July 4th, why not bring the RNC Convention to July 4th (America’s birthday), if they will sentence Trump on July 5th, then July 4th, also, many males, black American males targeted for islamic

July 4th, why not bring the RNC Convention to July 4th (America’s birthday), if they will sentence Trump on July 5th, then July 4th, also, many males, black American males targeted for islamic

all day long…no wonder there is so much hate and violence…radical islam does not preach non-violence and this is the challenge we face...
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Fauci confesses he ‘made up’ covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

Fauci confesses he ‘made up’ covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

Slowly, drip by drip, the truth comes out about the whole COVID “pandemic” and the rules that were made up during the insane...
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‘Classified docs from State Dept. give more credence to Covid-19 Chinese lab leak’ (Sharyl Attkisson); excellent reporting by Attkisson as usual but the lab leak IMO is bullshit, MISDIRECTION, a CON

‘Classified docs from State Dept. give more credence to Covid-19 Chinese lab leak’ (Sharyl Attkisson); excellent reporting by Attkisson as usual but the lab leak IMO is bullshit, MISDIRECTION, a CON

‘The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic recently reviewed classified State Department documents that credibly suggest Covid-19 originated from a lab related...
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Gingrich: Choice In November Now Between Constitution And Left-Wing Dictatorship

Gingrich: Choice In November Now Between Constitution And Left-Wing Dictatorship

Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has issued a dire warning for the presidential election. He believes that the stakes of...
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Heavy police presence as ‘Israel Day on Fifth’ parade set to make its way through NYC

Heavy police presence as ‘Israel Day on Fifth’ parade set to make its way through NYC

There is an annual pro-Israel parade set to hit the streets of New York City on Sunday. The Associated Press reported that there...
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J.D. Vance vs. CNN’s Blitzer: Trump Trial ‘Has Politics Written All Over It’

J.D. Vance vs. CNN’s Blitzer: Trump Trial ‘Has Politics Written All Over It’

Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance got into a heated debate with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer regarding former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan trial. The...
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Trump Drops Scary Prediction If Hush Money Judge Jails Him

Trump Drops Scary Prediction If Hush Money Judge Jails Him

Former President Donald Trump has made a frightening prediction of what he believes will happen if Judge Juan Merchan sentences him to prison....
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‘Classified docs from State Dept. give more credence to Covid-19 Chinese lab leak’ (Sharyl Attkisson); excellent reporting by Attkisson as usual but the lab leak IMO is bullshit, MISDIRECTION, a CON

‘The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic recently reviewed classified State Department documents that credibly suggest Covid-19 originated from a lab related accident in Wuhan, China. Many experts said this was the case from the start of the pandemic but

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US News

MAJOR ESCALATION: Biden OKs Ukraine Hitting Targets INSIDE Russia!

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US News

Biden’s WORST Bumbling Speech Yet!

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June 2 – “Vaccine” Holocaust Strike Home

(Face painting, Barb Lee & Granddaughter) For many years Barbara Lee, 75,  bared her mighty soul weekly on Snippets and Snappets with her collection of memes and inspirational photos. She died recently from sepsis, a rapid organ breakdown caused by the COVID “vaccine.” Her

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IDF BATTLE VIDEOS: Givati Battle Team in action in Rafah

The battle team of the Givati ​​Brigade has been operating under Division 162 for the past few days in the area of ​​the ‘Yavna’ neighborhood in Rafah, the forces are eliminating terrorists and destroying terrorist infrastructure. As part of the fighters’

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RFK Jr. and Blagojevich defend Trump in a trial many say is biased. Will Democrats reconsider their strategy? Read More: https://nextnewsnetwork.com/2024/05/31/rfk-jr-is-democracy-at-stake/ #news

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Bill Maher tells college protestors that Israel is not an apartheid state because Muslims have equal rights, and calls the protestors hypocrites for ignoring the real, gender-based apartheid that exists in Muslim controlled countries.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRzv0HgatRc Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: danfromsquirrelhill This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, https://danfromsquirrelhill.wordpress.com and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered by

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Why We Laugh and the Rarity of Female Comics

This is a clip from tomorrow’s podcast episode. In it, Dr. Peterson and Roseanne Barr discuss how trust plays into successful stand up comedy, the aspects of the art that make or break a joke, and why women are so rare

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Why Isn’t There a Cure for Insomnia?

Story at a Glance: •Proper sleep is one of the most important things for our health, and when it is disrupted, many severe issues consistently emerge (e.g., heart attacks, psychiatric illnesses, car accidents, fatigue, diabetes, cognitive impairment, or dementia). •Unfortunately, poor

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Test Post 221

Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: A Midwestern Doctor This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered

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Montessori and Drag Queen Story Hour

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves

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Lidia Curanaj: The rule of law can no longer be trusted

On "Sunday Agenda," Lidia Curanaj comments on Donald Trump’s guilty verdict. Watch NEWSMAX, an independent news network with a conservative perspective, available in 100M+ U.S. homes. Watch NEWSMAX anytime at http://NewsmaxTV.com. Don’t have cable/satellite that carries NEWSMAX? Watch NEWSMAX online, on-demand

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US News

Global Community REJECTS World Health Org Pandemic Treaty!!

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People Based Learning: A Compaign

Friends, I am doing a mid year intention setting activity and I’d love for you to join. Click here to find an illustrated Join us OR The Big Idea My experiences as a researcher have left me with a lot of

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June 2024 Funding, Website Renewal and more

Dontspeaknews.com needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going!

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