this over zealous, unfair, cruel, and pointless witch hunt of mostly innocent people who did small crimes. Disgrace and shame. They (Satan Soldiers DC are guilty of murder. Whoever controls the Democrats

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Watchman: Google Has Destroyed Democracy and Depressed People by Taking Over the Internet. Furthermore, It Was Well Known That the Vaccination Program (Kill Shots) Had Problems From the Beginning, Which Contributed to a High Mortality Toll. Google’s Trump Card Is To Hide the Truth

SRH: ”Jail is too good for them. That’s why we are told in Rev.18 that they will be destroyed in “one hour”. “Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city!

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Watchman Warning: “The Majority of COVID Symptoms Can Be Triggered by Graphene Oxide Alone. This Is a Chemical Warfare Agent, Not a Virus or Spike Protein.” They Are Killing Us Slowly With a Chemical Warfare Agent, Thank Google, Bill Gates et al.

We really appreciate your help. Maintaining the websites and live streaming videos requires a substantial financial commitment. Any amount contribution is much appreciated. Please think about contributing a reasonable amount on a monthly basis. Please Give Please Give You can also

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Monica Lewinsky wants Judge Aileen Cannon impeached

While former White House intern Monica Lewinsky gained international fame for her affair with former President Bill Clinton, she has kept a relatively low profile in the decades since. Yet in an unusual move, Lewinsky reemerged this week to argue that

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Watchman: A Daily Devotional The Religious Leaders of Jesus’ Day Had One Motivating Force: ‘What Will Men Think of Me?’ Their Religion Was About Pride in Being the Spiritual Elite,Much Like the Pastors of Today—Empty Suits

Pride will kill you. Forever. The sin that is most likely to prevent you from calling out to God for salvation is pride. Those who have a reasonable belief that they are healthy will not seek treatment. As seriously dangerous as

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A U.S.–Iran War At Last?

Foreign Affairs A U.S.–Iran War At Last? As Israel readies for confrontation with Hezbollah, American war hawks are smacking their lips. Iranian protesters set their scarves on fire while marching down a street on October 1, 2022 in Tehran, Iran. (Getty

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Watchman: You’ll Complete the Submission. France: Up to Three Years in Prison and Forty-Five Thousand Euros Are the Penalties for Criticizing the mRNA Deathvaxtm Platform. People, Get Ready for the Upcoming Round of Kill Shots

Force Kill Shots Are Coming!… Those that have ears let them hear, those that have eyes let them see, because of the end times we live in, Google, YouTube, most of the social media platforms along with mainstream media will cause

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Pentagon Targets New Threat to National Security

Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks alerted the public to a new threat to national security. No, the threat is not coming from a foreign entity or nation. The threat does not involve terrorism or the rising crime rates across all

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Should Americans Die for a Single Filipino?

Foreign Affairs Should Americans Die for a Single Filipino? President Biden might soon have to decide. China and the Philippines are battling over control of contested waters in the Pacific. So far there has been no shooting, but there have been

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Separatist Calls Grow Louder from Taiwan

Taiwan President Lai Ching-te has been deemed a “dangerous separatist” by the Chinese Communist Party.  China has long-stated its desire for “peaceful unification” with Taiwan, which the CCP considers part of China. China issued new guidelines on lethal ramifications for separatist

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Watchman Warns Where the Republican Party Is Headed: Christian Woman Targeted by Republican Rep Over ‘Christ Alone’ Post Fired—They Are Not Your Friend–They Are The Enemy!

SRH: Those who love their sins will criminalize anything in Christianity that offends them. Our government has been overthrown. HNewsWire: According to multiple accounts, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Marbach, the woman who was targeted by an Ohio congressman for proclaiming the gospel, has

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Reader’s Links for June 27th, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects

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A Winning Strategy for Trump in Michigan

Politics A Winning Strategy for Trump in Michigan Targeting messaging and a restrained style on a handful of issues will bring over the state’s swing voters. The good news for Republicans is that the Trump base in Michigan remains strong and

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Watchman: “The FDA Did Not Report Any Signals Triggered by the “Vaccines” Produced by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.” We Know Damn Well That the Moderna Injections Do “Trigger” Myocarditis, Especially in Young Males (But Also in Women and Victims of Other Ages), EVIL

SRH: By far the most common idol in modern Western culture is medicine, the new “magic.” Modern medicine has only been around for a short time, and the establishment of a body of licensed “physicians” can be traced back to the

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What no one will tell you about WW2…

Candace on Apple Podcasts: Candace on Spotify: Candace on Rumble: Subscribe to Club Candace: #CandaceShow #Candace #CandaceOwens #News #Politics #Culture #PopCulture

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Feds Hide Crime Stats, Blame Guns as Crisis!

In what will undoubtedly lead to another assault on the 2nd Amendment, the freedom-despising, gun-grabbing liberals in the federal government have declared so-called “gun violence” a public health crisis. U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued this alarmist proclamation on Tuesday.

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