Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Sidewalks are Not “Pedestrian Ways” to Allow for Eminent Domain Seizures

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Sidewalks are Not “Pedestrian Ways” to Allow for Eminent Domain Seizures

In Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, a court informs the irascible character of Mr. Bumble that it assumes a level of control of his wife’s...
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Russia and Tanzania to boost air traffic

Russia and Tanzania to boost air traffic

A new transport agreement between Moscow and Dodoma aims to develop flight connections The press service of the Russian Ministry of Transport reported...
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Illegal Scum Confesses To Heinous Rape Of Underage Girl

Illegal Scum Confesses To Heinous Rape Of Underage Girl

A “migrant” (illegal) from Ecuador had his day in court today after raping a 13 year-old girl in broad daylight. Christian Geovannny Inga-Landy...
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Craig Hoy: Voting Conservative is voters’ best chance to save, and strengthen, Scotland’s vital oil and gas sector

Craig Hoy: Voting Conservative is voters’ best chance to save, and strengthen, Scotland’s vital oil and gas sector

Craig Hoy is the Chairman of the Scottish Conservatives, and MSP for the South of Scotland. Well, no one can say that the...
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Lies And Deceit Will Be Biden Legacy

Lies And Deceit Will Be Biden Legacy

We have talked about President Joe Biden freezing three times in the last two weeks. He went into a trance at the Juneteenth...
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West has plan to replace Zelensky – Russian intelligence

West has plan to replace Zelensky – Russian intelligence

Zelensky will be scapegoated for the Ukraine’s inevitable military defeat, the SVR agency predicts Vladimir Zelensky’s position is totally dependent on Western support,...
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The Road to Hell

The Road to Hell

It is 2010. The war in Iraq has been going on for 7 years now. Everyone knows that the war in Iraq can...
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International News

Russia and Tanzania to boost air traffic

A new transport agreement between Moscow and Dodoma aims to develop flight connections The press service of the Russian Ministry of Transport reported on Wednesday that an air transport agreement has been signed with Tanzania.  Russian Deputy Minister of Transport Vladimir

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Lies And Deceit Will Be Biden Legacy

We have talked about President Joe Biden freezing three times in the last two weeks. He went into a trance at the Juneteenth festival, surrounded by folks dancing and clapping, but not stoic Joe. He was frozen like a statue. In

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International News

West has plan to replace Zelensky – Russian intelligence

Zelensky will be scapegoated for the Ukraine’s inevitable military defeat, the SVR agency predicts Vladimir Zelensky’s position is totally dependent on Western support, but the US and its allies will sacrifice him without any qualms, the Russian foreign intelligence service (SVR)

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The Road to Hell

It is 2010. The war in Iraq has been going on for 7 years now. Everyone knows that the war in Iraq can no longer be won. American soldiers have virtually ceased patrolling, retreating to the Green Zone in Baghdad. The

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Big News: The Surgeon General Calls for a Warning Label on Social Media Dr. Murthy is right. The evidence of widespread harm to adolescents is now strong.Jon Haidt And Zach Rausch

https://www.afterbabel.com/subscribe?utm_source=email&utm_campaign=email-subscribe&r= The U.S. Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, has long been a leader on the youth mental health crisis. He wrote a book in 2020 on loneliness (Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World), and in 2023

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‘Conformity is the enemy of free speech’ Greg Lukianoff on the sad demise of America’s free-speech culture.

https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/06/19/conformity-is-the-enemy-of-free-speech/ The Gaza solidarity encampments that spread across US universities earlier this year showed that free speech is under threat from all sides. Intolerant ‘pro-Palestine’ students wanted to exclude Zionists, Jewish students and anyone not fully committed to their cause from

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International News

Western property could be seized – Moscow

Russia could target assets under its jurisdiction if the West confiscates the country’s frozen funds, the Foreign Ministry warns   Russia has a “wide arsenal” of political and economic countermeasures to respond to the potential confiscation of its sovereign assets, including

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US News

Ringside: Salmon Restoration Must Address Bass Predators

California News: Salmon. (Photo: adfg.alaska.gov) As reported in the Fresno Bee earlier this week, “More than 20,000 San Joaquin Valley residents could be left high and dry, literally, by Sacramento politicians intent on using $17.5 million that had paid for water trucked to

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Flaws Present at the Creation

NATO Flaws Present at the Creation Americans have been exhorting Europeans to do more for NATO since 1949. The need is more pressing than ever. On April 11, 1949, the “National Affairs” section of TIME led with a story titled “A

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Eco-vandals Came to Stonehenge. They Won’t Stop There By Andrew Follett

https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/06/eco-vandals-came-to-stonehenge-they-wont-stop-there/ Environmental stewardship may be a laudable goal, but some radical environmentalists believe their ends justify extreme, damaging means. Eco-vandals are at it again in England, having launched an attack on the priceless ancient historical site Stonehenge. Two activists from the

