MTG Excoriates Fauci

MTG Excoriates Fauci

By Alexandra Bruce
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Fauci’s  Latest Congressional Testimony—The Six Foot Rule Just Appeared And Other Sad Disclosures —Full Of Sound And Fury Signifying Nothing !!!

Fauci’s  Latest Congressional Testimony—The Six Foot Rule Just Appeared And Other Sad Disclosures —Full Of Sound And Fury Signifying Nothing !!!

I won’t call him Dr because that would disgrace the profession . Of course , too many so called doctors , MD’s, are...
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USS Eisenhower is Burning and Forced to Leave the Red Sea

USS Eisenhower is Burning and Forced to Leave the Red Sea

The US Navy plans to scrap it when she returns. Aircraft carriers have become obsolete in today’s modern warfare battleground. Cruise missiles and...
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Homeless Florida woman allegedly tried to sell her 10-year-old daughter for sex to stranger outside shelter, police say

Homeless Florida woman allegedly tried to sell her 10-year-old daughter for sex to stranger outside shelter, police say

Florida police said they arrested a homeless woman who allegedly tried to sell her daughter to one woman and tried to sell her...
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No Keith … Critical Race Theory Won’t Be On The Ballot In November

No Keith … Critical Race Theory Won’t Be On The Ballot In November

Rep. Keith Ammon’s reaction to woke judge Paul Barbadoro striking down a law banning “Critical Race Theory” from being taught in New Hampshire...
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Hillary Clinton came out a-grinning

Hillary Clinton came out a-grinning

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Woman Enticed Tinder Date, Only To Duct Tape, Choke, Stab Him

Woman Enticed Tinder Date, Only To Duct Tape, Choke, Stab Him

If you need a cautionary tale about online dating, this is it. A 22-year-old Colorado woman has been accused of committing several felony...
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On Lying: Postscript

This morning I posted an essay On Lying in which I reflected on the perennial vice of telling falsehoods instead of the truth. Throughout the essay I took pains to characterize this as a universal human vice, and I alluded to

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International News

Biden officially snubs Zelensky’s ‘peace summit’

Vice President Kamala Harris and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will go to Switzerland instead US President Joe Biden has chosen not to cancel a scheduled Hollywood fundraiser and will be sending Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Advisor

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Fauci Drops Stunning COVID Admission

Fauci ADMITTED today that he “made up” the 6-foot social distancing rule and masking kids. That’s pretty bizarre because, at the height of COVID, he called the 6-foot social distancing rule “the most important thing.” Fauci also said he was unaware

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Professor by Day. Porn Star by Night. Can He Be Both?

Joe Gow could be stripped of his tenure after the university that employs him discovered he was selling adult films—made with his wife—online. (All photos by Jamie Kelter Davis for The Free Press) For nearly ten years—almost as long as they’ve

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The Covid Mikado — Sneak Preview

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB I have registered a play for the Melbourne Fringe in October 2024, entitled “THE COVID MIKADO — Revealing the Grand Plan.” I’ll print the script below. To hear the pertinent melody, you can click on the

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Ackman Set To Make Announcement Says Report

Let’s dive into the latest political buzz that’s got everyone talking. Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is reportedly leaning towards endorsing former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election. Now, this isn’t just any endorsement—it’s

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Proud Boys Are Back: Special Report

The Proud Boys are back. Four years after the failed effort to overturn Trump’s 2020 electoral defeat, the all-male extremist group that help lead the Jan. 6, 2021, Capital riot is rebuilding and regaining strength as Donald Trump campaigns to return

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Proud Boys Are Back: Special Report

The Proud Boys are back. Four years after the failed effort to overturn Trump’s 2020 electoral defeat, the all-male extremist group that help lead the Jan. 6, 2021, Capital riot is rebuilding and regaining strength as Donald Trump campaigns to return

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Aaron Rogers Responds To Social Media Claims With Picture

Among the star-studded attendees at UFC 302 in Newark, New Jersey, was none other than New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers. But it wasn’t just the fights that had everyone talking—former President Donald Trump’s entrance stole the show, receiving a thunderous

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International News

Biden’s secret support for Iran

This past Memorial Day, as Americans honoured their war dead, the Biden administration was running interference for an Iranian regime whose Supreme Leader has described “death to America” as his official state policy. A report in the day’s Wall Street Journal

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International News

Nigel Farage and the futility of British values

Why did Nigel Farage change his mind and decide to once again stand for election? What could possibly compel him to return to British politics? He dropped a hint only last week: he was concerned, he said, that young Muslims in

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International News

Trump is converting America’s nuns

Bespectacled and berobed, a softly spoken nun may seem an unlikely figurehead for the hard-Right of American politics — but Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God isn’t just any nun. With her broadsides against liberalism, President Biden, and Satan’s hold on

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International News

How political is Orbán’s football obsession?

The first time I interviewed a president of Ferencváros, Hungary’s most successful football club, the taxi driver who picked me up from the stadium asked if I was a new signing. Nothing, perhaps, could have been more revealing of the state

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Your Favorite Month Is off to an Amazing Start

Since it’s now June, we’ll be subjected to a month of parades and displays of gay pride. At a parade in Philadelphia over the weekend, the pro-pride and pro-Palestine crowd got into it. 1️⃣ Click here to join the member-exclusive portion

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