Top-secret UFO research grips Washington: Here’s what they’re saying

Top-secret UFO research grips Washington: Here’s what they’re saying

WASHINGTON (NewsNation) — Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are taking up a lot of space in the political arena, with a group of senators...
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White House issues fiery response to WSJ story on Biden ‘slipping’

White House issues fiery response to WSJ story on Biden ‘slipping’

(NewsNation) — The White House is ripping into what it said is a “contradictory” profile by The Wall Street Journal, which argues President...
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Tornadoes touch down across US, killing toddler in Michigan and injuring 5 in Maryland

Tornadoes touch down across US, killing toddler in Michigan and injuring 5 in Maryland

LIVONIA, Mich. (AP) — A tornado killed a 2-year-old boy and injured his mother Wednesday when a tree fell on their house in...
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A.F. Branco Cartoon – Guard On Duty

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Guard On Duty

A.F. Branco Cartoon – The reason the Democrats keep exercising Lawfare against Trump and conservatives is that the GOP guards on watch have...
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World War II and the Clash Between Louisiana Farmers and Politicians

World War II and the Clash Between Louisiana Farmers and Politicians

The following series of letters, not always in concert, from farmers, politicians, and war personnel, shows that World War II was fought in...
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3 Killed In Shooting At Montgomery Grocery Store

3 Killed In Shooting At Montgomery Grocery Store

Three people were killed Tuesday night at a small grocery store in Montgomery, an outburst of violence that comes after a string of...
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Firefighters Injured Battling 60-Acre Wildfire In Napa County

Firefighters Injured Battling 60-Acre Wildfire In Napa County

Four firefighters were injured Wednesday while battling a 60-acre wildfire in Napa County, California, officials said. The Crystal Fire, which was burning amid high...
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A.F. Branco Cartoon – Guard On Duty

A.F. Branco Cartoon – The reason the Democrats keep exercising Lawfare against Trump and conservatives is that the GOP guards on watch have no teeth or spine to fight back. Oh yes, but they have a loud bark and some sternly

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3 Killed In Shooting At Montgomery Grocery Store

Three people were killed Tuesday night at a small grocery store in Montgomery, an outburst of violence that comes after a string of robberies targeting Latino-owned businesses in Alabama’s capital city. The shooting at Tienda Los Hermanos, a grocery store on

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Firefighters Injured Battling 60-Acre Wildfire In Napa County

Four firefighters were injured Wednesday while battling a 60-acre wildfire in Napa County, California, officials said. The Crystal Fire, which was burning amid high heat, was about 65% contained by the evening, officials with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

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Four Sodas Sold In Restaurants Across The US Are Recalled

Four soda products have been recalled by the FDA for containing undeclared dangerous food dyes, including one that can cause cancer. The drinks are produced by Charles Boggini Company and include their Pink Lemonade, Yellow Lemonade and Yellow Lemonade X, as well as a

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Taylor Swift Defends Lady Gaga Amid Pregnancy Rumors

Taylor Swift has defended Lady Gaga after the “Bad Romance” singer posted a video denying pregnancy rumors. Lady Gaga, 38, posted a video on TikTok Tuesday with the onscreen caption: “not pregnant — just down bad crying at the gym,” a reference to a lyric from

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International News

Ukrainian inmates paying bribes to go to war – NGO

Kiev is starving for troops, and has allowed convicts to enlist in exchange for parole Ukrainian inmates who want to cut their sentences short by enrolling in the military are being pressured by corrupt prison staff to pay bribes first, a

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Patriotism Has Destroyed America

Support your website. Patriotism Has Destroyed America Paul Craig Roberts I don’t mean by patriotism’s absence. I mean by its presence. I will explain. First, let’s understand who we are talking about. Not the liberals, not the leftwing, not the woke.

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Patriotism Has Destroyed America

Support your website. Patriotism Has Destroyed America Paul Craig Roberts I don’t mean by patriotism’s absence. I mean by its presence. I will explain. First, let’s understand who we are talking about. Not the liberals, not the leftwing, not the woke.

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Canada’s climate tyranny growing; America is not far behind Oh, Canada. You’re in trouble. Peter Murphy | And America is not far behind its northern neighbor in losing its freedom and becoming an effective dictatorship. Climate change policies are the root cause of the transformation from a mostly free

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Canada’s climate tyranny growing; America is not far behind Oh, Canada. You’re in trouble. Peter Murphy | And America is not far behind its northern neighbor in losing its freedom and becoming an effective dictatorship. Climate change policies are the root cause of the transformation from a mostly free

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The State of Murder, by Scipio

“What does it matter,” said Hillary.  Pres. Clinton “accidently” bombs the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia. Pres. Trump kills Iranian Soleimani with death from above. Pres. Truman evaporates hundreds of thousands at a non-military target. Pres. Obama kills an American citizen and

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The post SCOUT RIG IN STOCK appeared first on American Partisan. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Patriotman This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made

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193 TRAITORS Vote To Disarm Veterans!

The post 193 TRAITORS Vote To Disarm Veterans! appeared first on American Partisan. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Patriotman This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content

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Why Theodor Herzl Was Right and Always Will Be

Leftists do not mind “racists” because “racists” make up half of a Hegelian dialectic; you have “anti-racists” and “racists” warring it out, distracting from the real question, which is strength as always. Leftists fear and hate strength like they hate health

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Commentary: Put the working class in play

Share This Story There isn’t a better time to be a Republican than right now. Whether that is nationwide or in our own, beloved state of Minnesota. Despite the DFL trifecta, a great realignment is happening and we can put it

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In Portland, the Intifada Begins in Kindergarten

Portland, Oregon, has earned its reputation as America’s most radical city. Its public school system was an early proponent of left-wing racialism and has long pushed students toward political activism. As with the death of George Floyd four years ago, the

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The post GUN DEALS appeared first on American Partisan. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Patriotman This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by

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Charles Hugh Smith: Our Crisis of Competence

The post Charles Hugh Smith: Our Crisis of Competence appeared first on American Partisan. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Patriotman This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This

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