Over 3 million displaced amid escalating conflict in Myanmar

Over 3 million displaced amid escalating conflict in Myanmar

This week, Myanmar marked a bleak milestone with over 3 million civilians displaced nationwide amid intensifying conflict. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination...
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Did the CIA Use Gangster Rap and Rock’n Roll to Destabilize Inner Cities? Joe Rogan and Rick Ross Weigh In

Did the CIA Use Gangster Rap and Rock’n Roll to Destabilize Inner Cities? Joe Rogan and Rick Ross Weigh In

Joe Rogan and Freeway Rick Ross criticize hip-hop radio for promoting themes like violence and drug use, expressing concern over its impact on...
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More Bad News for The ‘Energy Transition’ – There Isn’t Enough Copper for EVs, Forget The Rest of It

More Bad News for The ‘Energy Transition’ – There Isn’t Enough Copper for EVs, Forget The Rest of It

If you hear a politician or one of their fanatical followers mouthing off about net zero, the energy transition, or achieving some arbitrary...
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HCMC Price Prediction 2025: Expert Analysis And Predictions

HCMC Price Prediction 2025: Expert Analysis And Predictions

Investors are always on the lookout for promising opportunities. One such opportunity that has garnered significant attention is Healthier Choices Management Corp (HCMC)....
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Blumenthal blasts Coast Guard for failing to curb sex assaults and harassment in CT ahead of hearing

Blumenthal blasts Coast Guard for failing to curb sex assaults and harassment in CT ahead of hearing

A “culture of concealment and cover-up” exists on long-standing issues of sexual assault and harassment, which still persists in the United States Coast Guard, U.S. Sen. Richard...
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Pro-Life Doctors Condemn Supreme Court Ruling Letting Abortion Pills Hurt Women

Pro-Life Doctors Condemn Supreme Court Ruling Letting Abortion Pills Hurt Women

The attorney who represented the pro-life doctors who challenged the lack of safety regulations on the dangerous abortion pill condemned today’s Supreme Court...
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Abducted Young Mother in Pakistan Refuses Forced Conversion

Abducted Young Mother in Pakistan Refuses Forced Conversion

Interior of Ghausia Mosque, Katchery Bazar, Okara, Pakistan. (Sunni Person, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – A young Catholic mother’s...
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Over 3 million displaced amid escalating conflict in Myanmar

This week, Myanmar marked a bleak milestone with over 3 million civilians displaced nationwide amid intensifying conflict. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA-Myanmar), it is estimated that one-third of those displaced are children whose education and futures have

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HCMC Price Prediction 2025: Expert Analysis And Predictions

Investors are always on the lookout for promising opportunities. One such opportunity that has garnered significant attention is Healthier Choices Management Corp (HCMC). With its innovative approach to healthier lifestyle products and potential in the cannabis sector, HCMC has piqued the

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International News

Abducted Young Mother in Pakistan Refuses Forced Conversion

Interior of Ghausia Mosque, Katchery Bazar, Okara, Pakistan. (Sunni Person, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – A young Catholic mother’s eyes welled up with tears and her hands shook as she recalled how a Muslim in Pakistan kidnapped

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Trump Meeting With GOP Senators, McConnell

Donald Trump is visiting Capitol Hill on Thursday. He will be meeting with GOP Senators, including Mitch McConnell. This is the first time he will have seen Mitch McConnell in almost Fox News reported: Longtime Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.,

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Huge Settlement for Johnson & Johnson in Cancer Cases

Johnson & Johnson to pay $700 million to settle 14,000 cancer claims linked to their talc products, denies wrongdoing. Read More: https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/trending/johnson-johnson-reaches-700m-talc-settlement/BBBODT4BVRBPTLDT5Y233Y3TXM/ #news #news

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Bad Medicine

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has been lecturing the public for years to listen to their expert opinions on helping people transition to the opposite sex. Unfortunately for them, their behind-the-scenes conversations are now public, so finding out

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OUTKICK: ‘No One Can Find Matt Drudge’

The Drudge Report is still active. Its patented low-quality interface remains. However, the site’s editorial presence hardly resembles its former self. Around 2015, readers noticed a peculiar change in tone: the site turned on Donald Trump without explanation. Notice we say the site; not Drudge

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The Only Crimes Are Political Now

On Wednesday, three teens were arrested for riding e-scooters over an LGBTQ ‘Pride’ mural painted on a crosswalk in Spokane, Washington. One of the teens was charged with a first-degree felony and bail was set at $15,000. On Saturday, in another

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