Infant Formula | Study: All Samples Contaminated With Heavy Metals

Infant Formula | Study: All Samples Contaminated With Heavy Metals

Killing Babies with Infant FormulaPaulCraigRoberts.orgDr. Joseph Mercola | The “breast versus bottle” debate has long divided concerned parents who only want the...
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Infant Formula | Study: All Samples Contaminated With Heavy Metals

Infant Formula | Study: All Samples Contaminated With Heavy Metals

Killing Babies with Infant FormulaPaulCraigRoberts.orgDr. Joseph Mercola | The “breast versus bottle” debate has long divided concerned parents who only want the...
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X22 Report : D’s Have Lost Their Base, Secret Plan To Take Biden Out, Elections Are Safeguarded

X22 Report : D’s Have Lost Their Base, Secret Plan To Take Biden Out, Elections Are Safeguarded

Source : X22 Report Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social...
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X22 Report : Gov Pushed EV’s, Now They Are Going Bankrupt, [JB] Ready To Drain SPR, Rate Cut

X22 Report : Gov Pushed EV’s, Now They Are Going Bankrupt, [JB] Ready To Drain SPR, Rate Cut

Source : X22 Report Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social...
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CNN Analyst Calls Biden Amnesty ‘Political Panic,’ Asks Why Did He Cancel All of Trump’s Immigration Orders’ in Scathing Critique

CNN Analyst Calls Biden Amnesty ‘Political Panic,’ Asks Why Did He Cancel All of Trump’s Immigration Orders’ in Scathing Critique

In a surprising turn of events, CNN’s senior political commentator, Scott Jennings, has fiercely criticized President Joe Biden’s recent amnesty plan, questioning the...
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Biden’s Brain Malfunctions as He Announces MASS AMNESTY for Illegals Before Election

Biden’s Brain Malfunctions as He Announces MASS AMNESTY for Illegals Before Election

Joe Biden on Tuesday announced mass amnesty for at least 500,000 illegal aliens (the number is likely much higher). According to Trump advisor...
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House GOP Introduces Resolution Calling J6 Committee ‘Illegitimate,” Moves To Nullify Charges Against Bannon and Navarro

House GOP Introduces Resolution Calling J6 Committee ‘Illegitimate,” Moves To Nullify Charges Against Bannon and Navarro

In a bold move to challenge the actions of the now-defunct January 6th Committee, a group of conservative House Republicans, including Reps. Eric...
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US News

CNN Analyst Calls Biden Amnesty ‘Political Panic,’ Asks Why Did He Cancel All of Trump’s Immigration Orders’ in Scathing Critique

In a surprising turn of events, CNN’s senior political commentator, Scott Jennings, has fiercely criticized President Joe Biden’s recent amnesty plan, questioning the administration’s motives and decision-making process. Jennings’ comments have sparked debate within the political sphere, particularly given CNN’s reputation

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Some Thoughts on Americans for Prosperity.

Many non-Dems* are at least somewhat familiar with Americans for Prosperity(AFP), which Ed Mosca refers to in his rightful disparaging of “Koch-bots” within the GOP.  I leave it to the readers to bring themselves up to speed on the Koch brothers

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US News

Don’t use science to battle insane trans ideology

Who thought at the time about the far-reaching implication of Bill Clinton’s statement, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”? He apparently thought he knew what a woman “is,” but today legal authorities, even Supreme Court justices,

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‘Humiliating Our Country’

Donald Trump defended the media after the White House claimed videos of President Joe Biden freezing are “deceptively edited.” The former president decried Biden, 81, for “humiliating” the U.S. on the world stage after a series of awkward interactions during international

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Should the Bible influence public policy?

How much influence, if any, should the Bible have on American public policy? There is a wide divergence in the answer to that question, depending on who is asked. Last week, Pew Research Center reported on such differences. They write about

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Blocking Biden’s trans madness in schools

In the last week, four different federal courts independently arrived at the same conclusion: Biden’s policy to impose his transgender ideology on public schools is unlawful. Biden insists, beginning with the upcoming school year, that every public school in America open

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Law & Crime

‘Moments when you’re gonna be vulnerable’: Trump supporter admits to leaving threatening voicemails for Fani Willis and Fulton County sheriff over 45th president’s mug shot

Left: Donald Trump’s Fulton County Jail mug shot (Fulton County Sheriff’s Office); Right: Fulton County DA Fani Willis (AP Photo/John Bazemore, File) An Alabama man has pleaded guilty to making threats against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis over her racketeering

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Online Weight Loss Scams See 200% Rise

( – The latest figures from the CDC confirm that one in five adults suffers from obesity. Twenty-two states have an adult obesity prevalence rate of at least 35%. Understandably, people want to look better, feel healthier, and seek quick ways

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US News

Obama’s next puppet

Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: WND Comics This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered by

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US News

Debate liabilities

Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: WND Comics This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered by

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International News

Who will win a post-heroic war?

Neither the West not its enemies are prepared to fightSome 30 years ago, I coined the phrase “post-heroic warfare” to acknowledge a new phenomenon: the very sharp reduction in the tolerance of war casualties. My starting point was President Clinton’s 1993

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International News

The trouble with political Christianity

In the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas, Jesus condemns those who “(either) love the tree and hate its fruit (or) love the fruit and hate the tree”. A regular critique of the nominally religious is that they claim to believe in, say,

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International News

Trudeau has empowered Canada’s pimp lobby

“You’re all a bunch of feminists, and I hate feminists!” shouted Marc Lépine as he gunned down 14 female engineering students in Montreal in 1989. I first visited the city in 2012 to write about this particularly horrific, misogynistic massacre. And

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CNN Goes FULL George Orwell

The Democrats are constantly using the term "democracy" in a way that does not mean "democracy." They like to use it because they want to portray Donald Trump as a fascist. CNN did a big report setting this up, but it’s

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