‘Blatantly unconstitutional’: Ten Commandments forced to be displayed in every public school classroom under new Louisiana law

‘Blatantly unconstitutional’: Ten Commandments forced to be displayed in every public school classroom under new Louisiana law

Workers remove a monument bearing the Ten Commandments outside West Union High School, Monday, June 9, 2003, in West Union, Ohio. Louisiana has...
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Biden adviser flat-out denies voter poll favoring mass deportations: ‘I’d love to sit down with your polling team’

Biden adviser flat-out denies voter poll favoring mass deportations: ‘I’d love to sit down with your polling team’

Tom Perez, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, dismissed voters’ opinions in favor of mass deportation of illegal migrants. The senior...
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Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston

Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston

Exposing The Darkness is a reader-supported publication. To support my work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.One-time or recurring donations can be made...
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WTI Extends Gains After Surprise Crude Inventory Draw; Pump-Prices Set To Soar

WTI Extends Gains After Surprise Crude Inventory Draw; Pump-Prices Set To Soar

WTI Extends Gains After Surprise Crude Inventory Draw; Pump-Prices Set To Soar Oil prices continue to extend their gains as "price-supportive rhetoric" from...
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Covid Vaccines Cause Blood Clots in Brain — New Study

Covid Vaccines Cause Blood Clots in Brain — New Study

This article originally appeared on Infowars and was republished with permission. Guest post by Sean Miller A preprint study published today and coauthored by Dr. Peter McCullough described how...
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Gaza aid pier could be dismantled – NYT

Gaza aid pier could be dismantled – NYT

The US-built temporary floating dock could be taken apart early in July after being mostly inoperative, according to the newspaper The floating pier...
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BBC’s “Unprecedented” Heatwave in India

BBC’s “Unprecedented” Heatwave in India

By Paul Homewood Yet another heatwave fraud from the BBC:     In one of the largest hospitals in India’s capital, Delhi, a...
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Covid Vaccines Cause Blood Clots in Brain — New Study

This article originally appeared on Infowars and was republished with permission. Guest post by Sean Miller A preprint study published today and coauthored by Dr. Peter McCullough described how the Covid vaccination has a much greater risk of causing blood clots in the brain verses the Influenza

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International News

Gaza aid pier could be dismantled – NYT

The US-built temporary floating dock could be taken apart early in July after being mostly inoperative, according to the newspaper The floating pier built by the US to bring more humanitarian aid into Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas war could be dismantled

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BBC’s “Unprecedented” Heatwave in India

By Paul Homewood Yet another heatwave fraud from the BBC:     In one of the largest hospitals in India’s capital, Delhi, a physician says he has never seen anything like this before. “This is an unprecedented heatwave. In my 13

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RFK Jr. Expected to Fall Short of CNN Debate Threshold

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is unlikely to meet the strict requirements set by CNN to participate in next week’s debate with former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden. Kennedy is projected to fall short of CNN’s

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The number of migrants flocking to the US-Mexico border from a country known as a hotbed of ISIS recruitment has skyrocketed under President Biden. More than 1,500 migrants from Tajikistan are known to have crossed the border between October 2020 and

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Hindus Learn Quickly

Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey celebrate Taral Patel’s arrest for posting fake “hate” and blaming his political opponent for it. They also discuss immigration dereliction, white secession, and insanity in Hennepin County. Subscribe to Radio Renaissance podcasts on Substack here. Subscribe on

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Politics Is Not Downstream From Culture

Sometimes someone says something that sounds so true that it becomes a maxim, and the maxim gets repeated so many times that no one stops to ask how true it actually is. This is what happened to Andrew Breitbart’s “Politics is

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Cartoon: Killing The Republic

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher level resolution version. The post Cartoon: Killing The Republic appeared first on Daily Torch. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Daily Torch This content is courtesy of, and

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National Debt Skyrockets to Over $100,000 Per American

The U.S. national debt has surged to unprecedented levels, now exceeding $34 trillion. This translates to more than $100,000 for every American, highlighting the immense fiscal burden the country faces. As of mid-2024, the debt per capita stands at approximately $101,591,

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YourINT SITREP (20 JUN 2024)

China Coast Guard Impounds Philippine Navy Boats, Seizes Firearms in Latest Second Thomas Shoal Incident How China could seize Taiwan and spark WW3 House ramps up China crackdown over fentanyl trade A user’s guide to Trudeau’s illicit affair with China’s Communists

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International News

Russia fears a NATO attack. Here’s why.

As its Ukrainian proxy faces defeat, the US-led bloc is becoming increasingly reckless. Where will this hubris lead us? The possibility of a trans-European war is closer today than at any time since the mid-20th century. Western analysts discuss various scenarios

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Scott Ritter: The Zionist Experiment Is Finished

From a strictly theological perspective—a theological perspective that is founded upon Christ’s New Covenant (NOT the false doctrines of premillennial dispensationalism)—it is an absolute certainty that Zionism (Christian or Jewish) is a devilish counterfeit designed to first deceive and second to

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International News

French PM warns election could affect support for Ukraine

Gabriel Attal has claimed that the right-wing National Rally could make sweeping changes to the country’s foreign policy French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has warned that the right-wing National Rally could make “very serious changes” to the country’s position on both

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The Whys of Home Ownership

This post The Whys of Home Ownership appeared first on Daily Reckoning. Many financial commentators, including my esteemed colleague, James Altucher, poopoo the idea of owning a home. They have good reasons to do so. Homeownership has become exceptionally expensive in

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The Whys of Home Ownership

This post The Whys of Home Ownership appeared first on Daily Reckoning. Many financial commentators, including my esteemed colleague, James Altucher, poopoo the idea of owning a home. They have good reasons to do so. Homeownership has become exceptionally expensive in

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