🚩 Kansas AG Kris Kobach: ‘We Have Information Regarding Pfizer That Indicates a Clear Effort to Conceal & Mislead’

🚩 Kansas AG Kris Kobach: ‘We Have Information Regarding Pfizer That Indicates a Clear Effort to Conceal & Mislead’

“Pfizer knew of multiple side effects…and did not disclose. And in some ways, made statements that were contrary. It’s more than just a...
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Rigged Debate: Highly Conflicted Judge Merchan Reenforces Gag Order Silencing President Trump From Speaking On Merchan’s Daughter’s Firm Authentic Campaigns

Rigged Debate: Highly Conflicted Judge Merchan Reenforces Gag Order Silencing President Trump From Speaking On Merchan’s Daughter’s Firm Authentic Campaigns

Highly conflicted Judge Merchan only partially lifted his gag order on Tuesday, allowing President Trump to speak about witnesses Stormy Daniels and Michael...
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How will banks hold up against stress test that mimics 2008 financial crisis?

How will banks hold up against stress test that mimics 2008 financial crisis?

Doctors use stress tests to find out how well one's heart works when pumping harder than normal. The Federal Reserve does the same...
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Tire Workers Explain How China’s Industrial Overcapacity Decimates Local Communities

Tire Workers Explain How China’s Industrial Overcapacity Decimates Local Communities

Getty Images They make tires for different companies in different parts of the country. But both have seen the devastation caused by unfairly...
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EXCLUSIVE: Texas Dad Arrested for Speaking Up at School Board Meeting Uncovers Evidence of Superintendent’s Malfeasance

EXCLUSIVE: Texas Dad Arrested for Speaking Up at School Board Meeting Uncovers Evidence of Superintendent’s Malfeasance

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Jeremy Story, a dad in the Austin, Texas, area, who is suing his local school board and superintendent after...
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How Melania Will Defy White House Tradition if Donald Trump Wins

How Melania Will Defy White House Tradition if Donald Trump Wins

The former first lady’s absence from the Donald Trump campaign trail has drawn the attention of gossip enthusiasts, who are speculating whether Melania...
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Meet The Dark Money Network Quietly Transforming America

Meet The Dark Money Network Quietly Transforming America

To the outside observer, Arabella Advisors is nothing more than an accounting and human resources firm that helps charities get things done, not...
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Science and Technology

Rigged Debate: Highly Conflicted Judge Merchan Reenforces Gag Order Silencing President Trump From Speaking On Merchan’s Daughter’s Firm Authentic Campaigns

Highly conflicted Judge Merchan only partially lifted his gag order on Tuesday, allowing President Trump to speak about witnesses Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen. However, Merchan still kept intact the portion of the gag order that bars Trump from talking about

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Meet The Dark Money Network Quietly Transforming America

To the outside observer, Arabella Advisors is nothing more than an accounting and human resources firm that helps charities get things done, not a billion-dollar political influence operation helping leftists remain in power. But, in fact, it is the latter–although you’d

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Trump Demands Biden Take Drug Test Before Debate

In a bold move, former President Donald Trump has publicly challenged President Joe Biden to take a drug test before their upcoming debate on June 27. Trump’s assertion stems from his belief that Biden might be using performance-enhancing drugs, a claim

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Biden Blows Putin an Assange Kiss

As I write this, Julian Assange is on a private jet over the Pacific Ocean, headed for the island of Saipan, a U.S. territory, on his journey to freedom. After a dozen years of imprisonment of two kinds, the “Australian editor,

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Women To Now Get Drafted For War?

(RestoreAmericanGlory.com) – Senate Democrats have included in the annual authorization bill language that would make it a requirement for women to register for the draft. The GOP has criticized this move which is likely going to cause complications as they try

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Will U.S. Government Stage a False Flag?

