Communist Chinese Government Investors Purchase Farmland Surrounding U.S. Military Bases

Communist Chinese Government Investors Purchase Farmland Surrounding U.S. Military Bases

The Communist Chinese government using Communist Chinese investors continue to purchase farmland in close proximity to strategic military bases in our Republic. The...
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Chicago Way w/John Kass: Can Biden’s stumbles be overcome at next week’s debate?

Chicago Way w/John Kass: Can Biden’s stumbles be overcome at next week’s debate?

Chicago Way w/John Kass (06/21/24): This week, veteran political advisor at Serafin & Associates and co-host of The Crisis Cast Thom Serafin joins...
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Disney Employees Sue Company Over Aborted Relocation Of 2,000 Employees From California To Florida

Disney Employees Sue Company Over Aborted Relocation Of 2,000 Employees From California To Florida

California News: Two Disney employees who sold their homes in anticipation of a move to the Orlando, Florida area that never came to...
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DEFEND AMERICA: DEI Companies are destroying the psyche of our youth

DEFEND AMERICA: DEI Companies are destroying the psyche of our youth

The racial majority in the United States is under attack by DEI-driven corporations. Truth is, according to recent research, while the Black population...
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Frequently Asked Questions about Two-Year Bills

Frequently Asked Questions about Two-Year Bills

California News: How long are Sessions of the California Legislature? The Legislature convenes in two-year sessions and bills are introduced in both of...
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Chinese Single Immunization with H5N1 Virus-like Particle Vaccine Protects Chickens Against H5N1 Influenza but Enables More Viral Shedding

Chinese Single Immunization with H5N1 Virus-like Particle Vaccine Protects Chickens Against H5N1 Influenza but Enables More Viral Shedding

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPHPoultry farmers are finding out that culling and vaccination of poultry may be futile as migratory water fowl...
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Why Is America Doomed?

Why Is America Doomed?

Because we are our own worst enemy. Because it is going to take more than 9/11 to wake us up. Because our politicians...
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Frequently Asked Questions about Two-Year Bills

California News: How long are Sessions of the California Legislature? The Legislature convenes in two-year sessions and bills are introduced in both of those two years. What is a 2-year bill? Under the state Constitution, bills introduced in the first year

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Why Is America Doomed?

Because we are our own worst enemy. Because it is going to take more than 9/11 to wake us up. Because our politicians don’t have the stomach to tell the truth. Because we have lost our will to call a spade

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WATCH: Joe Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 99)

If watching this video makes you think Joe Biden, 81, is too old and cognitively impaired to serve another four-year term as president, you’re most likely a victim of right-wing (or potentially Russian) propaganda. That’s the only possible explanation. Right? Anyway,

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The Bazooka vs. the Blunt Scalpel

The upcoming presidential debate will provide a much-needed jolt in a race largely devoid of primary challenges. So far, the campaign coverage has mostly focused on Joe Biden’s age and Donald Trump’s legal troubles. As much attention as these issues draw

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Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks: We need to support the police

Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks reacts to the city of Chicago giving money to victims of shootings on ‘America Reports.’ Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX News Channel (FNC) is

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International News

Wikipedia’s political bias is spreading to AI – study

The online encyclopedia’s apparent prejudice against right-wing politicians is influencing AI responses, research suggests Wikipedia has a tendency to portray right-wing political figures in a negative light, a pattern that is feeding into AI large language models (LLMs) that harvest data

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Will America Survive the Threat of Islam?

Nearly 1400 years ago, a large number of Muslim jihadists from across the scorching Arabian desert, motivated by the ideology of Islam, indoctrinated by Muhammad, unafraid of death, conquered Iran (Persia), one of the greatest, strongest and most tolerant empires known

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End Times Headline News. June 22 2024

Exposing The Darkness is a reader-supported publication. To support my work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. One-time or recurring donations can be made through Ko-Fi: New war is coming – UN The dire warning comes amid rising tensions between Israel and

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Rep. Stefanik Rallies Behind Trump at Christian Conference

Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram: if you LOVE President

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Rep. Meuser Philly Says Biden ‘All Talk, No Action

Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram: if you LOVE President

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Burgum, Vance Top Trump VP Picks; Rubio in Running

Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram: if you LOVE President

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Bill Would Protect Presidents Against State ‘Lawfare’

Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much! Join Telegram: if you LOVE President

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It’s often said that China is in a cold war with America. The reality is far worse: the war is hot, and the body count is one-sided. China is killing Americans and working aggres­sively to maximize the carnage while our leaders

