Trump mocks WH excuse on Biden videos, said Obama led him ‘off stage as though he were a child’

Trump mocks WH excuse on Biden videos, said Obama led him ‘off stage as though he were a child’

While the White House made excuses, former President Donald Trump tore into the recent “humiliating” optics of his successor with an added dig...
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Biden appears to have another freeze up at White House event. Is this a ‘deep-fake’ too?

Biden appears to have another freeze up at White House event. Is this a ‘deep-fake’ too?

President Biden had yet another moment where he appeared to “short circuit” at a public event. This latest incident throws gasoline on what...
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Legal experts say gag order in Trump case is ‘untethered’ to ‘rationale’ after court order

Legal experts say gag order in Trump case is ‘untethered’ to ‘rationale’ after court order

Judge Juan Merhcan has refused to lift the gag order on Donald Trump and supporters of the former president – and the Constitution...
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Maddow claims Biden made US ‘the envy of the world,’ calls Supreme Court ‘flagrantly corrupt’

Maddow claims Biden made US ‘the envy of the world,’ calls Supreme Court ‘flagrantly corrupt’

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow took aim at the “flagrantly corrupt” Supreme Court, bringing the Democrat war on the only branch of government they don’t...
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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 19, 2024

Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 19, 2024

  Source : Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social...
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AOC puts her clout on the line in bid to save Jamaal Bowman’s hide

AOC puts her clout on the line in bid to save Jamaal Bowman’s hide

The power of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to influence elections will be put to the test next week when one of her “Squad”...
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Juneteenth and Why Jan. 1 Might Even Better Day to Celebrate End of Slavery, With Carol Swain

Juneteenth and Why Jan. 1 Might Even Better Day to Celebrate End of Slavery, With Carol Swain

On June 19, 1865, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, slaves in Galveston Bay, Texas learned they were free.  In 2021,...
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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 19, 2024

  Source : Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much!   Join

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Australia’s ‘Covid Honour Roll’ is Absurd

In Australia, you can preside over human rights abuses, you can run the healthcare system into the ground, you can authorise police violence on citizens, you can blow millions-to-billions on cancelled infrastructure projects, and you can name-call from the bully pulpit…and

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Conservatives Must Keep Up Pressure on Higher Ed To Stop DEI By Eric Kaufmann Pressure from Republican politicians and conservative donors is beginning to cause Harvard, MIT, and other elite institutions to grudgingly step back from progressive illiberalism. Consider Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) and Representative Michael Cloud’s (R-Tex.) new Dismantle DEI Act, which would

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Doug Burgum on VP speculations: I’m focused on Trump winning in November

Republican North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum joins ‘Hannity’ after insiders report he is former President Trump’s leading vice presidential contender. #foxnews Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX News Channel

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Science and Technology

US approves sale of hundreds of one-way attack drone to Taiwan

AeroVironment’s Switchblade launcher sits on display at AUSA 2023. (Tim Martin / Breaking Defense) EUROSATORY 2024 — The US State Department today approved the potential sale to Taiwan of approximately $360 million-worth of drones capable of one-way attack. In separate announcements,

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My First Job, at the Stanford Internet Observatory

Like a zillion other bright-eyed Stanford undergrads, I was drawn to work at a place that promised I’d “learn about the abuse of the internet in real time,” writes Julia Steinberg. (Photo by David Madison/Getty Images) The Stanford Internet Observatory—a research

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The media’s great awokening is alienating the masses Audiences are fed up with newspapers, Hollywood and Big Tech all singing from the same woke hymn sheet. Joel Kotkin When I was a cub reporter working at the Washington Post a half-century ago, being a journalist was first and foremost a craft. I once tried to slip my opinion into an article, but my editor wrote on the copy

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Blaze News original: Understanding hell — Part III

Hell has long had a hold on the Western imagination. Middle Age scribes rendered depictions of hell strikingly similar both to those painted centuries later by Renaissance greats and to those photoshopped nearly a millennium later by keyboard-bound game designers. It

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Lawrence Kadish: The Russians are Coming The Russians are coming. Again. In a dramatic reminder that the Russians are seeking to intimidate the White House and launch a second chapter of the Cold War, a Russian nuclear-powered submarine, along with an accompanying flotilla of warships, recently

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Bob Good Primary Battle Headed to Recount

Rep. Bob Good (R-VA), the Freedom Caucus chairman, appeared to have lost his Tuesday primary race to the Trump-backed Virginia State Sen. John McGuire by half a percent, or 327 votes, with 98 percent of the vote counted. While McGuire claimed

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Our Intel Agencies Celebrate Pride by Prioritizing Nail Painting Over National Security We are officially a fundamentally unserious nation. by Mark Tapson Under the Biden administration, America has taken many wrong turns, but what may prove to be one of the most consequential is quite simply the fact that we are becoming a fundamentally unserious nation, one that is throwing away its

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RINO Report Card for 2024

The New Hampshire General Court (i.e. our legislature) has finished its work for this year (except for a veto override session in the Fall). I have crunched the numbers – i.e. the voting records of 2024 – to determine objectively which

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Christopher Rufo: The Murky Business of Transgender Medicine Did Texas Children’s Hospital commit fraud to pay for child sex-change procedures? Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Ruth King This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered

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http://( WASHINGTON, D.C. — Many Americans are unaware that terror attacks, like the October 7 massacre of Israelis, are committed every few days in Africa against innocent Christians and moderate Muslims. In Nigeria, Sudan, and other African nations, Islamists routinely converge upon

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Israel Embodies the Tension at the Heart of the West By Natan Ehrenreich Alongside high-tech marvels, a love of ancient traditions El Al Airlines, the flagship carrier of the State of Israel, is the only commercial airline in the world that equips its fleet with anti-missile-defense systems. At times, that might have seemed

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Biden’s Border Orders Make Problems Worse

John Daniel Davidson of the Federalist questions President Biden’s approach toward the southern border. Earlier this month, President Joe Biden issued an executive order on immigration that was designed to give the appearance that his administration was cracking down on illegal

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Analyzing the ‘Science’ Behind Fauci’s Claims

Gabrielle Etzel writes for the Washington Examiner about the lingering effects of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s questionable COVID guidance. The legacy of Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has come under new scrutiny more

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Amnesties All the Way Down By Mark Krikorian The amnesty the White House announced today is simply the latest — and maybe not even the largest — of its many unilateral decrees legalizing and/or letting into the country individuals who have no right to be in the United

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Microaggressions Could Cost Oregon Doctors’ Licenses

Peter Hasson writes for the Washington Free Beacon about another disturbing development on the left coast. “America is the land of opportunity.” “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.” “America is a melting pot.” Those are examples of

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Microaggressions Could Cost Oregon Doctors’ Licenses

Peter Hasson writes for the Washington Free Beacon about another disturbing development on the left coast. “America is the land of opportunity.” “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.” “America is a melting pot.” Those are examples of

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Support for Vance’s Anti-DEI Bill

Editors at National Review Online tout a new congressional effort targeting diversity, equity, and inclusion measures. Last week, Senator J. D. Vance and Representative Michael Cloud introduced the Dismantle DEI Act. It immediately attracted 20 cosponsors in Congress. We hope the

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