Watchman: Anyone Who’s Been Paying Attention Since 2020 Knows PCR Tests Don’t Gather Data, They Create Data. They Are Machines for Generating “Cases”. Far From Preventing a Plandemic a.k.a. Pandemic, They Can Be Used to Manufacture One

Watchman: Anyone Who’s Been Paying Attention Since 2020 Knows PCR Tests Don’t Gather Data, They Create Data. They Are Machines for Generating “Cases”. Far From Preventing a Plandemic a.k.a. Pandemic, They Can Be Used to Manufacture One

HNewsWire: Source: ZeroHedge Authored by Kit Knightly via Off-Guardian,org, Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of Bird Flu Digest, formerly known...
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French Army demos MBDA’s AI-powered anti-armor add-on, new cruise missile

French Army demos MBDA’s AI-powered anti-armor add-on, new cruise missile

A promotional video from MBDA published June 27, 2024 shows an artist’s concept of how its Ground Warden system would work. (MBDA via...
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New Reports Reveal Five Eyes’ Surge in Biometric Data Collection

New Reports Reveal Five Eyes’ Surge in Biometric Data Collection

If you're tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net. Big Brother might be always “watching you”...
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When China Wired Money To Joe’s House

When China Wired Money To Joe’s House

When Hunter Biden got wire transfers from China, they went to Joe Biden’s address. In the summer of 2019, while Joe Biden was...
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Rep. Matt Gaetz shaking things up with a bold move on birthright citizenship. Time for popcorn and intense debates! #news
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Expert: Covid Shots Are Bioweapons, Not Vaccines

Expert: Covid Shots Are Bioweapons, Not Vaccines

by Frank Bergman Celebrated virology expert Dr. David Martin has warned the public that Covid mRNA shots are, in fact, bioweapons, and not...
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Fed-Up With Dog Feces In Her Yard, Woman Gets Perfect Revenge

Fed-Up With Dog Feces In Her Yard, Woman Gets Perfect Revenge

There are some things we should all be able to agree are just downright rude, like letting your dog defecate on someone else’s...
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Watchman: Anyone Who’s Been Paying Attention Since 2020 Knows PCR Tests Don’t Gather Data, They Create Data. They Are Machines for Generating “Cases”. Far From Preventing a Plandemic a.k.a. Pandemic, They Can Be Used to Manufacture One

HNewsWire: Source: ZeroHedge Authored by Kit Knightly via Off-Guardian,org, Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of Bird Flu Digest, formerly known as OffGuardian… The wall-to-wall coverage of Bird Flu is getting wallier-to-wallier with each passing week, to the point

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When China Wired Money To Joe’s House

When Hunter Biden got wire transfers from China, they went to Joe Biden’s address. In the summer of 2019, while Joe Biden was running for president, the money was rolling into Delaware from Communist China. This was the same Wilmington house

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Rep. Matt Gaetz shaking things up with a bold move on birthright citizenship. Time for popcorn and intense debates! #news

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Expert: Covid Shots Are Bioweapons, Not Vaccines

by Frank Bergman Celebrated virology expert Dr. David Martin has warned the public that Covid mRNA shots are, in fact, bioweapons, and not “vaccines” as they’ve been led to believe. In a new interview, Dr. Martin explains why the injections do

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Brian Has a Visit with Natasha Owens

About Natasha Owens “There’s something intrinsic about humanity and a survival instinct. Most of us will do whatever we can to keep our head above water, to take one more breath in and out…to keep breathing and keep our heart beating.

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A Vision for a New NATO

NATO A Vision for a New NATO Expansion was a misstep, but the situation is not unsalvageable—history offers clues to a better way. On an unusually cloudy July day in London in 1990, the heads of state and government at the

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The wisdom of Janan Ganesh

Janan Ganesh is probably my favorite news commentator.  In a recent column, he pushes back at the widespread belief that the global rise of the hard right is a reaction to neoliberalism: Rightwing populism is ascendant in France, which might be

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Fire extinguished at Carrie Underwood’s Tennessee home

The garage at Carrie Underwood’s home in Tennessee caught fire Sunday night, prompting a significant response from the local fire department. Williamson County firefighters extinguished the blaze before it spread into the house, the county fire department said in a Facebook post. All four people

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Why is Media Pushing the COVID Shot – in 2024?

California News: “Another COVID vaccine? Yes, and here’s why,” reads the headline from the San Jose Mercury News. This headline is not from 2021 – it was reported last week…. not long after the mainstream media proclaimed no positive COVID tests

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Biden Rubs His Forehead On Pope Francis In Bizarre Moment

President Joe Biden’s recent encounters, including an awkward moment with Pope Francis and other peculiar incidents, have raised concerns about his behavior. Biden’s attempt to touch the Pope’s head left the pontiff visibly uncomfortable, adding to a series of unusual episodes

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