NYC Migrant Hotel EXPOSED By Whistleblower! “5 Floors, No Electricity!”
Iran’s Sham Elections and the Rise of a Military Junta: A Threat to US Interests

Iran’s Sham Elections and the Rise of a Military Junta: A Threat to US Interests

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks during a meeting with a group of students in Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2, 2022. Photo: Office...
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Bird Flu: The Evil Twins’ Next Assault Wave Against Humanity

Bird Flu: The Evil Twins’ Next Assault Wave Against Humanity

Technocracy and Transhumanism joined at the hip like Siamese twins, are the axis of evil who have declared war on humanity. Phase two...
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Biden’s EPA faces lawsuit over new emission standards: ‘Forcing a switch’

Biden’s EPA faces lawsuit over new emission standards: ‘Forcing a switch’

The American Petroleum Institute, along with a coalition of energy and trucking groups, recently filed lawsuits against the Biden administration's Environmental Protection Agency...
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Massachusetts 911 outage Tuesday caused by security glitch, officials say

Massachusetts 911 outage Tuesday caused by security glitch, officials say

The statewide 911 outage on Tuesday was caused by a firewall security system built into the emergency notification network, according to a preliminary...
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Biden’s Lost-and-Found Saga Fills the Virtual Space

Biden’s Lost-and-Found Saga Fills the Virtual Space

Leave it to poor old Joe Biden to get lost and to his handlers to find and redirect him. The past week showed...
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US Lawmakers Demand Columbia Administrators Hand Over Texts Mocking Testimonies of Campus Antisemitism

US Lawmakers Demand Columbia Administrators Hand Over Texts Mocking Testimonies of Campus Antisemitism

The “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” at Columbia University, located in the Manhattan borough of New York City, on April 25, 2024. Photo: Reuters Connect...
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Brian Has a Visit with Natasha Owens

About Natasha Owens “There’s something intrinsic about humanity and a survival instinct. Most of us will do whatever we can to keep our head above water, to take one more breath in and out…to keep breathing and keep our heart beating.

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A Vision for a New NATO

NATO A Vision for a New NATO Expansion was a misstep, but the situation is not unsalvageable—history offers clues to a better way. On an unusually cloudy July day in London in 1990, the heads of state and government at the

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The wisdom of Janan Ganesh

Janan Ganesh is probably my favorite news commentator.  In a recent column, he pushes back at the widespread belief that the global rise of the hard right is a reaction to neoliberalism: Rightwing populism is ascendant in France, which might be

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Fire extinguished at Carrie Underwood’s Tennessee home

The garage at Carrie Underwood’s home in Tennessee caught fire Sunday night, prompting a significant response from the local fire department. Williamson County firefighters extinguished the blaze before it spread into the house, the county fire department said in a Facebook post. All four people

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Why is Media Pushing the COVID Shot – in 2024?

California News: “Another COVID vaccine? Yes, and here’s why,” reads the headline from the San Jose Mercury News. This headline is not from 2021 – it was reported last week…. not long after the mainstream media proclaimed no positive COVID tests

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Biden Rubs His Forehead On Pope Francis In Bizarre Moment

President Joe Biden’s recent encounters, including an awkward moment with Pope Francis and other peculiar incidents, have raised concerns about his behavior. Biden’s attempt to touch the Pope’s head left the pontiff visibly uncomfortable, adding to a series of unusual episodes

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‘Law And Order’ Actor Passes Away

Acclaimed actor Tony Lo Bianco, known for his role in “The French Connection,” passed away at 87 after battling prostate cancer. His career spanned decades in both film and theater, with memorable roles reflecting his Italian-American heritage. Lo Bianco’s portrayal in

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New Poll Crushes Kamala Harris’ Wildest Dreams

Recent polls indicate that Vice President Kamala Harris faces challenges in potential presidential aspirations as Americans prefer President Joe Biden over her. Despite Biden’s own unpopularity, he garners more enthusiasm from voters compared to Harris in a hypothetical matchup against Donald

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The strange and difficult case of Larry Hogan for Senate

Larry Hogan’s (R-Md.) latest Senate campaign ad takes aim at former President Donald Trump, signals friendship with Republican liberals, brags about his COVID response as governor, and might be completely necessary to win. In the 31-second ad, the popular former governor

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A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump. Ep.1987 – – – 1️⃣ Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my

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“Health Ranger” Mike Adams Joins Bradlee Dean LIVE

“Lawsuit Against Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department Of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD & Others For Globally-Coordinated Government-Funded Censorship Collusion” This week, the Health Ranger Mike Adams joined The Sons of Liberty Radio and Bradlee Dean to cover his

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Digibyte 2025 Price Predictions: Trends And Insights

As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, investors are increasingly curious about the future prospects of various digital assets. Digibyte, known for its strong security features and decentralized nature, has garnered significant attention. Looking ahead to 2025, many wonder what the

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