Democrats Downplay Trump’s Support Among Black Voters

Democrats Downplay Trump’s Support Among Black Voters

Rusty Weiss writes for about a potential electoral problem for Democrats this fall. Top supporters of President Biden are fighting back against...
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Powerful Documentary “Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story”

Powerful Documentary “Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story”

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPHThis heartbreaking experience has galvanized Clover's commitment to filmmaking and producing "Do No Harm." Through the "Do No...
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Law Allowing the Scanning of Encrypted Text Messages Heads to Final Vote

Law Allowing the Scanning of Encrypted Text Messages Heads to Final Vote

The European Union ( EU ) is moving closer to adopting new regulations that would require the bulk scanning of digital messages, including...
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Transgender Murder Suspect Apprehended After Deadly Shootings

Transgender Murder Suspect Apprehended After Deadly Shootings

A transgender person with the same last name as two people killed during a shooting in Tooele County was arrested by police. The...
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SADOW: Landry Regents Picks, Agenda to Shape Policy

SADOW: Landry Regents Picks, Agenda to Shape Policy

While conservatives aren’t wrong in expressing concern over some of Republican Gov. Jeff Landry’s appointments to the Louisiana State University Board of Supervisors,...
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Elias Meddles in Nevada’s Election Integrity Efforts

Elias Meddles in Nevada’s Election Integrity Efforts

M.D. Kittle writes for the Federalist about the latest dubious actions from Democratic election operative Marc Elias. Bogus Russian dossier peddler and Democrat...
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Republican Governor Jeff Landry Requires Ten Commandments Be Shown In All Classrooms

Republican Governor Jeff Landry Requires Ten Commandments Be Shown In All Classrooms

This week Louisiana became the first state in the country to require every public classroom to have a copy of the Ten Commandments....
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Democrats Downplay Trump’s Support Among Black Voters

Rusty Weiss writes for about a potential electoral problem for Democrats this fall. Top supporters of President Biden are fighting back against reports and polling numbers that show Donald Trump drawing unprecedented interest from black voters. It’s a desperate attempt

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SADOW: Landry Regents Picks, Agenda to Shape Policy

While conservatives aren’t wrong in expressing concern over some of Republican Gov. Jeff Landry’s appointments to the Louisiana State University Board of Supervisors, understand that in policy terms that it does little injury to their cause. Last week, after a June

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Elias Meddles in Nevada’s Election Integrity Efforts

M.D. Kittle writes for the Federalist about the latest dubious actions from Democratic election operative Marc Elias. Bogus Russian dossier peddler and Democrat Party problem fixer Marc Elias has again injected himself into a key election integrity case to “defend the

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Biden Administration Seeks to Silence Consensus Civil Society Organizations in Israel by Naomi Linder Kahn The letter provides irrefutable evidence and undeniable testimony that the humanitarian aid provided to Gaza, ostensibly to the civilian population, is invariably commandeered by Hamas: The letter cites statements to this effect by the US embassy in Israel, the US

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Bashing Biden’s ‘Lawless Mass Amnesty’

Editors at National Review Online critique President Biden’s latest immigration policy mistake. Introducing his latest “immigration relief” policy at the White House, … President Biden told the assembled crowd that the changes he was making had been considered by Congress and

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COVID Lab-Leak Theory Gets Boost from Expert

James Lynch writes for National Review Online about an interesting development in the search for COVID-19’s origin. An independent scientist and accomplished businessman delivered testimony before the Senate Tuesday morning going into detail on why he believes the coronavirus originated from

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Harvard Accuses Its Jews of Being Unreasonable New court filing from Wilmer Hale also misleads judge about Sidechat Ira Stoll A new court filing by the eight lawyers Harvard is paying to defend the university from student complaints of antisemitism says the Jewish students were being unreasonable when they feared violence at the hands of anti-Israel protesters on campus. A federal

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 20, 2024

  Source : Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much!   Join

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BUSTED: FBI PLANTED Evidence On Trump⚠️

If you thought that the FBI’s behavior dealing with Whitey Bulger and Candidate Trump were outliers … you would be wrong. It should come as no surprise that the federal agency that was run under the iron fist of J Edgar

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⚠️ Zuckerberg Finally Confesses!

Syndicated with permission via Valiant News| Gabriel Keane| ICYMI| Facebook parent company Meta platforms Inc. will begin mass layoffs on Wednesday, CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed during a meeting today. The Wall Street Journal reported that a “downcast” Zuckerberg admitted to hundreds

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Joy Reid Has a Hissy Fit Over “White Boy Summer”

MSNBC host Joy Reid had a hissy fit over the phrase “White Boy Summer,” claiming that it represented “an explicit white supremacist message” and asserting that it was “no longer funny”. Reid was triggered by Jack Posobiec appearing at the TPUSA

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Joy Reid Has a Hissy Fit Over “White Boy Summer”

MSNBC host Joy Reid had a hissy fit over the phrase “White Boy Summer,” claiming that it represented “an explicit white supremacist message” and asserting that it was “no longer funny”. Reid was triggered by Jack Posobiec appearing at the TPUSA

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Ford Foundation Sends Millions to Organizations That Have Celebrated Oct. 7 Terrorist Attacks Owen Tilman Shortly after Oct. 7, the president of the Ford Foundation, Darren Walker, issued a statement on the foundation’s behalf. Walker, who has been lauded by Laurene Powell Jobs as an “optimist,” a “realist,” and a “prophet who speaks truth to

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Deadly blast rocks military ammunition depot in Chad

At least nine people were killed and dozens injured in an explosion on Tuesday night in N’Djamena, authorities have said An explosion at a military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital, N’Djamena, has killed at least nine people and injured more than

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Biden’s Immigration Policy: Disaster By Design, Not By Accident Joe Biden is very clearly in the running to be the worst U.S. president ever. To understand why that’s true, you need only look at the Democrat’s refusal to protect the integrity of our borders. It’s almost as if he

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Was Legalizing Weed a Mistake? A Debate.

It’s been a little over a decade since cannabis was first legalized recreationally in the United States. As of today, recreational weed is legal in 24 states and the District of Columbia, and Americans have never been more pro-weed. In a

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