Do You Believe That Women Should Be Drafted Into The Military?

Do You Believe That Women Should Be Drafted Into The Military?

Are you ready for our daughters to go to war?  Democrats in Congress want to make it mandatory for young women to register...
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Supreme Court Delivers Key Second Amendment Ruling

Supreme Court Delivers Key Second Amendment Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday rejected the challenge to the constitutionality of a federal law that bans the possession of a gun...
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Swedish court acquits former Syrian general

Swedish court acquits former Syrian general

Prosecutors failed to prove that the accused had been involved in war crimes in 2012, the ruling said A court in Sweden on...
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Surprise? Alvin Bragg Drops Charges Against Pro-Hamas Columbia Students

Surprise? Alvin Bragg Drops Charges Against Pro-Hamas Columbia Students

No one saw this coming, right? That the Jew hating, Hamas supporting students would pay no price for their actions Manhattan DA drops...
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Poll: Farage Set to Win Seat in Landslide

Poll: Farage Set to Win Seat in Landslide

According to new constituency polling conducted by Survation, Nigel Farage is on track to win his constituency of Clacton by a wide margin. ...
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Supreme Court upholds domestic violence gun ban

Supreme Court upholds domestic violence gun ban

(NewsNation) —The Supreme Court has ruled that people under domestic violence restraining orders can be prohibited from possessing guns, marking a victory for...
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EU’s Mass Surveillance Faces Fierce Resistance

EU’s Mass Surveillance Faces Fierce Resistance

If you're tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net. The European Union (EU) has managed to...
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International News

Swedish court acquits former Syrian general

Prosecutors failed to prove that the accused had been involved in war crimes in 2012, the ruling said A court in Sweden on Thursday acquitted a former Syrian general who was accused of war crimes in his home country in 2012.

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Poll: Farage Set to Win Seat in Landslide

According to new constituency polling conducted by Survation, Nigel Farage is on track to win his constituency of Clacton by a wide margin.  The poll currently shows Farage leading the field, with 42 percent to the 27 percent of the closest

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Supreme Court upholds domestic violence gun ban

(NewsNation) —The Supreme Court has ruled that people under domestic violence restraining orders can be prohibited from possessing guns, marking a victory for gun control and victim advocacy groups. Only Justice Clarence Thomas dissented. The case, United States v. Rahimi, centered around

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Science and Technology

EU’s Mass Surveillance Faces Fierce Resistance

If you’re tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net. The European Union (EU) has managed to unite politicians, app makers, privacy advocates, and whistleblowers in opposition to the bloc’s proposed encryption-breaking new rules, known

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US Home Prices Just Hit A Record High

Homes in America are the most expensive they’ve ever been, according to one measure. The median price of a previously owned US home climbed for the eleventh consecutive month in May, up 5.8% from a year ago, to $419,300, the National

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Radical Islam Created by British Intelligence

The Muslim Brotherhood which includes Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranian mullahs are Freemasons. They are a tool of the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance. John

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International News

Service dogs show off skills at Russia EXPO

The demonstration was held at VDNKh in Moscow earlier this week Service dogs and their handlers working for the Russian Emergencies Ministry held a demonstration on Thursday to show off the skills of the four-legged rescuers. The event was hosted by

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International News

Can India and BRICS become the world’s new security guarantors?

The rise of multipolarity and stronger alternative institutions offer hope of a new international architecture – one that‘s more democratic, representative of the Global South, and can advocate for peace “The way to peace is through dialogue and diplomacy,” declared Indian Prime

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International News

Only 50 hostages still alive in Gaza – WSJ

The safe return of those still in captivity is reportedly “at odds” with Israel’s war goals The number of Israeli hostages still alive and being held by Hamas in Gaza could be as low as 50, the Wall Street Journal reported

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The Week in Radical Leftism, 06/21/2024

Welcome back to Day 1250 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! We had a mini vacation this week, so another light post: 6/14 – Pentagon Announces Plan to Make Soldiers Guinea Pigs for Lab-Grown Meat Pushers like Bill Gates

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InfluenceWatch Podcast #322: The Bias of Newsguard

NewsGuard: It’s a teachers-union approved tool purporting to rate information sources on how “nutritious” to one’s information diet they are, but the teachers’ union seal of approval should lead readers to question just what the NewsGuard “Nutrition Label” is actually rating.

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Colombia: Teacher Fired Over Sexy Instagram Posts

A teacher from Colombia was reportedly fired for posting sexy photos of herself on her Instagram account. Did she go too far? You decide. Yeimmy Ilias Isaza (Photo Credit: Instagram) Yeimmy Ilias Isaza of Barranquilla, Colombia, learned the hard way that

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Consumer Adjustments to Minimum Wage

When minimum wages are increased, one consequence we might see follow is reduced employment. I say might see, rather than will definitely see, because employers can adjust on multiple margins. Instead of reducing employment, they may reduce hours, benefits, perks, or

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Joe Biden – ‘a certified nut’

Mark Levin is a scholar of American history, and according to him, Joe Biden is one of a kind. Just not in a good way. “I’ve never seen anything like this in American history,” he says, pointing to the current president.

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The seven fatal flaws of moral relativism

Moral relativism is the view that moral values and moral duties do not exist in reality, but only exist as opinions in people’s minds. When you ask a moral relativist where the belief that stealing is wrong comes from, he may

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Big Update On Donald Trump’s Possible VP Choice

Former President Donald Trump is on his way to securing the GOP presidential nomination. Now, he will need to select another running mate. And this time, the choice will be even more crucial. “This time Trump’s calculus will be much different

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