Labour won’t save the NHS

Labour won’t save the NHS

Any culture, society or nation is ultimately judged on how it protects its citizens, and how it treats and cares for its most...
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A plague of fallacies has devoured the internet

A plague of fallacies has devoured the internet

We lived, without knowing it then, on the other side of the digital chasm. I know the first time I heard the word...
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Alec Baldwin Welches on Widower and Son of Woman He Killed

Alec Baldwin Welches on Widower and Son of Woman He Killed

Actor Alec Baldwin, currently facing involuntary manslaughter charges due to his 2021 fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust,"...
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Video: Crying Baby In Bar Ticks Off Texas Woman; ‘You’re An Idiot!’

Video: Crying Baby In Bar Ticks Off Texas Woman; ‘You’re An Idiot!’

A Texas woman was captured on video after she became ticked off about a crying baby in a bar and decided to confront...
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The real victims of Britain’s gambling chokehold

The real victims of Britain’s gambling chokehold

On the evening of 1 March, 2019, Mark Bradshaw nearly killed himself. It was the gambling that did it. By that stage, after...
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Eggs Are Nature’s Multivitamin

Eggs Are Nature’s Multivitamin

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WATCH: Hidden camera catches Disney VP admitting the company refuses to hire white males + Elon Musk’s response

WATCH: Hidden camera catches Disney VP admitting the company refuses to hire white males + Elon Musk’s response

It’s no secret that Disney is on the ropes. Maybe if the company quit with the DEI hires and returned to making solid...
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International News

Labour won’t save the NHS

Any culture, society or nation is ultimately judged on how it protects its citizens, and how it treats and cares for its most vulnerable. And on this standard, the Conservatives have failed. Over the past 14 years, their contempt has spread

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International News

A plague of fallacies has devoured the internet

We lived, without knowing it then, on the other side of the digital chasm. I know the first time I heard the word “internet”: on a trek through Ness Woods in Northern Ireland. My father, self-taught and insatiably curious, told us

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Doctors Are Just Soldiers In A Massive Chemical Army | Ethan Huff The United Kingdom’s People’s Vaccine Inquiry has commenced in response to the government-led U.K. COVID Inquiry indefinitely postponing its promised inquiry into coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines.” Peoples Vaccine Inquiry – Unveiling the Truth: Immediate Access to Expert Testimony on COVID-19

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🚨LIVE THREAD: CNN Presidential Debate

Read more Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Dana Loesch This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed

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US News

Ramaswamy credits Trump for taking CNN debate rules in stride

Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy at the second Republican presidential primary debate in Simi Valley, California, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023. Vivek Ramaswamy, the tech entrepreneur and former Republican Party presidential candidate, is giving Donald Trump a lot of credit for taking CNN’s presidential

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Chart of the Day (CotD) Spain Covid and Excess Deaths, by Eldric Vero

by Eldric Vero June 26, 2024 This CotD was inspired by the following: 1)      Express News June 25, 2024 “Majorca warning as British holiday hotspot facing new threat amid over tourism protests” (see link: ).  As per the article: The outbreak of

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What Trump Needs to Do in Debate

The 2024 election is Donald Trump’s to lose. Right now, he is running even with President Joe Biden in all the national polls. He’s running ahead in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada; he’s running even in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin; he’s closing

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Pro-Life Laws Save Thousands of Babies From Abortion Every Month

Monday marked the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. Indeed, it was only two years ago when pro-lifers were finally able to celebrate the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Much of the mainstream media coverage surrounding the Dobbs anniversary has centered on purported

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Why Did the FBI Raid the Home of Oakland’s Mayor?

David Duong speaking next to Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao during the August 2023 visit to Vietnam. This story is co-reported with Lee Fang. It is co-published here and on Fang’s Substack, which I highly recommend you subscribe to. At a public

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US News

Thank You Trustees Troy Reinbold And Kathy Nash!

Thank You Trustees Troy Reinbold And Kathy Nash! WBCSD trustee position is a volunteer position with no money attached. Their meetings are long and draining. The last one went from 6-10 pm. Kudos for our trustees! Yet, paying home bills needs

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Hump Day Tabs

Via the NYT: How to Make 3,000-Year-Old Beer. Via the NYT: Are We Loving Our Pets to Death? Via WaPo: How to make summer’s berry bounty last. Via the NYT: Why Do We Love ‘The Bear’ So Much? Via the BBC:

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The Emerging Commodities Supercycle

This post The Emerging Commodities Supercycle appeared first on Daily Reckoning. One hundred and three steps. That’s how much I had to climb to bring my grandpa his lunch every day at the ore dock. Marquette, Michigan is the hub of

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US News

Chart: Big swings on Political party support

By Oregon Campaign Watch, Real Clear Politics has pulled together various polls and averaged their results on the question of which political party you support generally for Congress. Just within 365 days you can see very large swings in support.  

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US News

Sneak peak of Supremes’ abortion ruling hits internet

A posting has appeared, temporarily, on the Supreme Court’s website that suggests the justices are about to decide to reject a new abortion case because it was “improvidently granted.” Reports confirm that an opinion in the case, Moyle v. United States,

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International News

Resistance mounts against ‘coup’ in Bolivia

Mexico and Venezuela have joined Honduras in backing the government in La Paz Bolivia’s trade unions have declared a general strike in support of the government after an army general attempted to seize power by force. Several Latin American governments have

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