Pro-Palestinian vandals trash homes of New York museum officials

Pro-Palestinian vandals trash homes of New York museum officials

Pro-Palestinian protesters on Wednesday defaced numerous locations affiliated with the Brooklyn Museum and the United Nations in New York City, splattering red paint...
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Invalid Ballots to be Recounted in Extremely Tight Budapest Mayoral Race

Invalid Ballots to be Recounted in Extremely Tight Budapest Mayoral Race

The National Election Committee (NVB) has approved Budapest mayoral candidate Dávid Vitézy’s request to have a recount of the invalidated ballots in the...
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Zuma’s party seeks to block election of next South African president

Zuma’s party seeks to block election of next South African president

The opposition uMkhonto weSizwe is demanding that the country’s top court order a rerun of the May 29 vote South African opposition party...
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American Education’s Dirty Little Secret. Plus. . .

American Education’s Dirty Little Secret. Plus. . .

On today’s Front Page from The Free Press: Sheryl Sandberg on Honestly, lonely hearts, the revolution eats its own in Brooklyn, Florida declares...
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Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden: Guilty as Sin

Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden: Guilty as Sin

In a world where political scandals are as common as stale bread in a prison cafeteria, it seems there’s no shortage of high-profile...
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Morning View: You Don’t Need “Allies” Unless You See Enemies

Morning View: You Don’t Need “Allies” Unless You See Enemies

Here is Jason Bonilla … sans cowboy hat, but still wearing a hat … while sitting as a member of the Manchester School...
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Lia Thomas Loses Legal Battle, Won’t Compete In The Olympics

Lia Thomas Loses Legal Battle, Won’t Compete In The Olympics

Lia Thomas will not be allowed to compete in the Olympics and put women athletes at a disadvantage per the ruling of the...
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Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden: Guilty as Sin

In a world where political scandals are as common as stale bread in a prison cafeteria, it seems there’s no shortage of high-profile figures making headlines for all the wrong reasons. However, it’s usually the Republicans that it’s happening to. And

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International News

China willing to improve ties with India – Beijing 

The Chinese Embassy in New Delhi has expressed the nation’s desire to advance bilateral ties “in the right direction”  Beijing is willing to work with New Delhi to improve relations following Narendra Modi’s election for a third consecutive term as Indian

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US News

Ringside: Can an Abundance Agenda Unite Business?

California News: Scarcity and high prices are not an inevitable fact of life in California. They are the result of political choices. For nearly 50 years, and with escalating severity that shows no sign of abating, politicians in California have enacted

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Garland Thinks DOJ Deserves No Criticism

John Daniel Davidson of the Federalist analyzes U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s response to criticism. Attorney General Merrick Garland published an op-ed in the Washington Post Tuesday, declaring that unfounded attacks on the Justice Department “must end.” It’s strange and unsettling

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Garland Thinks DOJ Deserves No Criticism

John Daniel Davidson of the Federalist analyzes U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s response to criticism. Attorney General Merrick Garland published an op-ed in the Washington Post Tuesday, declaring that unfounded attacks on the Justice Department “must end.” It’s strange and unsettling

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AOC Dubbed the ‘Democrat Who Cried Wolf’

Elizabeth Stauffer of the Washington Examiner dissects the latest pronouncement from one of the least credible members of Congress. As the possibility of a second term for former President Donald Trump grows more likely by the day, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

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Progressives Realize They Have a Jew-Hate Problem

An apartment building in Brooklyn Heights woke up to this, on Wednesday, June 14. (Photo by Peter Kendall Clark) Attendees at the Nova Music Festival exhibition were harassed in Manhattan, my colleague was mobbed while trying to report at a protest,

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Addressing the Latest SCOTUS Smear Campaign

Charles Cooke of National Review Online assesses the latest attempt to smear a U.S. Supreme Court justice. … [T]he woman who secretly recorded a conversation with Justice Alito and his wife “is an activist, not a journalist,” and that she should’ve

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Assessing Hunter Biden’s ‘Fall’

Editors at National Review Online reflect on the legal troubles of the president’s wayward son. Unsurprisingly, a jury in Wilmington, Del., convicted Hunter Biden on all three counts in his first indictment, which charged himwith felony violations of the federal gun

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America’s Enemies at Home and Abroad by Lawrence Kadish Who are these people who love America so much, who are so grateful for the freedoms they can have only in America, that they cannot wait to take them away? In addition to the Axis of China, Russia, Iran and

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Why was this anti-Semitic maniac given a slap on the wrist? A knife-wielding man who terrorised a kosher supermarket has been spared jail. The justice system is broken. Georgia Gilholy ‘Are you okay?’ Those were the words a friend texted me on a drizzly day this January. My safety had not come to their mind by chance, but because a knife-wielding man was on the rampage at a kosher supermarket

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International News

Arm enemies of the West with everything – Medvedev

Potentially even nuclear weapons could be shared in the future, the former Russian president says Western nations have declared a “war without rules” on Russia, so Moscow should use every opportunity to inflict “maximum damage” in retaliation, former president Dmitry Medvedev

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Antisemitic Vandals Deface Homes of Brooklyn Museum’s Jewish Director, Board Members By David Zimmermann The homes of the Brooklyn Museum’s Jewish director and board members were defaced Tuesday night by antisemitic vandals, who left a banner at the director’s house that called her a “WHITE SUPREMACIST ZIONIST.” Social-media posts show the front of Anne

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Eight Suspected Terrorists Highlight Biden’s Recklessness on Vetting Illegal Aliens Andrew McCarthy Biden has returned us to September 10. That’s not apt to end well. Haley’s report on the government’s apprehension of eight Tajiks who are suspected jihadists tied to the Islamic State (ISIS, evidently the Afghan franchise our intel agencies label

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Leftist Media Can’t Hide Their Racism Against Black Republicans The left despises successful black Republicans, not only because they win elections but because they refute the lie that America is a “systemically racist” and evil country. By David Keltz n the eyes of the leftist media, the only thing worse than being a black Republican is being a black Republican who chooses to run for office. Just look at their despicable treatment of recent presidential candidates, including the late

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Newt Gingrich: This new Biden campaign push is ‘childish’

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says the administration is assuming young Americans are ‘simple-minded’ on ‘Hannity.’ #foxnews #hannity Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX News Channel (FNC) is a

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Breaking: Another Biden Government Steal

We live in a day and age where government threatens to invade again and nothing is done. The Biden administration wants to control prescription drugs so a “march-in right” might be used. This comes from the Bayh-Dole Act which grants contractors

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The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism The more violent campuses and streets become, the more clueless the mobs seem about the cascading public antipathy to what they do and what they represent. By Victor Davis Hanson What are the mobs in Washington defiling iconic federal statues with impunity and pelting policemen really protesting? What are the students at Stanford University vandalizing the president’s office really demonstrating against? What are the throngs in London brazenly swarming parks

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Biden Housing Scheme Could Ignite Another 2008 Mortgage Crisis Talk about mission creep. by Stephen Moore Politicians in Washington have very short memories, so they repeat the same mistakes over and over. It was only 17 years ago that the “subprime” mortgage crisis torpedoed the economy and sent the financial markets into the biggest tailspin since

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A Half-Century of Appeasing Iran The suicidal cost of blinding ourselves to the Mullahs’ true world view. by Bruce Thornton A measure of how feckless and dangerous the Biden administration’s Iran policy has become, was blatantly obvious last week. The International Atomic Energy Agency finally censured Iran for violating the terms of the so-called “Iran nuclear deal” that Barack Obama

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