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How This Woke Mess Happened Tony Abbott The Hon. Tony Abbott was Prime Minister of Australia from 2013 to 2015 With most conservative parties split between populist and establishment wings, and with the West challenged in ways not seen in almost a century, John O’Sullivan’s Sleepwalking into

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WACH: Undercover Video Exposes Disney’s Dark Secret

In a recent undercover operation conducted by investigative journalist James O’Keefe, a vigilant Disney executive has been exposed. The footage reveals a high-ranking vice president from the renowned Walt Disney Company acknowledging the unfortunate reality of discrimination against white men within

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US News

Top 5 news stories of the week of 6/21

Top 5 headlines 1 ‘Shocking’ amount spent on on metro homeless 2 Student ask to remove military stole for graduation 3 West Coast Dem leadership gone badly wrong 4 Oregon utility cutoffs spike as power rates soar 5 Proposed ballot measure

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Our top ten picks of the week

Neither side in the looming Tory wars is yet prepared to be honest about why it failed  Henry Hill “The battle to explain the looming catastrophe will open with an orgy of blame-shifting. But left and right each have their share

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City Slapped With Suit After Letting Noncitizens Vote

( – A Democrat-run city is facing a lawsuit for allegedly violating its state’s constitution. Burlington, Vermont, allows non-citizens to vote in city elections. A conservative election safety group is arguing that this gives noncitizens control over part of the state’s

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DHS Attempted to Turn Americans on Each Other

Documents released Thursday by America First Legal, a legal group led by Stephen Miller, former senior advisor to President Trump, show that a Department of Homeland Security group proposed that Americans report each other to federal law enforcement. The documents released

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The lethal narcissism of Joe Biden Why is America so blasé about the threat posed by Hezbollah’s Jew-haters? Brendan O’Neill What is more important: Joe Biden winning the votes of America’s entitled coastal elites, or Israel protecting itself from an army called the Party of God that has sworn itself to the eradication of the ‘cancerous’ Jews from the Middle

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‘Cheap fakes’? Biden’s defenders are getting desperate The liberal media are going out of their way to silence concerns about his health. Tom Slater Do you think Joe Biden might be a bit… doddery? Are you worried about the leader of the free world appearing to fade out during public events, mix up the names of politicians and accidentally say explosive things – only

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In Case You Think Someone Has The Answer To New York’s Looming Energy Disaster Francis Menton In this post last week, I took note that New York’s electric grid system operator, NYISO, has recently issued some clear, if muted, warnings of the impossibility of the energy transition mandated by the state’s 2019 Climate Leadership and Community

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Ethics and Hypocrisy: Turmoil at The Washington Post The Washington Post faces a contentious power struggle over appointing Robert Winnett as editor, revealing ethical and ideological rifts among its journalists.By Stephen Soukup For the time being, at least, it appears that the inmates at The Washington Post have gained the upper hand, forcing management to terminate plans to put British journalist Robert Winnett in charge of the asylum. Much to the inmates’

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Mayorkas Claims Global Warming Makes Him Better at Dealing With Crises The only thing FEMA learned from the big lie of “global warming” was to lie. by Daniel Greenfield FEMA, which has been drained by being redirected to deal with Biden’s open borders invasion, needs money to smuggle more migrants around America. The city government of El Paso, Texas, is busing illegal migrants to the Big Apple on the

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Is Wikipedia Politically Biased?by David Rozado Executive Summary This work aims to determine whether there is evidence of political bias in English-language Wikipedia articles. Wikipedia is one of the most popular domains on the World Wide Web, with hundreds of millions of unique users per month.

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Bragg drops trespassing charges against nearly all Columbia protesters Of the 46 charged, 14 were undergraduate students at Columbia, nine were graduate students, and two were employees. Misteri Severi Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg dropped charges on Thursday against most of the Columbia University protesters who were arrested for trespassing in Hamilton Hall in April. Nearly 50 people were charged with criminal trespassing after they staged a multi-day protest

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Alvin Bragg Bombshell… Charges DROPPED

A 2 tier justice system on full display! Top Comment: “Should be outrage – Bragg should be impeached and disbarred” The post Alvin Bragg Bombshell… Charges DROPPED appeared first on Freedom News USA. Click this link for the original source of

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Biden’s Fiscal Crisis Is Far Worse Than We Thought Nothing should shock us anymore, but the latest Congressional Budget Office report did. Released this week, the report shows that the nation is in vastly worse financial shape than anyone thought just a few months ago. And the report makes

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