Freedom Caucus Movement Makes Major Gains Across U.S. and in South Carolina

Freedom Caucus Movement Makes Major Gains Across U.S. and in South Carolina

In this episode of Alex Newman’s show, The Sentinel Report, Newman shares undercover video provided by Project Veritas, showing the Biden administration admitting...
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STAT+: Grail, aiming to launch a blood test for cancer, faces host of challenges as it debuts on Nasdaq

STAT+: Grail, aiming to launch a blood test for cancer, faces host of challenges as it debuts on Nasdaq

On Tuesday, shares of Grail, the liquid biopsy company that hopes that its test, Galleri, will be widely used to screen for cancer,...
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Lauren Boebert’s String of Scandals Casts a Shadow Over Her Political Career

Lauren Boebert’s String of Scandals Casts a Shadow Over Her Political Career

Lauren Boebert, the firebrand Republican Congresswoman from Colorado, has been at the center of numerous controversies that threaten to overshadow her political career....
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EU to send €1.4bn in Russian money to Ukraine – Borrell

EU to send €1.4bn in Russian money to Ukraine – Borrell

The proceeds from the frozen central bank assets will be used for military assistance to Kiev, according to the bloc’s foreign policy chief...
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Hypocrite Biden won’t jail people who blocked synagogue even though it’s the exact same law that was used to jail people who blocked abortion clinic.

Hypocrite Biden won’t jail people who blocked synagogue even though it’s the exact same law that was used to jail people who blocked abortion clinic. Hypocrite Biden won't jail people who blocked synagogue even though it's the exact same law that was used to jail people who...
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One shocking failure could lead America into World War III

One shocking failure could lead America into World War III

Joe Biden’s foreign policy has been a disaster. Two regions of the world have become engulfed in hot wars on his watch. And...
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Joe Biden is ready to do the worst to stop Americans from seeing this shocking video

Joe Biden is ready to do the worst to stop Americans from seeing this shocking video

Democrats want to keep a lid on Joe Biden’s scandals before the election. They don’t want voters to know the truth about the...
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Hypocrite Biden won’t jail people who blocked synagogue even though it’s the exact same law that was used to jail people who blocked abortion clinic. Hypocrite Biden won’t jail people who blocked synagogue even though it’s the exact same law that was used to jail people who blocked abortion clinic. #Jews #Antisemitism — Daniel Alman from Squirrel Hill (@DanielAlmanPGH) June 24, 2024 Click this link

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Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply?

In my previous articles, we looked at the global war on farmers, the organizations pushing for the Great Food Reset, the tactics used to foist these changes on the public, and the projects underway to remove your access to healthy, farm-fresh

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Ruling Class Wants To Track Meat

The ruling wants to track and trace all meat cattle from birth to consumption. The ever-increasing involvement in the daily lives of the slave class in the United States has no bounds, apparently. As long as the slave still vote believing

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There’s No Good Reason To Raise The Inflation Target

There’s No Good Reason To Raise The Inflation Target Authored by Alexander William Salter via The American Institute for Economic Research, The Federal Reserve has a 2-percent inflation target. Central bankers are supposed to conduct monetary policy such that the long-run trajectory

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US News

Last Week In Legal: Judge Cannon Edition

Business Fraud Case Trump and the rest of the co-defendants filed a formal request for Judge Engoron to recuse himself from the case after the judge’s conversation with lawyer Adam Bailey was revealed. The Affirmation filed by the Trump boys’ lawyer

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International News

Zelensky sacks senior military commander

Yury Sodol was reportedly unpopular with his subordinates, who blamed him for steep losses on the battlefield Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has replaced the commander of his military’s Joint Forces Command, Lieutenant General Yury Sodol, amid claims that Sodol’s alleged incompetence

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International News

Russia sends coal to India by train for first time

The shipment is being made via the North-South corridor through Iran, according to a statement Russia has for the first time sent two trains laden with coal to India via the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), which connects Russia to India

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US News

Put your coffee down: Massive recall issued due to deadly toxin

(FOX BUSINESS) — A Wisconsin-based coffee manufacturer is recalling products shipped nationwide after federal officials warned that the production process could result in a deadly toxin. Earlier this month, Snapchill LLC voluntarily recalled all of its canned coffee products within the

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