Japan Launches Dating App In Response To Decline In Marriages

Japan Launches Dating App In Response To Decline In Marriages

Called “Tokyo Futari Story,” the city hall’s new initiative is just that: An effort to create couples, “futari,” in a country where it...
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Japan Launches Dating App In Response To Decline In Marriages

Japan Launches Dating App In Response To Decline In Marriages

Called “Tokyo Futari Story,” the city hall’s new initiative is just that: An effort to create couples, “futari,” in a country where it...
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Anti-Israel Protesters Vandalize Property Near White House, Call Cops ‘Piggy, Piggy’

Anti-Israel Protesters Vandalize Property Near White House, Call Cops ‘Piggy, Piggy’

Pro-Palestinian protesters vandalized property near the White House on Saturday and threw objects at a National Park Service ranger, calling him “piggy.” Protesters...
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Anti-Israel Protesters Vandalize Property Near White House, Call Cops ‘Piggy, Piggy’

Anti-Israel Protesters Vandalize Property Near White House, Call Cops ‘Piggy, Piggy’

Pro-Palestinian protesters vandalized property near the White House on Saturday and threw objects at a National Park Service ranger, calling him “piggy.” Protesters...
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Jewish Students Sue UCLA For Allowing ‘Jewish Exclusion Zone’ On Campus

Jewish Students Sue UCLA For Allowing ‘Jewish Exclusion Zone’ On Campus

Three Jewish UCLA students are suing the university for allowing anti-Israel protesters to construct a “Jew Exclusion Zone” accessible only to those who...
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Jewish Students Sue UCLA For Allowing ‘Jewish Exclusion Zone’ On Campus

Jewish Students Sue UCLA For Allowing ‘Jewish Exclusion Zone’ On Campus

Three Jewish UCLA students are suing the university for allowing anti-Israel protesters to construct a “Jew Exclusion Zone” accessible only to those who...
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WATCH: Police Chase Ends With Woman Stripping Naked On L.A. Freeway

WATCH: Police Chase Ends With Woman Stripping Naked On L.A. Freeway

A police chase on a bustling Los Angeles freeway Wednesday concluded with a woman emerging from her vehicle and stripping naked, TMZ reported....
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‘Strange’ Details Surface Surrounding Dr. Joseph Mercola

Rob Schneider has publicly expressed his concern for Dr. Joseph Mercola, following revelations that Mercola is making significant business and personal decisions based on guidance from a psychic advisor. Mercola, known for his controversial health practices, has begun consulting with a

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What Is Social Justice?

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves

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Asylum Ban Flies Standby

The Border Patrol arrested Gerardo Henao 14 hours after President Joe Biden suspended asylum processing at the U.S. border with Mexico this week. But instead of being summarily deported, he was dropped off by agents the next day at a San Diego bus

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Asylum Ban Flies Standby

The Border Patrol arrested Gerardo Henao 14 hours after President Joe Biden suspended asylum processing at the U.S. border with Mexico this week. But instead of being summarily deported, he was dropped off by agents the next day at a San Diego bus

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Critics see Biden evolution in new border order

On the campaign trail in 2020, President Biden was eager to distinguish himself from his opponent on immigration issues, promising to “restore our moral standing” while casting former President Trump’s policies as cruel and inhumane. While border numbers have dipped, they

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US News

Trump Trial Judge Makes SHOCK Announcement

Judge Juan Merchan, presiding over the trial concerning former President Donald Trump’s business records, cautioned both Trump’s attorney, Todd Blanche, and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass about a statement made by an individual purporting to be the cousin of one

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International News

Ukrainian soldiers hooked on energy drinks – NYT

Some service members are unable to cope with the workload on the front line without a liquid jolt, the paper reports Energy drinks have become the beverage of choice for many Ukrainian soldiers in the conflict with Russia despite health concerns,

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International News

Russia accuses France of lying about troops in Ukraine

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal previously insisted that Paris had never trained troops in the conflict-torn country France is deceiving the public by claiming that it has not deployed any troops to Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said. On Thursday,

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US News

Breaking: Far-Left Rioters DESCEND On White House

Numerous demonstrators advocating for Palestine — including some who openly endorse Hamas and other extremist organizations — gathered around the White House last Saturday, damaging a statue and attacking a U.S. Park Police officer who intervened to safeguard it. The demonstration

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Breaking: Shock Poll Has Biden PANICKING

‘Outnumbered’ co-host Kayleigh McEnany assesses a new Fox News poll showing Trump and Biden tied in Virginia, which has not been carried by a Republican presidential candidate since 2004. Top Comment: “How could anyone in their right mind would vote for

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Alvin Bragg to Face House Judiciary Probe

After so many excuses, Fat Alvin backtracked and finally agreed to face the House Judiciary Committee’s probe into the recent sham hush money trial of President Donald Trump. The Manhattan District attorney initially declined to attend but finally agreed to testify

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US News

Spies Unlike Us

In “How to Hire a Spy,” The Economist reviews a new book by Robert Hannigan, the former head of the British signals intelligence agency GCHQ. The key bits: Humanintelligence agencies like MI6 and the CIA recruit and run human agents and

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The Silver Bullet to Losing Weight

Let’s face it – trying to lose weight sucks. Dieting is difficult and compounded by the fact that our metabolisms are shot. Not only that, we’ve been trained to eat constantly, and the addictive foods on the store shelves today make

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WATCH: Top Border Agent RIPS Biden’s Huge Failure

National Border Patrol Council Vice President Art Del Cueto discusses the impact of Biden’s border executive action and reacts to former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki saying that the action was political. Top Comment: “This whole thing is a nightmare!”

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Breaking: Top Trump Allies Prepare For REVENGE

Many Republicans are calling on their red state district attorneys and attorney generals to go after Democrats in response to Alvin Bragg convicting Donald Trump. Is this a smart idea? Cully Stimson is against it and shares his reasoning with Mike

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Democrats REVOLT Over Joe Biden’s Shock Order

Democrats react to Biden’s executive order concerning the southern border. Will it make a difference? Top Comment: “The loons are out in full force.” Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: RJ_Patriot This content is courtesy of,

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Trump Just Flipped Big Tech RED

Several prominent figures in the cryptocurrency and venture capital sectors, including individuals with a history of supporting the Democratic party, have shown their backing for former President Donald Trump. David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya, both notable venture capitalists, recently organized a

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 9, 2024

  Source : https://theusmilitarynews.com/ Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much!   Join

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