7th Graders EXPELLED For Their ‘Patriotism’

7th Graders EXPELLED For Their ‘Patriotism’

In a move that has left many scratching their heads, a middle school principal has expelled a seventh grader and his two sisters...
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Germany: Muslim Party Wins 41%t in Duisburg in the European Parliament elections

Germany: Muslim Party Wins 41%t in Duisburg in the European Parliament elections

What could ;possibly go wrong? Sharia for everyone! Germany: Muslim party DAVA wins 41 per cent in Duisburg in the European Parliament elections...
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VIDEO: Man Bashed In Head With Bricks, Falls Face-First To Sidewalk

VIDEO: Man Bashed In Head With Bricks, Falls Face-First To Sidewalk

A video has garnered a lot of attention on various social media platforms after a man was captured being bashed in the head...
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The Media’s Desperate Smear Campaign Against Trump Supporters Exposed!

The Media’s Desperate Smear Campaign Against Trump Supporters Exposed!

As a Trump supporter, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the relentless attacks on our community by the mainstream media. They’ve been working overtime to paint...
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What You’re Not Being Told About the Hepatitis B Vaccine

What You’re Not Being Told About the Hepatitis B Vaccine

Renowned fitness expert Jillian Michaels has some serious doubts about the hepatitis B vaccine. She wonders why newborns are injected for a disease...
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GOA, GOF Help Secure Preliminary Injunction Against Biden Universal Registration Check Rule

GOA, GOF Help Secure Preliminary Injunction Against Biden Universal Registration Check Rule

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 12, 2024 Washington, D.C. — Late yesterday, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) helped...
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Predator who should have been in prison charged in Minneapolis rape, carjacking

Predator who should have been in prison charged in Minneapolis rape, carjacking

Share This StoryA convicted predatory offender who should have been in prison on convictions in at least two cases, including a gun crime,...
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7th Graders EXPELLED For Their ‘Patriotism’

In a move that has left many scratching their heads, a middle school principal has expelled a seventh grader and his two sisters after the student attempted to give a speech about patriotism during a school election. The student, whose identity

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Macron is in Big Trouble

Macron is in big trouble and could be forced to resign, but he’s actually being helped by establishment Republican party leaders in France. Your support is crucial in helping us defeat mass censorship. Please consider donating via Locals or check out our unique merch.

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Russian warships hold drills in Atlantic ahead of visit to Cuba

Russian naval vessels practised hitting targets with long-distance missiles in simulated drills in the Atlantic Ocean ahead of a planned visit to Cuba. The nuclear-powered Kazan submarine and Admiral Gorshkov frigate, which carries hypersonic Zircon missiles, staged the computer drills with

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How to Avoid Being Fooled at the Supermarket

How and what you eat has radically changed over the past few decades with the all-consuming rise of the supermarket. But what price are you paying for this homogenized, cheap and convenient food? This video investigates how supermarkets have affected the

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US News

Elon Musk Wins HUGE Free Speech Victory Over Australia!

N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, nmlsconsumeraccess.org. 888-804-0303 http://americanfinancing.net/jimmy Become a Premium Member: https://www.jimmydore.com/premium-membership Go to a Live Show: https://www.jimmydore.com/tour Subscribe to Our Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/jimmydorecomedy/ytlivestreams LIVESTREAM & LIVE SHOW ANNOUNCEMENTS: Email: https://mailchi.mp/jimmydorecomedy/ytlivestreams Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimmy_dore Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JimmyDoreShow Instagram:

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Clandestine’s newsletter substack, excellent pice on Trump and what he faced with the decrepit Task Force & media; mirrors my sharngs, very good work; “How Else was Trump Supposed to Handle Covid?”

Clandestine’s Newsletter | Substack ‘Trump has received lots of criticism for his handling of Covid and unwillingness to fire Fauci, but what exactly could he have done? Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive

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Conservatives Face Setbacks in South Carolina Primary

Tuesday’s primaries in South Carolina saw disappointing results for conservatives, with a Freedom Caucus–backed challenger coming very close, but ultimately failing, to displace an incumbent congressman. In the Palmetto State’s Fourth District, which encompasses the environs of Greenville, the incumbent Rep.

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Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Released

Nashville Christian school shooter Audrey Hale believed dying in a mass murder would allow her to experience an eternal gender transition, receiving a male body that would receive the erotic affection of brown-skinned females in Heaven, new documents reveal. Despite a

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Met Office admits spraying skies

We all know it is happening now, but the Met Office put a nice spin on the danger. https://youtu.be/PVUOj9eU0xg Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Derek Knauss This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted

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Straight Talking Muslim In Engalnd

https://rightedition.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/England.mp4 The post Straight Talking Muslim In Engalnd appeared first on Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site . Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Admin This content is courtesy

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Science and Technology

Israel’s Central Bank Pushes Digital Shekel

If you’re tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net. To accelerate its central bank digital currency (CBDC) development, Israel is pushing forward with the digital shekel initiative. The Bank of Israel (BoI) is set

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Biden setting new records on diversity of federal judges

Historically, white men have dominated federal judgeships in the United States. That’s begun to change under President Joe Biden, who tied and set new records regarding the diversity of his federal judicial appointments. Advocates hail Biden’s accomplishments as an important step

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NBA Legend Jerry West, Dies Age 86

Jerry West, a basketball icon whose influence on the sport spanned more than six decades, passed away on Wednesday morning at the age of 86, as announced by the Los Angeles Clippers. West, affectionately known as “Mr. Clutch” for his late-game

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