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Biden Quip Exposes His Ties to Compliant Press

Brad Slager writes at Townhall.com about media efforts to bolster President Biden’s flagging re-election bid. As the election season churns ahead, it is becoming more obvious the Democrats, and the campaign officials, are facing a mounting challenge. The reality is Joe

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Democrats Downplay Trump’s Support Among Black Voters

Rusty Weiss writes for RedState.com about a potential electoral problem for Democrats this fall. Top supporters of President Biden are fighting back against reports and polling numbers that show Donald Trump drawing unprecedented interest from black voters. It’s a desperate attempt

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SADOW: Landry Regents Picks, Agenda to Shape Policy

While conservatives aren’t wrong in expressing concern over some of Republican Gov. Jeff Landry’s appointments to the Louisiana State University Board of Supervisors, understand that in policy terms that it does little injury to their cause. Last week, after a June

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Elias Meddles in Nevada’s Election Integrity Efforts

M.D. Kittle writes for the Federalist about the latest dubious actions from Democratic election operative Marc Elias. Bogus Russian dossier peddler and Democrat Party problem fixer Marc Elias has again injected himself into a key election integrity case to “defend the

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Biden Administration Seeks to Silence Consensus Civil Society Organizations in Israel by Naomi Linder Kahn

https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20712/biden-administration-seeks-to-silence-consensus The letter provides irrefutable evidence and undeniable testimony that the humanitarian aid provided to Gaza, ostensibly to the civilian population, is invariably commandeered by Hamas: The letter cites statements to this effect by the US embassy in Israel, the US

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Bashing Biden’s ‘Lawless Mass Amnesty’

Editors at National Review Online critique President Biden’s latest immigration policy mistake. Introducing his latest “immigration relief” policy at the White House, … President Biden told the assembled crowd that the changes he was making had been considered by Congress and

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COVID Lab-Leak Theory Gets Boost from Expert

James Lynch writes for National Review Online about an interesting development in the search for COVID-19’s origin. An independent scientist and accomplished businessman delivered testimony before the Senate Tuesday morning going into detail on why he believes the coronavirus originated from

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Harvard Accuses Its Jews of Being Unreasonable New court filing from Wilmer Hale also misleads judge about Sidechat Ira Stoll

https://www.theeditors.com/subscribe?utm_source=email&utm_campaign=email- A new court filing by the eight lawyers Harvard is paying to defend the university from student complaints of antisemitism says the Jewish students were being unreasonable when they feared violence at the hands of anti-Israel protesters on campus. A federal

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 20, 2024

  Source : https://theusmilitarynews.com/ Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much!   Join

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BUSTED: FBI PLANTED Evidence On Trump⚠️

If you thought that the FBI’s behavior dealing with Whitey Bulger and Candidate Trump were outliers … you would be wrong. It should come as no surprise that the federal agency that was run under the iron fist of J Edgar

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⚠️ Zuckerberg Finally Confesses!

Syndicated with permission via Valiant News| Gabriel Keane| ICYMI| Facebook parent company Meta platforms Inc. will begin mass layoffs on Wednesday, CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed during a meeting today. The Wall Street Journal reported that a “downcast” Zuckerberg admitted to hundreds

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Joy Reid Has a Hissy Fit Over “White Boy Summer”

MSNBC host Joy Reid had a hissy fit over the phrase “White Boy Summer,” claiming that it represented “an explicit white supremacist message” and asserting that it was “no longer funny”. Reid was triggered by Jack Posobiec appearing at the TPUSA

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Joy Reid Has a Hissy Fit Over “White Boy Summer”

MSNBC host Joy Reid had a hissy fit over the phrase “White Boy Summer,” claiming that it represented “an explicit white supremacist message” and asserting that it was “no longer funny”. Reid was triggered by Jack Posobiec appearing at the TPUSA

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Ford Foundation Sends Millions to Organizations That Have Celebrated Oct. 7 Terrorist Attacks Owen Tilman

https://freebeacon.com/israel/ford-foundation-sends-millions-to-organizations-that-have-celebrated-oct-7-terrorist-attacks/ Shortly after Oct. 7, the president of the Ford Foundation, Darren Walker, issued a statement on the foundation’s behalf. Walker, who has been lauded by Laurene Powell Jobs as an “optimist,” a “realist,” and a “prophet who speaks truth to

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Deadly blast rocks military ammunition depot in Chad

At least nine people were killed and dozens injured in an explosion on Tuesday night in N’Djamena, authorities have said An explosion at a military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital, N’Djamena, has killed at least nine people and injured more than

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