Chicago begins evicting entire migrant families from city shelters

Chicago begins evicting entire migrant families from city shelters

Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration has begun the process of removing from city shelters dozens of migrant families, including those with children who attended...
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Patricia Heaton Comments On Gary Sinise’s Dedication To Our Military

Patricia Heaton Comments On Gary Sinise’s Dedication To Our Military

Actress Patricia Heaton has not held back in sharing her opinions on Gary Sinise’s dedication to our military. In fact, she’s been quite...
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Trump Mends Fences on Capitol Hill

Trump Mends Fences on Capitol Hill

Politics Trump Mends Fences on Capitol Hill Former President Donald Trump was on Capitol Hill Thursday for the first time since leaving the...
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Two 12-year-olds steal teacher’s car, get caught when parents track iPad, TN cops say

Two 12-year-olds steal teacher’s car, get caught when parents track iPad, TN cops say

Two middle school students stole a teacher’s SUV and managed to get 70 miles before one of their parents tracked them via iPad software, according...
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If You Don’t Want To Be Killed, Don’t Take Hostages

If You Don’t Want To Be Killed, Don’t Take Hostages

The reaction to the rescue of four Israeli hostages from Gaza is a microcosm of the past 70 years of this conflict. Every...
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Watch: Jillian Michaels gets pushed too far by the Left, UNLOADS on their “woke victimology poker”

Watch: Jillian Michaels gets pushed too far by the Left, UNLOADS on their “woke victimology poker”

Subscribe to Louder with Crowder on Rumble! Download the app on Apple and Google Play.The left relies on fear-mongering and identity politics as...
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PSYOP-WW3 RISING: America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 year olds

PSYOP-WW3 RISING: America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 year olds

The following is a stark warning from a former Democrat Congressman about the upcoming democide escalation by the wholly captured and illegitimate Federal...
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Trump Mends Fences on Capitol Hill

Politics Trump Mends Fences on Capitol Hill Former President Donald Trump was on Capitol Hill Thursday for the first time since leaving the presidency. Magnanimity isn’t always the first trait that comes to mind when thinking of former President Donald Trump.

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Counterfeit Titanium Found in Boeing and Airbus Jets

This article originally appeared on ZeroHedge and was republished with permission. Guest post by Tyler Durden Boeing is no longer the pride of American aviation. The plane manufacturer is riddled with so many problems it’s impossible to keep track. Yesterday, the FAA announced an investigation (yet

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Rep. McCormick: Trump makes everyone feel part of the team

On Friday’s "National Report," Georgia Rep. Rich McCormick said Donald Trump was able to set the tone for the upcoming election during his meeting with House Republicans on Thursday. Watch NEWSMAX, an independent news network with a conservative perspective, available in

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US News

From Our Shockwaves Report: Standing Up for Steel

Shutterstock If the U.S. fails to adequately respond to China’s massive industrial overcapacity, American manufacturing may be facing its last stand. Don’t take our word for it: Listen to the factory workers on the front lines. The Alliance for American Manufacturing

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Uk government corruption is deep

Uk government corruption is deep — karma (@karma44921039) June 13, 2024 Vote ONLY independent or else vote I withdraw my consent The post Uk government corruption is deep appeared first on Easton Spectator. Click this link for the original source

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Armenia is on the Front Line of the Global Jihad

And it deserves the support of all free people. The Qur’an is clear: “And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah.” (8:39) This amounts to an open-ended declaration of war against those whose religion is

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US News

Can the USA Again Be Our Home? Part II

This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Last week, I made a video that explained why the United States can never again become a home for whites as it was until the perhaps the 1950s or ’60s. This was

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Donald Trump Rallies House Republicans at Capitol Hill Club

Former President Donald Trump recently convened a meeting with House Republicans at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., aiming to solidify support and strategize for the upcoming 2024 elections. This gathering marked Trump’s first significant interaction with GOP lawmakers since

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Judge blocks Biden’s Title IX LGBTQ+ protections in 4 states

A federal judge has blocked the Biden administration’s new Title IX rule expanding protections for LGBTQ+ students in four states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and Idaho. The Louisiana judge said the rule overstepped the Education Department’s authority. In a preliminary injunction granted Thursday,

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Justice Thomas Reconsiders 1977 Legal Precedent

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has called for a reevaluation of a decades-old legal precedent that allows associations to file lawsuits on behalf of their members, describing the decision as a mistaken interpretation of judicial power. Thomas made this statement in

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