19.5% pay raise for junior enlisted troops faces White House opposition

19.5% pay raise for junior enlisted troops faces White House opposition

A bipartisan push in Congress that aims to provide junior enlisted troops with a 19.5% pay raise is facing a significant obstacle: the...
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Secret recording tries to trap Alito, but he seizes the moment to get honest about the media: ‘It’s a dangerous time’

Secret recording tries to trap Alito, but he seizes the moment to get honest about the media: ‘It’s a dangerous time’

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito understands the legacy media's game.For more than a year, media outlets — specifically, ProPublica — have worked to...
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Trump Has Set The Stage For The Debates, Down The [DS] Goes, Strikes Will Come Fast – Ep. 3378

Trump Has Set The Stage For The Debates, Down The [DS] Goes, Strikes Will Come Fast – Ep. 3378

Watch The X22 Report On Video 2 videos found Ep 3378b – Trump Has Set The Stage For The Debates, Down The [DS]...
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Amnesty: ‘US, UK Support for Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza Makes Mockery of Int’l Law’

Amnesty: ‘US, UK Support for Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza Makes Mockery of Int’l Law’

It’s now clear to the wider international community that Washington and London have made a fatal miscalculation in backing Israel’s genocide of the...
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Air Force undergoing major overhaul

Air Force undergoing major overhaul

Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has announced that the Air Force is initiating a broad restructuring of ranks and training, with the goal...
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Cookie Shop Goes Viral For Taking on ‘Viral Influencers’

Cookie Shop Goes Viral For Taking on ‘Viral Influencers’

The owner of a New York-based cookie company is going viral for calling out a "beginner influencer." In early May, Ana Montez, newly...
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The N-Word Heard Around the World

The N-Word Heard Around the World

Courageous free speech warrior, psyop or shameless e-girl grifter? The Internet is divided. Your support is crucial in helping us defeat mass censorship....
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Air Force undergoing major overhaul

Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has announced that the Air Force is initiating a broad restructuring of ranks and training, with the goal of remaining a competitive force against China. After decades of absence, warrant officers will return to the service,

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The N-Word Heard Around the World

Courageous free speech warrior, psyop or shameless e-girl grifter? The Internet is divided. Your support is crucial in helping us defeat mass censorship. Please consider donating via Locals or check out our unique merch. Follow us on X @ModernityNews. The post The N-Word Heard Around

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German police officer stabbed my muslim islamist: “German authorities say they have uncovered evidence of an Islamic extremist motive in last week’s knife attack in the southwestern city of Mannheim

‘Justice Minister Marco Buschmann wrote on the social media platform X late Monday that “there are now clear indications of an Islamist motive” for the attack and federal prosecutors, who are responsible for terrorism and national security cases, are taking over

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Law & Crime

Thomas opinion rejects ‘Trump too small’ trademark while Barrett and Sotomayor team up to ridicule ‘history and tradition’ analysis, sharply criticize majority in footnotes

Left: Justice Clarence Thomas (YouTube/Library of Congress); Center: Justice Amy Coney Barrett (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File); Right: Justice Sonia Sotomayor (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, File) The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday shot down a trademark about the size of Donald Trump’s hands

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US News

Hunter Conviction Is A COVER UP Of Joe Biden’s Real Crimes!

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Kim and Putin Strengthen Ties Amid Global Tensions

Kim Jong Un welcomes deeper ties with Russia as Putin plans visit, signaling increased military and economic cooperation. Read More: https://www.business-standard.com/world-news/north-korea-a-kim-hails-russia-tie-as-putin-reportedly-plans-a-visit-124061200261_1.html #news #news

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Gaza Aid Leader Faces Backlash Over Labour Party Run

Melanie Ward, CEO of the Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) charity, faces major backlash from volunteers and workers after deciding to run as a Labour Party candidate in Scotland. Some 2,250 healthcare workers, medical volunteers, supporters, and donors signed a letter

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US News

Artificial intelligence programs now skewing 2024 election info

There’s a growing level of concern about actual “disinformation,” statements that simply are not true, in American elections, already under undue influences like Mark Zuckerberg’s $400 million handouts during 2020 to local officials who recruited voters in Democrat districts and the

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International News

Western silence encourages Kiev’s atrocities – Zakharova

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman has pointed out Ukraine’s targeting of journalists International institutions that stay silent in the face of Ukrainian atrocities become Kiev’s accomplices in these crimes, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said. She pointed out the

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