June 16 – Goyim Drafted for Third Masonic Jewish World War

June 16 – Goyim Drafted for Third Masonic Jewish World War

All wars are contrived by the Cabalist central bankers for power, profit and to "kill the best of the goyim in time of...
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BREAKING: Congresswoman Says Biden To Be REPLACED As Dem Nominee By … [VIDEO]

BREAKING: Congresswoman Says Biden To Be REPLACED As Dem Nominee By … [VIDEO]

Right, so we’ve got Anna Paulina Luna, a Republican representative from Florida, claiming that President Joe Biden is “likely” to be replaced as...
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Hulk Hogan expands on political possibilities: ‘I’ll volunteer to take this country over’

Hulk Hogan expands on political possibilities: ‘I’ll volunteer to take this country over’

Wading into the culture war arena had famed wrestler Hulk Hogan answering a question about a future in politics. “I know right from...
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Pursuit of Happiness: “We Cannot be Happy without Being Free”

Pursuit of Happiness: “We Cannot be Happy without Being Free”

The “pursuit of happiness” is a foundational principle enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. In the Founders’ view, this was inextricably linked to...
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U.S.-Russia relations call for ‘persistent diplomacy’

U.S.-Russia relations call for ‘persistent diplomacy’

(Photo by Joe Kovacs) [Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire.] By Pravin R. Jethwa Real Clear Wire President...
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The Laptop Cover-Up Exposed

The Laptop Cover-Up Exposed

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot –...
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New report measured states’ population growth: See where NM ranks

New report measured states’ population growth: See where NM ranks

The Pew Charitable Trusts has released an insightful report on American population growth patterns, which holds significant implications for New Mexico and its...
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US News

The Laptop Cover-Up Exposed

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary What we’re hearing today from the liberal propaganda media is the same thing we heard in 2016.

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Trump Seeing Massive Support From Teen Tourists In DC

Former President Donald Trump is receiving support from groups that no Republican could have anticipated. Teens typically tend to support Democrats, but, like other traditional blue voting blocs, many are starting to flock to the former president, who has become a

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US News

Climate superfund law blasted as ‘shakedown’

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire.] By Jonathan Lesser Real Clear Wire Long viewed as a playground for environmentalists, Vermont has jumped the climate change shark with its new Climate Superfund law. If not halted by

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The Possibility of Despotism in America

Economics is interested in despotism and tyranny if only because the profile of government interventions depends, at least partly, on the nature of the political regime. Moreover, the recent school of constitutional political economy analyzes alternative constitutional arrangements. Last but not

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Lidia Curanaj: Joe Biden is a shell of his former self

On "Sunday Agenda," Lidia Curanaj comments on Joe Biden displaying more weakness on the world stage and Hunter Biden’s laptop being proven real amid conviction. Watch NEWSMAX, an independent news network with a conservative perspective, available in 100M+ U.S. homes. Watch

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US News

Best-kept secret in today’s world for U.S. energy

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire.] By Jason Isaac Real Clear Wire Apparently, you can litigate anything these days, and it’s gotten far more insidious than suing McDonald’s over hot coffee being, you know, hot. A

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International News

Biden-Trump debate rules revealed

In a departure from previous debates, CNN will mute each candidate while the other speaks US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will get two breaks when they face off in a CNN debate this month, and will not

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Detroit MAGA City

Detroit Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of 180 Church thanked former President Donald Trump for visiting what he called the “hood,” and he pointed out that neither President Joe Biden nor former President Barack Obama made the trip. “President Obama never came to

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International News

Russian news photographer killed in Ukrainian drone strike

Nikita Tsitsagi was fatally injured in an attack near Ugledar Russian news photographer Nikita Tsitsagi has died from injuries sustained in a drone strike in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the portal News.ru reported on Sunday. According to the publication, the correspondent was

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After months of masturbatory freaking out about “the right,” the German government inches towards collapse, as the social democrats realise they’re wildly unpopular and have neither money nor answers

Since January, German political elites have waged an unceasing “fight against the right.” For weeks at a time, the establishment press would report on little else. We have had freakouts about secret right-wing immigrant deportation plans, we have had freakouts right-wing

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Hundreds Evacuated In Wildfires North Of Los Angeles

Authorities evacuated at least 1,200 people Saturday as a wildfire in Los Angeles County spread over thousands of acres near a major highway and threatened nearby structures, officials said. The blaze, named the Post Fire, burned more than 3,600 acres (5.6

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The Sky Is Falling! Bird Flu Pandemic Predicted.

Reading today’s headlines, I am reminded of the modern-day children’s Chicken Little story, in which Henny Penny kept telling everyone, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Ladies and gentlemen, former CDC Director Robert Redfield has predicted a bird flu

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The G-7 Dwarfs, and Giorgia Meloni

It’s a bad sign for Western democracy when the Italian Prime Minister is the only popular leader. By  The Editorial Board June 13, 2024 at 1:23 pm ET Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni during the meeting of the Heads of State and

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US News

For American people, 2024 vote is ‘about survival’

[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire.] By Newt Gingrich Real Clear Wire Democratic analysts don’t seem to understand why the all-out legal assault on President Donald Trump isn’t working. It’s because they keep talking among themselves

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Big Government Vs. Small Government: A Historical Perspective

The debate between big and small governments is longstanding, touching on fundamental principles of governance, economics, and individual liberties. Big government advocates argue that a larger, more involved state must provide essential services, regulate markets, and ensure social justice. On the

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