What the ‘Communist’ Biden Regime Has Done: A Rundown

What the ‘Communist’ Biden Regime Has Done: A Rundown

Apparently, you only needed to write three letters to answer who is the worst president of the United States, J-O-E. Joe Biden’s four-year...
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Trump: “I May Feel Differently” Now About Not ‘Locking Up’ Hillary Clinton

Trump: “I May Feel Differently” Now About Not ‘Locking Up’ Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump has said that he may now feel differently about refraining from prosecuting Hillary Clinton while he was president in the wake...
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Blaze News original: 10 times ‘defund the police’ backfired

Blaze News original: 10 times ‘defund the police’ backfired

Less than two weeks after George Floyd died in the custody of Minneapolis police in May 2020, prominent city council members gathered in...
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NATO member OK’s using its jets to strike Russia

NATO member OK’s using its jets to strike Russia

Unlike Belgium, the Netherlands will not limit Ukraine in how it deploys donated F-16s, the kingdom’s defense minister has said Kiev will be...
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Teachers and Librarians “Immune From Civil and Criminal Liability”

Teachers and Librarians “Immune From Civil and Criminal Liability”

This Thursday on June 6 at 10 AM, the assembly in Trenton will vote on A3446 the "Freedom to Read Act."   Please read...
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They’re Voting for Trump to ‘Save Democracy.’ Plus. . .

They’re Voting for Trump to ‘Save Democracy.’ Plus. . .

On today’s Front Page from The Free Press: Suzy Weiss on the finance bro’s comeback, Ben Kawaller goes down a critical race theory...
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Fossil Fuel Companies, the Ball Is in Your Court

Fossil Fuel Companies, the Ball Is in Your Court

Apparently, Vermont is the first state to start forcing companies that sell fossil fuels to contribute to a climate clean-up fund. There’s a...
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What the ‘Communist’ Biden Regime Has Done: A Rundown

Apparently, you only needed to write three letters to answer who is the worst president of the United States, J-O-E. Joe Biden’s four-year term is undeniably historical and shattered records as he outperformed previous nation’s leaders with his utterly devastating performance

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International News

NATO member OK’s using its jets to strike Russia

Unlike Belgium, the Netherlands will not limit Ukraine in how it deploys donated F-16s, the kingdom’s defense minister has said Kiev will be allowed to use the 24 F-16 fighter jets that it is slated to receive from the Netherlands however

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Fossil Fuel Companies, the Ball Is in Your Court

Apparently, Vermont is the first state to start forcing companies that sell fossil fuels to contribute to a climate clean-up fund. There’s a simple way to make sure it’s also that last state to do so.  Companies that sell fossil fuels

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Meme Monday

The post Meme Monday appeared first on American Partisan. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Patriotman This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, https://www.americanpartisan.org and its author. This content is made available by

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The Great Pandemic: Round 2

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is once again at the center of a controversy, this time over their handling of a bird flu outbreak on dairy farms. This has led to a fierce debate with state officials and

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update June 3, 2024

  Source : https://theusmilitarynews.com/ Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much!   Join

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International News

Bosnian Serb leader sticks to his stance on Russia sanctions

Republika Srpska is under daily pressure from the US to slap restrictions on Moscow, Milorad Dodik has said Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina will not support Western sanctions against Russia over the fighting with Ukraine despite Washington’s persistent demands, President

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International News

Bosnian Serb leader sticks to his stance on Russia sanctions

Republika Srpska is under daily pressure from the US to slap restrictions on Moscow, Milorad Dodik has said Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina will not support Western sanctions against Russia over the fighting with Ukraine despite Washington’s persistent demands, President

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International News

North Korea to suspend trash balloon campaign (VIDEO)

Pyongyang has flown tons of waste into South Korea in response to propaganda leaflets sent by activists North Korea has said it will stop sending trash-carrying balloons to the South, claiming on Sunday that the campaign had achieved its goals. South

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Judge Squeezes Hunter

The federal judge overseeing Hunter Biden’s gun trial dealt his defense two setbacks Sunday, on the eve of jury selection, by blocking one of his expert witnesses and excluding a key piece of evidence the president’s son hoped to use. The

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Trump Conviction Faces Serious Challenges on Appeal

Jonathan Turley writes for The Hill that the recent conviction of former President Donald Trump will have a hard time surviving an appeal. The conviction of former President Donald Trump in Manhattan of 34 felonies produced citywide celebrations. This thrill-kill environment

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Looking at a Trump Second Term

Matthew Continetti attempts to project the likely policies in a second presidential term for Donald Trump. Trump has outlined many of his plans, including deportations of illegal immigrants and tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, in interviews and on the campaign trail. But

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Assessing the ‘Unsettled’ American Electorate

Daniel Cox, Kyle Gray, and Kelsey Eyre Hammond scrutinize new survey data about the American voting public. With just under six months until the 2024 presidential election, a new survey of more than 6,500 adults finds considerable uncertainty among the American

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Fighting the Populist Message About the American Dream

Michael Strain challenges populist concerns about the American dream. What do former President Trump and Bernie Sanders have in common? Or Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Nobel Prize-winning Clinton administration economist Joseph Stiglitz and billionaire investor Ray Dalio? Among many other

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Dershowitz Assesses Trump Guilty Verdict

Liberal legal legend Alan Dershowitz writes for DailyMail.com about the guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump. Long before Donald Trump’s hush-money trial concluded, I predicted that his conviction wss a forgone conclusion – despite the obvious weakness of the case

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International News

South Africa’s leader will not resign – party

The ruling African National Congress has lost its 30-year majority in the latest general election South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) party will not consider any demands from potential coalition partners for President Cyril Ramaphosa’s resignation, its secretary-general, Fikile Mbalula,

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Barack Obama’s Crime ‘is Treason’

In Case you missed it! Barack Obama committed the crime of treason, President Trump insists. A hundred years ago, Obama “would’ve been executed” for it. We still have the Deep State trying to run the show from behind the scenes, but

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Wow! Biden Family Insider Flips, Spills the Beans

As if the Biden’s needed more problems on the Hunter Biden front… Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, recently released her own memoir. In “If We Break,” she spills the beans about some of Hunter Biden’s escapades. Matched with the laptop, this

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