“Saudi Arabia will not renew its 50 Year ‘Petro-Dollar’ Agreement with the United States as it moves toward a BRICS Alliance, essentially ending...
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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Rep. Eric Swalwell Runs Scared Again After Being Asked About His Efforts To Kick Trump Off The Ballot

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Rep. Eric Swalwell Runs Scared Again After Being Asked About His Efforts To Kick Trump Off The Ballot

Rep. Eric Swalwell ran scared from Loomer Unleashed Wednesday when we followed up with him on a question regarding his efforts to kick...
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In The Old Days We Had “Slumlords”, But In 2024 We Have “Vanlords”

In The Old Days We Had “Slumlords”, But In 2024 We Have “Vanlords”

If you live in a major city, you can see them all around you.  I am talking about aging vans, RVs and trailers...
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Joe Biden’s Daily Pharmaceuticals Reportedly Revealed

Joe Biden’s Daily Pharmaceuticals Reportedly Revealed

This article originally appeared on The Gateway Pundit and was republished with permission. Guest post by Cullen Linebarger As Gateway Pundit readers know, Joe Biden continues...
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Watchman Daily Devotional: A Great Number in the Body of Christ Live Under the Threat of Persecution. We Should Remember Them in Our Prayers and Do What We Can to Assist Them as if We Were There Among Them

Watchman Daily Devotional: A Great Number in the Body of Christ Live Under the Threat of Persecution. We Should Remember Them in Our Prayers and Do What We Can to Assist Them as if We Were There Among Them

Hebrews 13:3-5, 8 3 Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you...
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Watchman: The Veterans Affairs, One of the Largest Agencies in the United States, Has Decided To Maintain Its COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Without Any Concrete Evidence to Back It Up, Killing Us Slowly by Gov.Approval

Watchman: The Veterans Affairs, One of the Largest Agencies in the United States, Has Decided To Maintain Its COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Without Any Concrete Evidence to Back It Up, Killing Us Slowly by Gov.Approval

By SRH, When you allow people who never had power before, they fight to keep it. Look at all the public health departments,...
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INSANE Amount of Spying on The People – 6.13.24

INSANE Amount of Spying on The People – 6.13.24

For Monkey Werx gear and products, go to For prepper products made in the USA, visit You can help support the...
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“Saudi Arabia will not renew its 50 Year ‘Petro-Dollar’ Agreement with the United States as it moves toward a BRICS Alliance, essentially ending the West and U.S. dollar dominance.” “In 2018, leaders from the BRICS Alliance met, including Vladimir Putin and

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Joe Biden’s Daily Pharmaceuticals Reportedly Revealed

This article originally appeared on The Gateway Pundit and was republished with permission. Guest post by Cullen Linebarger As Gateway Pundit readers know, Joe Biden continues to decline mentally every day, although there are times when he suddenly gets a bolt of energy. This

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Watchman: The Veterans Affairs, One of the Largest Agencies in the United States, Has Decided To Maintain Its COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Without Any Concrete Evidence to Back It Up, Killing Us Slowly by Gov.Approval

By SRH, When you allow people who never had power before, they fight to keep it. Look at all the public health departments, with very little education. To have power, they ran with it. Mandating shots, masks, lockdowns, and social distance.They

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US News

INSANE Amount of Spying on The People – 6.13.24

For Monkey Werx gear and products, go to For prepper products made in the USA, visit You can help support the channel and watch live SITREPs at Find more info on Skyglass here: Socials: ©2023

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Watchman: The United Nations General Assembly Has Approved a Resolution Led by Pakistan Aimed on the Promotion of Nonreligious, Intercultural Dialogue. It’s Interesting to Consider the Opposing Views on Religion and Faith. Some Individuals, Like the Pharisees, Were Known for Their Strong Opinions on Religion. It’s Worth Reflecting on Jesus’ Teachings About Hypocrisy and the Importance of Sincerity

HNewsWire: The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution co-sponsored by Pakistan and the Philippines on the “Promotion of interreligious and intercultural dialogue” by an overwhelming majority. This resolution is part of Pakistan’s global efforts to promote interfaith harmony, tolerance,

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International News

Record bribery case brought to Russian court

Two Moscow investigators have been charged with extorting an equivalent of $181 million in cryptocurrency from suspects A Moscow region court is to hear a case involving the biggest bribe in Russia’s modern history, the judicial authority announced on its website

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The Truth about chemtrails from pilots

The post The Truth about chemtrails from pilots appeared first on Easton Spectator. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Michael Easton This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This

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Abortionists Care More About Selling Abortions Than Women

It’s their actions that reveal the ruse. Their language has been powerful in creating a pro-woman narrative, insisting abortion is “essential healthcare.” Abortion advocates are unequivocal in their talking points: the health and safety of women rely on the availability of

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US News

Biden at G7: Guys, This Is Bad

Video after video from the G7 meetings shows a confused Joe Biden who moves slow and can’t speak intelligibly. Take the latest video (one of several from today alone) showing the assembled world leaders watching a skydiver land with a G7

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NATO-Ukraine Council meets to show solidarity against Putin

The NATO-Ukraine Council met at the alliance’s headquarters in Brussels in order to discuss security issues and show solidarity against Vladimir Putin. NEWSMAX’s Shelby Wilder reports. Watch NEWSMAX, an independent news network with a conservative perspective, available in 100M+ U.S. homes.

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International News

No Patriots for Ukraine – Poland

Washington can find an air defense system elsewhere to hand over to Kiev, the Polish deputy defense minister has said US-made Patriot air defense systems stationed in Poland are not going anywhere, the European nation’s deputy defense minister Cezary Tomczyk said

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Left-Feminist Professor Tells Half a Story

While women and girls are being abused and erased by the Queering of America, leftwing feminists have been conspicuous by their absence. Except when it comes to their sacrament of child-sacrifice. Prof. Linda Nicholson, an ‘expert’ in one of the grievance

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Hartford High School Goes Full Marxist Groomer On Kids

As a tax payer and parent of a graduating senior at the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center I was sent a questionnaire last week with the following email announcement of Hartford’s newly adopted “inclusivity” policy: Dear Members of the Hartford

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Blaming the Victims

Salvadorans belonging to different churches and social organizations take part in a torch rally called “Light in the Darkness” demanding peace and against violence in San Bartolo, some 14 km east of San Salvador, on September 11, 2006. The town of

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Tory Realism Lives on in the Land of Canning

The British debate about an intervention in the American Civil War is fascinating because it skewers every political theory one might be attached to. Consider, for example, that the hero of liberalism, William Gladstone, was interested in supporting the Confederacy and

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All Senate Republicans sign pro-IVF statement

CV NEWS FEED // Every single Republican U.S. Senator on Wednesday signed a statement of “strong” support for legal in-vitro fertilization (IVF) across the country. “Senate Democrats have embraced a Summer of Scare Tactics – a partisan campaign of false fearmongering

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