STAT+: Agios drug reduces blood transfusions in patients with beta-thalassemia, study shows

STAT+: Agios drug reduces blood transfusions in patients with beta-thalassemia, study shows

Agios Pharmaceuticals said Monday that its drug called mitapivat reduced the need for blood transfusions in patients with a severe form of beta-thalassemia,...
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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee battles pancreatic cancer

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee battles pancreatic cancer

U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) assured her constituents that she will soon be “back at full strength” after announcing she is battling...
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Schiff lobbies NYC judge to consider Trump’s ‘rhetoric’ at sentencing, claims he’s inciting violence

Schiff lobbies NYC judge to consider Trump’s ‘rhetoric’ at sentencing, claims he’s inciting violence

With just over a month to go until former President Donald J. Trump is set to be sentenced for his unjust conviction in...
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“Abuse of the law”: Patricia Heaton explains the bogus Trump conviction slow enough for your TDS-suffering aunt to understand

“Abuse of the law”: Patricia Heaton explains the bogus Trump conviction slow enough for your TDS-suffering aunt to understand

> Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country...
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South Africa should reconsider regulations on coalitions – political analyst

South Africa should reconsider regulations on coalitions – political analyst

The ANC has failed to secure an outright majority in general elections for the first time in 30 years, leading to questions over...
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It’s not hard to imagine America’s demise any more

It’s not hard to imagine America’s demise any more

Imagine if Americans awoke to the news that 40,000 fellow citizens were slaughtered by an unprovoked, sinister terrorist attack and 8,000 others were...
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Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer: ‘Please, could we have our campus back now?’

Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer: ‘Please, could we have our campus back now?’

Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer is the Helen A. Regenstein Distinguished Service Professor of Classics at the University of Chicago and director of the Institute on...
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US News

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee battles pancreatic cancer

U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) assured her constituents that she will soon be “back at full strength” after announcing she is battling cancer. The 74-year-old Democrat revealed Sunday that she has pancreatic cancer but is optimistic about treatment and recovery,

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It’s not hard to imagine America’s demise any more

Imagine if Americans awoke to the news that 40,000 fellow citizens were slaughtered by an unprovoked, sinister terrorist attack and 8,000 others were taken hostage. Video evidence confirms the barbaric attacks were unspeakable acts of evil. Innocent people were slaughtered in

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Media Magnate Rupert Murdoch Marries For The 5th Time

Media magnate Rupert Murdoch, 93, has married for the fifth time, his corporation, News Corp, confirmed Sunday. Murdoch and Elena Zhukova, a 67-year-old Russian-born retired molecular biologist, wed Saturday in a ceremony at his vineyard estate in Bel Air, California. Photographs

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Media Magnate Rupert Murdoch Marries For The 5th Time

Media magnate Rupert Murdoch, 93, has married for the fifth time, his corporation, News Corp, confirmed Sunday. Murdoch and Elena Zhukova, a 67-year-old Russian-born retired molecular biologist, wed Saturday in a ceremony at his vineyard estate in Bel Air, California. Photographs

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Dear American

Dear American Paul Craig Roberts Dear American, Do you realize that the Republican Speaker of the House, the House Democrat minority Leader, the Senate Majority Leader and the Senate Republican minority leader, along with an almost unanimous Congress have committed you

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Tidal Waves Don’t Discriminate

From a Russell Brand video posted May 28, 2024: Quote from former CDC Director Robert Redfield: “[The Covid vaccines] really aren’t that critical for those that are under 50 or younger, but those vaccines saved a lot of lives…To be honest, some people

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Federal judge appointed by Trump forbids Florida from enforcing measures against illegal immigration

Federal judge appointed by Trump forbids Florida from enforcing measures against illegal immigration Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: pcr3 This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This

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The US Medical Profession Remains in Denial

The US Medical Profession Remains in Denial The Corrupt US Medical Profession Owned by Big Pharma Continues to Deny the Adverse Effects of the Covid “Vaccines.” Consequently the millions of people adversely affected by the “vaccines” can get no help for

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Biden’s brand is weakness at home and abroad

Around the country, protests on college campuses this spring spiraled out of control, disrupting commencements and exposing the rot within higher education. How the encampments arose may not be Joe Biden’s fault. They are in keeping with life under his administration,

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What the ‘Communist’ Biden Regime Has Done: A Rundown

Apparently, you only needed to write three letters to answer who is the worst president of the United States, J-O-E. Joe Biden’s four-year term is undeniably historical and shattered records as he outperformed previous nation’s leaders with his utterly devastating performance

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International News

NATO member OK’s using its jets to strike Russia

Unlike Belgium, the Netherlands will not limit Ukraine in how it deploys donated F-16s, the kingdom’s defense minister has said Kiev will be allowed to use the 24 F-16 fighter jets that it is slated to receive from the Netherlands however

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Fossil Fuel Companies, the Ball Is in Your Court

Apparently, Vermont is the first state to start forcing companies that sell fossil fuels to contribute to a climate clean-up fund. There’s a simple way to make sure it’s also that last state to do so.  Companies that sell fossil fuels

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Meme Monday

The post Meme Monday appeared first on American Partisan. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Patriotman This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by

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The Great Pandemic: Round 2

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is once again at the center of a controversy, this time over their handling of a bird flu outbreak on dairy farms. This has led to a fierce debate with state officials and

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 3, 2024

  Source : Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much!   Join

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