LOLZ: Pro-“Palestine” Protesters Block Philly Gay Pride Parade

LOLZ: Pro-“Palestine” Protesters Block Philly Gay Pride Parade

Eating their own. How delicious. Which side was Queers for Palestine on? Eating their own. How delicious! — Pamela Geller (@PamelaGeller) June...
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A Sham Case, and Everyone Knows It

A Sham Case, and Everyone Knows It

Maureen Dowd in the New York Times in this morning’s op-ed about Donald Trump’s trial:Even though the case was a stretch and not...
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White House: Israel Has Achieved Most Military Goals in Gaza

White House: Israel Has Achieved Most Military Goals in Gaza

US White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby holds a news briefing at the White House in Washington, US,...
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Site logo image	Caitlin Johnstone	Read on blog or Reader They Can’t Control The Gaza Narrative Because Too Much Has Been Seen

Site logo image Caitlin Johnstone Read on blog or Reader They Can’t Control The Gaza Narrative Because Too Much Has Been Seen

By Caitlin Johnstone, A lot of mainstream-adjacent progressives act like Gaza is some radical deviation from normal US behavior, which is infantile nonsense....
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Accomplice charged in mass shooting that claimed the lives of 8 people after he threw one of the murder weapons in a river: Cops

Accomplice charged in mass shooting that claimed the lives of 8 people after he threw one of the murder weapons in a river: Cops

Romeo Nance, right inset, allegedly killed eight people, including seven of his own family members in a shooting back an January in Joliet,...
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Dem Rep Calls On New York Gov Kathy Hochul To Pardon Trump ‘For The Good Of The Country’

Dem Rep Calls On New York Gov Kathy Hochul To Pardon Trump ‘For The Good Of The Country’

Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota called on Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Friday night to pardon presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee...
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Palliative care for cancer patients is found to be as effective given virtually as in person

Palliative care for cancer patients is found to be as effective given virtually as in person

CHICAGO — Comfort can be delivered to patients with advanced cancer virtually just as well as in person, according to a new study presented...
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A Sham Case, and Everyone Knows It

Maureen Dowd in the New York Times in this morning’s op-ed about Donald Trump’s trial: Even though the case was a stretch and not the strongest one against Trump, there was something refreshing about the jury doing what no one else

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Britain and the creation of a Jewish state

The Churchill Connection In 1841, Colonel Charles Henry Churchill created the first plan for a Jewish state in Palestine, fifty years before Zionist leader Theodore Herzl did. Lord Randolph Churchill, Winston’s father, was regularly mocked for having Jewish friends, which young

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Biological Men Using Female Toilets At UEA

James Harvey reports on this subject for Urban Scoop, exploring the issue of transgender individuals using female toilets in the UK and its impact on women’s rights to safe and private spaces. Recent incidents at the University of East Anglia have

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Norwich Library CAUGHT ‘Transing’ Young Children

Reporting on unethical practices Last week, a controversy emerged when Norwich Library, under pressure from the local council, removed their display set up for Transgender Day of Visibility. The display, which included artwork depicting hormone replacement therapy and mastectomies, as well

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Mainstream Media Exposed – Tommy WINS In Court!!!

Tommy Robinson achieved a significant victory in court, where the judge criticized the Metropolitan Police for substantial errors in fact. The confusion stemmed from dispersal orders issued at different times and locations, compounded by alterations made post-dispersal by a senior police

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Facebook REFUSES to Ban Adult-Child “Dating” Groups

Facebook Reluctance to Ban Group Titled “Dating Site for 9-18 Year Olds” Thursday evening, exhausted from a gruelling day at work, “S” finally returned home craving a moment of relaxation. Before unwinding for the night, she decided to glance through her

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The Importance Of Nationalism And Identity

St. George’s Day, celebrated on April 23rd, stands as a poignant symbol of patriotism and nationalism in England. It honours shared values, heritage, and identity, encapsulating Englishness and Britishness. This day serves as a reminder of the unity and pride inherent

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Save Salwan

Please sign our petition today to help! Help support by signing our petition to save Salwan Momika from death! Save Salwan – Help support by signing our petition to save Salwan Momika from death! Please sign the petition at – Salwan Momika

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St, George’s Day

23rd April 2024, 3pm at Whitehall in London As the dawn of another Friday morning graces us, I’m reminded of the essence of being English. It’s more than just a nationality; it’s a profound connection to a rich tapestry of history,

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Some Democrats Running Away from Biden Border Policies

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) – Earlier this month, news reports suggested Democrats were preparing to launch an “aggressive new immigration strategy” ahead of the election, The Center Square reported. Included in the strategy was an attempt to pass a so-called

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US News

Trump joins TikTok, immediately goes mega-viral

(RVM NEWS) – In an unexpected turn of events, former US President Donald Trump has made a comeback on the social media platform TikTok, despite his previous calls for the app’s ban over its association with China. Trump’s reemergence on TikTok

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Sacrificial Pawns + What We Are Really Fighting Steve Cook | We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces. The following featured item is a powerful and insightful look at the reality of our situation that will empower and liberate

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