Alex Deane: Candidate’s Diary. Aspiring MPs must lead from the front – so we’re lucky our Party is a loyal tribe.

Alex Deane: Candidate’s Diary. Aspiring MPs must lead from the front – so we’re lucky our Party is a loyal tribe.

Alex Deane is a partner at a City consultancy, a former political aide, and the Conservative candidate for Finchley and Golders Green. Monday...
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Biden glitches with Hollywood has beens, Obama has to lead him off stage

Biden glitches with Hollywood has beens, Obama has to lead him off stage

Well, considering that Joetato’s reign of terror is basically just Obama’s third term, I guess this shouldn’t come as much of a surprise…...
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The Truth About Google’s Influence on Public Opinion and Elections

The Truth About Google’s Influence on Public Opinion and Elections

Since my disclosure Next News Network has been permanently demonetized and will soon be bankrupted These sound more like the actions we'd expect...
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Marine Le Pen Rallies France with Bold Call to Deport Dual Nationals Following Radical Islam

Marine Le Pen Rallies France with Bold Call to Deport Dual Nationals Following Radical Islam

France’s snap elections will decide who will be in the National Assembly of France, France’s legislative body. They may also serve as a...
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Shocking Election Meddling  Big Tech’s Biased Voting Reminders Revealed

Shocking Election Meddling Big Tech’s Biased Voting Reminders Revealed

In a stunning turn of events the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs has taken a bold stand against Big Tech's alleged election...
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Ex-CDC Director: “There WILL Be a Bird Flu Pandemic”

Ex-CDC Director: “There WILL Be a Bird Flu Pandemic”

Dr. Robert Redfield suggests that bird flu “could make COVID look like a little pandemic” and that “it’s not a question of if,...
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David Gauke: The Tory Right will try to shift the blame, but the looming disaster is of their making

David Gauke: The Tory Right will try to shift the blame, but the looming disaster is of their making

David Gauke is a former Justice Secretary, and was an independent candidate in South-West Hertfordshire at the 2019 general election. It is all...
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Mark Shaw Scandal Illinois GOP in Turmoil

Now the Illinois Republican Party finds itself in the midst of a scandalous upheaval His allegations of misconduct at the highest levels threatened to tear the party apart At the center of the controversy is Mark Shaw the 10th congressional district

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A fork in the road

Just imagine for a moment what the world will look like if we do NOT win: The soulless idiotic grifters — Fauci, Offit, Hotez, Califf, Cohen, Marks, etc. — will continue to be the gatekeepers and create the official narrative on

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Airline Industry Continues to Grapple with Safety Concerns

by Nolan Mckendry   Various aviation and airline executives and experts spoke Wednesday on safety in the industry at an event hosted by POLITICO. Speakers included Bob Jordan, CEO of Southwest Airlines, Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kans. and Federal Aviation Administration Administrator

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The Hope for the Future – We Will Make It There & Win

There is no change without the pain. You do not fix something that is not broken. The grand facade will come down, and it will come to an end. Ursula von der Leyenis a mere UNELECTED puppet of the Globalists

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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-16-2024

Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much!   Join Telegram: if you LOVE

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Review: New Book Confronts Anti-White Racism

by Samantha Swenson   A new book confronts the longstanding problem of “anti-white racism.” Claremont Institute Senior Fellow Jeremy Carl discussed his new book, “The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart,” during a virtual event hosted by the

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God’s Message for Today – June 17, 2024

Source : PrayEleven_Com Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much!   Join Telegram: 

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Former WA Congressman George Nethercutt dies at 79

The architect of one of the most intriguing political stories of recent decades has passed away at the age of 79. As the Spokesman-Review reports, former Washington Congressman George Nethercutt Jr, the so-called “giant killer” of Republican politics, died after a

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Biden’s Border Order Is Kabuki

Politics Biden’s Border Order Is Kabuki Don’t be fooled; stronger action is available without more laws. (Photo by PAUL RATJE/AFP via Getty Images) Joe Biden is playing voters for suckers. He thinks he can snap up their votes with some sleight-of-hand

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Australian Govt Lets Unvaccinated Teen Die

RIP beautiful Dazelle, my deepest condolences to her family, heaven gained a beautiful angel. Dazelle you’ll never be forgotten, an inspiration to everyone you ever met. God bless your parents, that where by your side when you finally spread your wings

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I’ll Quote Bill Gates, Who Claims His Vaccines Are a Miracle. If That’s the Case, Why Are the Global Politicians Mandating the Killshot AKA Vaccines? This Guy Is a Raving Demon Knight, One of Satan’s Soldiers on Steroids. Bill Gates Is the Most Dangerous Man in the World

Treat your skin well. Our soaps are gentle and produce a smooth, creamy lather that is nourishing to your skin. They are handmade in small batches. We use only high-quality natural ingredients. No chemicals, no sodium laurel sulfate, no phthalates, no

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Reader’s Links for June 17, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects

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Putin’s Final Plea for Peace

Russian President Vladimir Putin is once again offering Ukraine the option to end this senseless war. Putin said that he would order an immediate ceasefire and call a truce if Zelensky 1) withdraws troops from four annexes regions, and 2) declines

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The United States of America, and the CIA in Particular, Is the World’s Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism, According to the Watchman on the wall. the United States’ Torture Program, Carried Out Primarily by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

HNewsWire: This week saw the release of a report detailing the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation techniques” (EITs) program, which has been used primarily at Guantanamo Bay and other undisclosed locations. Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn, also known as Abu Zubaydah, was the first

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Biden’s Neocons all Personal Ties to Ukraine

The White House has been usurped by Neocons, who all have personal family ties to Ukraine and Russia and were all Jewish whose families were persecuted during the hatred of the Jews back around 1905. This presents a MAJOR conflict of

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