Why Colleges Are Putting Tampon Dispensers In Men’s Restrooms Will….

Why Colleges Are Putting Tampon Dispensers In Men’s Restrooms Will….

Colleges across the country are putting tampons in men’s bathrooms in an effort to bring about “menstrual equity” in restrooms. The University of...
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Taking a Wrong Turn and Staying Safe

Taking a Wrong Turn and Staying Safe

You take a wrong turn in the city, perhaps missing the desired exit ramp and you end up on a street with which...
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Video Of Obama Leading Biden Off-Stage At Fundraiser Goes Viral

Video Of Obama Leading Biden Off-Stage At Fundraiser Goes Viral

Another video of an aimless President Joe Biden went viral after he appeared to have been led off-stage at a star-studded L.A. fundraiser...
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Trump Vs Biden: The Upcoming Debate

Trump Vs Biden: The Upcoming Debate

The rules for the first debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been revealed. Some people are not happy about it, but...
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Delta Chat Refuses Russian Government’s Surveillance Demands

Delta Chat Refuses Russian Government’s Surveillance Demands

If you're tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net. Delta Chat, a messaging application celebrated for...
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China beating US in nuclear energy – report

China beating US in nuclear energy – report

The Asian superpower is more than a decade ahead of the US, an American think tank has declared China is building nuclear reactors...
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😂 Elitist Sen Schumer Scrambles To Delete THIS POST On Father’s Day – But WE SAVED IT HERE!

😂 Elitist Sen Schumer Scrambles To Delete THIS POST On Father’s Day – But WE SAVED IT HERE!

In a hilarious turn of events, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer found himself in hot water on Father’s Day after posting a cringe-worthy...
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Taking a Wrong Turn and Staying Safe

You take a wrong turn in the city, perhaps missing the desired exit ramp and you end up on a street with which you are totally unfamiliar. Old, abandoned warehouses and litter abound. People hanging around on corners don’t seem to

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Trump Vs Biden: The Upcoming Debate

The rules for the first debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been revealed. Some people are not happy about it, but does it really matter? In just a few days, we will see Donald Trump vs Joe Biden on

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Science and Technology

Delta Chat Refuses Russian Government’s Surveillance Demands

If you’re tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net. Delta Chat, a messaging application celebrated for its robust stance on privacy, has yet again rebuffed attempts by Russian authorities to access encryption keys and

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International News

China beating US in nuclear energy – report

The Asian superpower is more than a decade ahead of the US, an American think tank has declared China is building nuclear reactors faster than the US, and Chinese nuclear firms are up to 15 years ahead of their American counterparts

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Why Are We Risking Nuclear War with Russia?

In this special video address on Deep Dive on YouTube, decorated US military veteran and military analyst Daniel Davis explains to real and present danger of the United States and NATO being pulled into an escalation exchange with Russia over Ukraine

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Law & Crime

‘Yet another lie’: Mom of 3 missing boys says their jailed father lied to police, claiming kids were with Amish reality TV star and mystery writer after watching show in prison

Left top: Photos of brothers Alexander Skelton, Tanner Skelton, Andrew Skelton, who went missing in 2010 (WDIV YouTube screengrab). Left bottom: Age progressed photos of the brothers by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Right: The boys’ father, John

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Obama Lends Biden a Helping Hand | The NEWSMAX Daily (06/17/24)

Today’s top headline news brief from NEWSMAX includes: [1:27] -President Trump speaks with Newsmax about the upcoming debate. [Newsmax Breaking] [7:14] -Trump’s roundtable discussion with black pastors in Detroit. [Newsmax Breaking] [10:19] – Trump speaks at Turning Point Action convention in

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Woman Slams Democrats for Endangering Lives with Immigrants

Yes, women have always faced risks from men, often from romantic partners. However, the dangers have been exacerbated by the Democrats’ reckless immigration policies, allowing violent criminals to infiltrate our communities. These imported threats have resulted in horrific incidents where innocent

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US News

State bar quaking, warns lawyers not to criticize lawfare on Trump

The Connecticut Bar Association is warning lawyers against criticizing the politicized prosecutions of President Donald Trump because that could become “dangerous rhetoric.” The association recently dispatched to members a message signed by Maggie Castinado, its president, James T. Shearin, president-elect, and

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Life Among Predators

This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists. I can single out a few experiences, among a lifetime of them, that taught me the sheer impossibility of blacks

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USA Sends 87 Million a week to the Taliban

The Shawn Ryan Show #116 | SUPER BAD | CIA Targeter Tracks Down #1 Enemy of Benghazi Attacks Sarah Adams (call sign: Superbad) is an incredible former CIA Targeting Officer and author of the sensational Benghazi: Know Thy Enemy. Adams served

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Arizona: America’s Frontline Against Illegal Fentanyl

No one stops you when driving across the border from Nogales, Arizona, into Nogales, Mexico; crossing the other way is a different story. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers often interrogate drivers and search vehicles inside and out, using drug-sniffing

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And it’s Monday again.     Last week’s Friday Edition. Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons: Ridicule cannot easily be fought Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part

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Science and Technology

Freedom Powers Unite in Tech: PublicSquare Joins Rumble Cloud

If you’re tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net. Rumble, a growing key player in the video-sharing and cloud services sector, announced today that PublicSquare will be migrating its Marketplace segment to the Rumble

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Pastor goes viral after thanking Trump for coming to the ‘hood’

Pastor Lorenzo Sewell joined ‘America’s Newsroom’ to discuss Trump’s visit to his community while his popularity surges among Black voters and Biden’s plummets. #FoxNews Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS Watch more Fox News Video: http://video.foxnews.com Watch Fox News Channel Live: http://www.foxnewsgo.com/

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You can run, but you can’t hide

Courtesy of https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com Jerry’s Substack You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide Read more 10 hours ago · 13 likes · Jerry Newfield News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my

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Law & Crime

The Ongoing Crisis of Antisemitism in K-12 Education

An empty classroom. Photo: Wiki Commons. If you think antisemitism is bad at the university level, wait until you read what’s happening in K-12 schools across the country. A concerned teacher recently reached out to me, horrified by the content being

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STAT+: Why health care spending keeps climbing

You’re reading the web version of Health Care Inc., STAT’s weekly newsletter following the flow of money in medicine. Sign up to get it in your inbox every Monday. Putting your money where your mouth is Large companies rarely switch health

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International News

EU sets up Ukraine corruption watchdog  

The new Audit Board will scrutinize the management of a €50 billion aid package allocated to Kiev The European Commission has set up a special watchdog to prevent the possible embezzlement of billions of dollars allocated to Kiev as part of

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