VIDEO: Talking Cultural Arson With Drew Allen

VIDEO: Talking Cultural Arson With Drew Allen

Drew Allen is a friend and fellow author (his book America’s Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024?...
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‘Tellingly absent’: Hunter Biden lawyers embrace Second Amendment, claim lack of evidence in motions for acquittal as federal gun trial speeds toward end

‘Tellingly absent’: Hunter Biden lawyers embrace Second Amendment, claim lack of evidence in motions for acquittal as federal gun trial speeds toward end

Hunter Biden, left, arrives to federal court with his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, June 6, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum, File)...
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Inside Ukraine, startups try to edge Russia in the electronic warfare race

Inside Ukraine, startups try to edge Russia in the electronic warfare race

Ukrainian startups are aiding the electronic warfare war effort. (Ukraine photo by Kollen Post, background map via Google Maps, graphic by Breaking Defense)...
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Anatomy of a science meeting: How controversial pesticide research all but vanished from a major conference

Anatomy of a science meeting: How controversial pesticide research all but vanished from a major conference

If you scroll through the social media posts for the 2023 meeting of the Entomological Society of America, one face jumps out: The...
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Evidence Overwhelming, Dems Prepare For Hunter Conviction

Evidence Overwhelming, Dems Prepare For Hunter Conviction

There is enough evidence, according to MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade, for a jury to rule Hunter Biden guilty in his current trial....
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Garland Declines to Provide Communications to Disprove ‘Conspiracy Theory’

Garland Declines to Provide Communications to Disprove ‘Conspiracy Theory’

( – Despite being asked to do so by the House Judiciary Committee, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has refused to share correspondence...
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Ex-mayor praises guaranteed basic income, says you are ‘out of touch’ and ‘unenlightened’ if you disagree

Ex-mayor praises guaranteed basic income, says you are ‘out of touch’ and ‘unenlightened’ if you disagree

A former Democratic California mayor called out “unenlightened” elected officials who do not support a guaranteed basic income program for their constituents. Former...
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NATO’s Secret War Moves – This Could Trigger WW3

NATO is now creating “land corridors” to facilitate the deployment of American and other partner military forces to the front lines more quickly in the event of a much larger European ground battle with Russia. The announcement follows many cautions earlier

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Potentially live grenade discovered at West Paris home

Police and bomb experts removed a potentially live grenade Wednesday from a home in West Paris, and investigators believe the device may have been from either the Korean War or World War II. Oxford County Sheriff’s officials were called to a home on High

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Sen. John Fetterman: “I’m Not Progressive”

Everybody’s jumping out of the Biden train. “You know the communist Democrat Party is f—-d up when John Fetterman, the man who needed a massive teleprompter during the 2022 Pennsylvania senator debate against Dr. Oz, is the smartest member of the

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How Tight Can Credit Spreads Go?

How Tight Can Credit Spreads Go? By Peter Tchir of Academy Securities This is a piece that we’ve been meaning to get to for the past few weeks, but this weekend seemed like an ideal time: We completed our updated Rate

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Ibram X. Kendi Faces a Reckoning of His Own

Ibram X. Kendi has a notebook that prompts him, on every other page, to write down “Things to be grateful for.” There are many things he might put under that heading. First and foremost, his wife and two daughters, and his

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Essex Charged Over Allegations of Racism

Essex have been charged over allegations relating to racist language or conduct at the club between 2001 and 2010. The charges have been brought by the Cricket Regulator, accusing Essex of breaching England and Wales Cricket Board directive 3.3. It states

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International News

Pro-war EU politicians ‘punished’ in elections – Snowden

The American whistleblower has said the results of the parliamentary elections are a bad sign for US President Joe Biden Pro-war EU politicians have been “punished” in the European parliamentary elections, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden said on Monday. The comments come

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European Establishment Repudiated in EU Parliamentary Elections

European Establishment Repudiated in EU Parliamentary Elections Paul Craig Roberts European voters in the European Union parliamentary elections repudiated the governments of Washington’s puppet states. Marine Le Pen’s “right-wing” party received twice as many votes as President Macron’s party. The two

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US News

Unions caught lying (again) by media

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon The Oregonian Sunday Editorial slammed the Portland Teachers Union for lying to the public. It was over extremely controversial school aids promoting teachers to teach anti-Israel propaganda (see details here). Here is how the union

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So Bannon and Navarro are jailed for refusal of subpoena…ok, we understand…over to you now AG Garland, you did not answer a recent subpoena; what happens to you? Next? Is there equal JUSTICE in US

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Dr. Paul Alexander

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Putin Still Does Not Understand

Putin Still Does Not Understand Paul Craig Roberts At the St. Petersburg conference Putin was asked if it behoved Russia to get the war in Ukraine over with before the West got more involved. Putin’s answer (below) indicates that he still

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NAACP Urges Biden to Halt Weapons to Israel

Perhaps no other group of people did more to help African Americans during the civil rights movement than the American Jewish community. Jewish Americans played a profound role in launching the NAACP, funding Black schools & colleges, provided massive amounts of

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