On March 30, 2017, then U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, stated at a meeting in Ankara, Turkey that getting rid of Assad was no longer official U.S. policy towards Syria. As soon as I heard this news, I predicted that

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Assange Is Free

Following a plea deal, Julian Assange was released Monday from prison in the United Kingdom and has since departed via plane.  Julian Assange boards flight at London Stansted Airport at 5PM (BST) Monday June 24th. This is for everyone who worked

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Arizona election worker arrested after allegedly stealing security fob for voting tabulator in Maricopa County

https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/24/politics/arizona-election-worker-arrested-maricopa-county/index.html Arizona election worker arrested after allegedly stealing security fob for voting tabulator in Maricopa County By Zachary Cohen, Jack Hannah, and Donie O’Sullivan June 24, 2024 A temporary election worker in Arizona was arrested Saturday after allegedly stealing a security

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Panama Canal Water Levels Contributing To Shipping Back Up

Hello, everyone! Today, let’s delve into the fascinating world of global shipping. Imagine behemoth freighters carrying everything from shoes to smartphones across the inky, vast oceans. Now consider the impact if these vessels encountered obstructions on their routes. This precise scenario

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Argument Between New Neighbors Turns Deadly

Christian Freebourn of Florida is charged with second-degree murder after police say he shot his 57-year-old would-be neighbor five times after the neighbor emerged from his home to find Freebourn’s U-Haul truck crashed into his balcony. Freebourn has pleaded not guilty. The shooting occurred in

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Bird Flu Propaganda: Terror Rising Pt. I

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:  COVID scarf bitch issues demand: ‘We should be testing every cow, weekly’ for bird flu I have a feeling a heifer holocaust is about to ensue, some PCR manufacturers are going to get rich(er), and Doctor

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Merchan Issues Ruling On Trump Gag Order

There has been a huge development surrounding former President Trump and the gag order that’s been causing quite a stir. Judge Juan Merchan has partially lifted the gag order he placed on Trump, a move that comes just weeks after a

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Law & Crime

Sister of Hamas Leader Reportedly Killed in IDF Airstrike

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei meets with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, Iran, June 21, 2023. Photo: Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader/WANA via Reuters The sister of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh was reportedly killed in an Israel Defense

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Israeli Supreme Court Rules Haredim Must Be Drafted

The Israeli Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Haredi men must be drafted into Israel’s military. In its decision, the court unanimously decided to end the blanket exemptions from army service that ultra-orthodox yeshiva students have received for decades. The two hardline

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“There were no laws in Oceania”—just as NO LAWS were broken by Assange (or Alex Jones, or Trump); and there were NO LAWS making us get masked, or stand 6 feet apart, or (worst of all) get “vaccinated”

Courtesy of https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com NO LAWS dictated the torments of the last four years. just as Julian Assange was kidnapped, held and variously tortured over years on no legal basis whatsoever. Likewise, Alex Jones is now being broken on no legal grounds—like

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Alina Habba slams Manhattan show trial

Alina Habba has never seen abuses like this. Democrats corrupted the justice system, And Alina Habba was fuming over what happened to Donald Trump in court. Trump legal spokeswoman Alina Habba summoned all her righteous fury to denounce the illegitimate abuse

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We Need More!

We could have the population density of Bangladesh and metropolitan shitlibs would still see an empty field and get giddy at the prospect of paving over it and filling it with infinity Bomalians. Your support is crucial in helping us defeat

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Pro-Hamas Rioter Gets Community Service After Punching Female U.S. Capitol Police Officer In DC

https://www.tampafp.com/pro-hamas-rioter-gets-community-service-after-punching-female-u-s-capitol-police-officer-in-dc/ Pro-Hamas Rioter Gets Community Service After Punching Female U.S. Capitol Police Officer In DC By Liam Edgar May 20, 2024 More evidence of our justice system slanting left under President Joe Biden. A pro-Hamas protester from New York, Ruben Arthur

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O’Keefe Exposes Disney VP in Undercover Sting!

Michael Giordano, a senior vice president at the Walt Disney Company, faced an unexpected confrontation from James O’Keefe after being caught on an undercover video by the O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) claiming the corporation discriminates against white men. In a newly

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