Trump Makes ‘Touching’ Phone Call to Victim of Illegal Alien … And Guess What Biden Did For Her

Trump Makes ‘Touching’ Phone Call to Victim of Illegal Alien … And Guess What Biden Did For Her

Various reports indicate that President Biden has allowed nearly 10 million illegal aliens into the country since 2021. And do we think all...
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Dan Bongino owns and destroys phony Bill O’Reilly

Dan Bongino owns and destroys phony Bill O’Reilly

Bill O’Reilly has always been an absolute phony. Recall his softball Super Bowl interviews with Obama before he was fired from Fox News...
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A Detransitioner’s Story l Chloe Cole LIVE at the June High School Conference

A Detransitioner’s Story l Chloe Cole LIVE at the June High School Conference

Chloe Cole is a young detransitioner and outspoken activist against minor transitioning surgery. Chloe speaks from her personal experience on the importance of...
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The Future of Christianity

The Future of Christianity

Thumbnail credit: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Christianity is dying in the...
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The Documentary That Was Banned Just Before The Election That Hillary Clinton Didn’t Want You To See (Video)

The Documentary That Was Banned Just Before The Election That Hillary Clinton Didn’t Want You To See (Video)

Years ago, The Clinton Chronicles exposed the crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton while he was governor of Arkansas.  However, just prior to...
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House Republicans Move to Help Trump Allies – And It’s a Huge J6 Bombshell

House Republicans Move to Help Trump Allies – And It’s a Huge J6 Bombshell

When Nancy Pelosi was in charge, she conducted a commission aimed at blaming Donald Trump for the unfortunate events of January 6, 2021....
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Justice Thomas stands alone against major gun ruling: Disarming accused domestic abusers ‘puts at risk the 2nd Amendment rights of many more’

Justice Thomas stands alone against major gun ruling: Disarming accused domestic abusers ‘puts at risk the 2nd Amendment rights of many more’

Members of the Supreme Court sit for a new group portrait following the addition of Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, at the Supreme...
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Dan Bongino owns and destroys phony Bill O’Reilly

Bill O’Reilly has always been an absolute phony. Recall his softball Super Bowl interviews with Obama before he was fired from Fox News for all the sexual assault charges against The phony ass O’Reilly tried to attack Bongino for calling out

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US News

The Future of Christianity

Thumbnail credit: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Christianity is dying in the West. The religion that, for centuries, defined Europeans is increasingly becoming a Third-World religion. What does this mean

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America Needs a July Fourth Seder

Editor’s note: This piece from Dennis Prager was originally published in 2007. We at The Daily Signal thought Dennis’ idea was worth revisiting as we approach Independence Day 2024. Perhaps the major reason Jews have been able to keep their national

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Poland about to deploy mines on Russian borders

Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. NATO continues to escalate its conflict with the Russian Federation. In a recent statement, an important Polish member of Parliament and ex-minister stated that

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Trump Strategy Revealed

The nation witnessed what happened. With the Trump family leading the way, the Republican National Committee is taking steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Lara Trump is building an army of 100,000 poll watchers and training 500 lawyers in

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Trump Manages To Overcome Biden’s Cash Advantage

Former President Donald Trump raised enough funds in May to eliminate President Joe Biden’s long-standing cash advantage, as noted by the most recent campaign finance filings with the Federal Election Commission. According to reports, the Trump campaign and the Republican National

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Trump Judge THREATENED… He’s Been WARNED

The Republican Party is not very thrilled with Judge Juan Merchan right now. The man was already on thin ice, but when he gave out his jury instructions, well, that was the last straw. With sentencing awaiting and a ruling on

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Biden Campaign Breaking Campaign Finance Laws: REPORT

Some people are getting very suspicious about the Biden campaign circumventing campaign finance rules. This all got stirred up because of a recent report in Politico. If the sleuths are correct, the Biden campaign is purposely leaking information in the media

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The Debate Is COMING

The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop, and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden. Ep.1989 – – – 1️⃣ Click here to join the member-exclusive portion

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Cooper vetoes mask, campaign finance bill

Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed a bill Friday that he said would keep voters in the dark and allow anonymous out-of-state billionaires to flood North Carolina with campaign contributions to “extreme right-wing candidates.” H.B. 237, Various Criminal and Election Law Changes,

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Hungarian Ambassador Honoured by President of Poland

Hungarian Ambassador to Poland Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács has been awarded the Order of Polonia Restituta Commander’s Cross by President Andrzej Duda of Poland, the Hungarian diplomatic mission announced on Wednesday, 19 June. Ambassador Kovács has been serving as Hungary’s diplomatic envoy

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James Gallagher on California’s Prop 47

In an exclusive interview, California Republican Assembly leader James Gallagher divulged what state Democrats are doing to block Republicans Efforts to actually keep Californian’s safe, saying golden state Democrats are trying to insert their “poison pills” into public safety policies. Here’s

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