Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas’ Challenge to Rule That Prevents Competing Against Women in ‘Elite Events’ Fails

Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas’ Challenge to Rule That Prevents Competing Against Women in ‘Elite Events’ Fails

Former University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas’ challenge to a rule that prevents the biological male from competing against women in “elite events”...
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Surveys Show That The American People Absolutely HATE What Is Happening To The Economy, And This Is Why…

Surveys Show That The American People Absolutely HATE What Is Happening To The Economy, And This Is Why…

The health of the economy has been one of the primary determining factors in many presidential elections, and it will be the same...
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UCLA Gets New Chancellor: Dr. Julio Frenk to Take Over

UCLA Gets New Chancellor: Dr. Julio Frenk to Take Over

California News: The University of California Board of Regents today named Dr. Julio Frenk to be the new UCLA chancellor. Frenk had been...
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Hours before allegedly murdering a man and hijacking a bus, suspect gave rambling interview with TV crews at another shooting scene

Hours before allegedly murdering a man and hijacking a bus, suspect gave rambling interview with TV crews at another shooting scene

Joseph Grier, left, allegedly murdered a man and hijacked a bus in Atlanta. Hours earlier, Grier gave an interview to a TV station...
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Change Of Batter, Cyber Attack, Cuban Missile Crisis Narratives Building, Eric For The Win – X22 Report

Change Of Batter, Cyber Attack, Cuban Missile Crisis Narratives Building, Eric For The Win – X22 Report

 The [DS] is now building the narrative to remove Biden and replace Biden with either Michelle or Hilary. Cyber attacks are increasing...
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House Votes To Hold Merrick Garland In Contempt Of Congress

House Votes To Hold Merrick Garland In Contempt Of Congress

In a razor-thin rules vote, the House has approved a vote to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in criminal contempt of Congress, marking...
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Putin is sending Biden several messages in Cuba: John Bolton | The Record with Greta Van Susteren

Putin is sending Biden several messages in Cuba: John Bolton | The Record with Greta Van Susteren

On Wednesday's "The Record with Greta Van Susteren," former National Security Advisor John Bolton analyzes Vladimir Putin's strategy for sending Russian warships and...
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International News

The rise of California’s vanlords

For outsiders experiencing it on YouTube, homelessness in San Francisco has a sort of up-close profile — overdoses and open drug deals, vacant and filthy faces, bodies sprawled on dirty concrete or, sometimes, just standing, bent incredibly in half, forehead between

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US News

Eyewitness in Israel: A nation under siege

The nation of Israel is different from any nation on the earth, as it has been in an existential battle for survival from the moment of its birth in 1948 until this very day. It is a nation under constant siege,

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International News

Can France’s dauphin hold his nerve?

In 1792, the last Frenchman to be honoured with the title of dauphin was thrown in Paris’s Le Temple prison. The young Louis XVII was never freed; he died aged just 10. More than two centuries later, the nickname had devolved to remarkable

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Pelosi in full meltdown over her J6 performance

For the last three-and-a-half years, the Democrats have owned the Jan. 6 narrative. Republicans in Congress and the media gave it away without a fight. The good news is that party standard-bearer Donald Trumpappears intent on taking it back. On Sunday

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International News

Why voters love local MPs

You may not have heard of Ed McGuinness. The Conservative candidate for Surrey Heath this weekend posted a picture on social media of him holding a set of keys outside a front door. “Surrey Heath residents,” he said, “expect their MP

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International News

Elite privilege isn’t a product of wealth

Almost a year ago, in July 2023, Rishi Sunak’s government named and shamed Britain’s most unruly towns. The media, unsurprisingly, lapped it up: places subjected to higher levels of social disadvantage were described as “bad towns” filled with “streets of shame”.

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Ethics in Government – Charting the Right Course

Before beginning a discussion of ethics in municipal government, we must understand what ethics entails. Ethics, by definition, is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad: a set of moral principles or values, the principles of conduct governing an

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Ultimate justice: Rigged for you, not against you

Stephen Vincent Benét (1898-1943) was an American writer of short stories. One of his best-known short stories was “The Devil and Daniel Webster” (1936), where a badly struggling New Hampshire farmer named Jabez Stone signs a contract with Mr. Scratch (the

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US News

The war of the balloons

Oh boy, that’s just what we need in this world, another war. It looks like things are heating up between South Korea and North Korea. South Korea recently sent 260 balloons over North Korea loaded with pro-democracy leaflets. The version of

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Time for the truth about the pandemic

A group of Dutch medical researchers are igniting a firestorm by calling for an investigation of the deaths caused by vaccine mandates and lockdowns imposed on the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. What’s wrong with that? Everything, if you’re part of

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US News

Over sleazy

Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: WND Comics This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered by

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It’s Gonna Be Yuge

Former President Donald Trump will discuss his legislative priorities in more detail when he meets with Republican lawmakers Thursday on Capitol Hill. In his third bid for the White House, Mr. Trump has laid out a wide-ranging Agenda 47, which focuses

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Candace Owens vs Piers Morgan HEATED Debate on Christ Is King

Watch the full video here @PiersMorganUncensored — Candace joins Piers Morgan on his show for a heated debate over the Christ Is King controversy. Candace Show on Apple Podcasts: Candace Show on Spotify: Subscribe to Club Candace:

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Carl Higbie: Biden puts illegals over Americans

On Wednesday’s episode of "Carl Higbie FRONTLINE" Carl weighed in on President Joe Biden to using executive privilege to grant amnesty to migrants, explained how federal agencies are continuing to fail us, and more on NEWSMAX. Watch NEWSMAX, an independent news

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