Supreme Court Strikes Down Challenge on ‘Baby-Killing’ Pills

Supreme Court Strikes Down Challenge on ‘Baby-Killing’ Pills

The US Supreme Court struck down the motion by a group of doctors to prohibit the sale of baby-killing pills on Thursday. These...
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Equalize, or Minimize?

Equalize, or Minimize?

Here’s a thought experiment that recently occurred to me that I’d like to run by you, dear EconLog readers. I think the intuitive...
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Small Business ‘Uncertainty’ Reaches Highest Level Since Pandemic Forced Business Closures

Small Business ‘Uncertainty’ Reaches Highest Level Since Pandemic Forced Business Closures

California News: The National Federation of Independent Businesses released a new survey showing the highest Small Business “uncertainty” since 2020 during the pandemic,...
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This is what it looks like to ‘really lose’ China’s trade war, expert warns
Kiwi Shoe Polish Going the Way of Shinola

Kiwi Shoe Polish Going the Way of Shinola

Generations of soldiers spent long hours shining their shoes and boots with Kiwi brand wax polish. The company is apparently going out of...
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Buying Junk Silver for Beginners: EVERYTHING

Buying Junk Silver for Beginners: EVERYTHING

The post Buying Junk Silver for Beginners: EVERYTHING appeared first on American Partisan. Click this link for the original source of this article....
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Space Force picks three firms to compete for $5.6B in launch contracts

Space Force picks three firms to compete for $5.6B in launch contracts

The Space Force chose Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin to compete alongside incumbents United Launch Alliance and SpaceX for launch missions worth up to...
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Equalize, or Minimize?

Here’s a thought experiment that recently occurred to me that I’d like to run by you, dear EconLog readers. I think the intuitive reactions one might have to this thought experiment might do a lot to clarify how one conceives of

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US News

Kiwi Shoe Polish Going the Way of Shinola

Generations of soldiers spent long hours shining their shoes and boots with Kiwi brand wax polish. The company is apparently going out of business, as not enough people are shining their shoes anymore. Unbeknownst to me, it left the UK market

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Buying Junk Silver for Beginners: EVERYTHING

The post Buying Junk Silver for Beginners: EVERYTHING appeared first on American Partisan. Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Patriotman This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content

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This documentation of the horror of the COVID vaccine & living through medical tyranny by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World’s mother, needs to be showcased!

UPDATE 4: What Happens When An Elderly Woman Rejects The COVID “Vaccine” From A Prominent NYC Doctor? ( Start 2nd here: Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work,

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Every Senate Republican Signs Letter Supporting IVF

Every single Republican U.S. Senator on Wednesday signed a statement of “strong” support for legal in-vitro fertilization (IVF) across the country. “Senate Democrats have embraced a Summer of Scare Tactics – a partisan campaign of false fearmongering intended to mislead and

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International News

World sobering up on Ukraine conflict – Moscow

It is becoming harder for Western propaganda to convince the global majority, Russia’s UN envoy has said A more rational attitude is forming around the globe towards the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Moscow’s permanent representative to the United Nations has said. The work

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Get it in Writing? No, Not Nashua.

I’m sure most, if all of our readers are familiar with the term “get it in writing,” but it’s a seemingly alien concept in city hall. Please take 3 minutes to play this video of Laurie Ortolano during a recent public

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STOP Putting Your Entire Life on Social Media!

► Watch MORE BlazeTV YouTube Videos: ► Join BlazeTV and Watch LIVE Shows Daily! ► Visit the ‘Blaze News’ Website (No Annoying Ads!): ► Sign-Up for our NEWSLETTER: Connect with us on Social Media:

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Trump Ventures into the Swamp’s Epicenter, Returns with a Chilling Message for the Nation

🚨URGENTLY GIVE HERE: or here via paypal: The Silent Coup: Unveil the Hidden Truths Limited Time! Secure Your Exclusive Copy & Bonus. In the heart of The Swamp, Washington, D.C., former President Donald Trump delivers a dire warning

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Next President Needs to Undo Joe Biden’s Radical Abortion Agenda

In a unanimous ruling Thursday, the Supreme Court upheld the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recent relaxations of the requirements to obtain and distribute the abortion-inducing drug mifepristone. The Court’s 9-0 ruling on FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, penned by Justice Brett Kavanaugh,

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Federal Judge Throws Out ATF Firearm Stabilizing Brace Rule

A federal judge in Texas ruled on Thursday that an effort by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to regulate firearm braces doesn’t pass legal muster. Attorney General Merrick Garland approved the ATF’s pistol brace rule—dubbed the “Factoring

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Beyond a One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Homeland Security

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a critical role in ensuring the nation’s preparedness for a wide range of threats, including terrorism. However, a one-size-fits-all approach to homeland security must account for the vastly different vulnerabilities faced by various

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US News

Misleading Headlines of the Day

A weird trend across the major news outlets: WaPo, “Supreme Court upholds broad access to key abortion pill mifepristone“ NYT, “Supreme Court Maintains Broad Access to Abortion Pill“ AP, “Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication“ Reuters, “US

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International News

Kiev rejects Moscow’s new peace proposal

Russian President Vladimir Putin had offered Ukraine a set of conditions in order to initiate a ceasefire and begin negotiations Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky’s aide Mikhail Podoliak has rejected a peace initiative put forward by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday,

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YourINT SITREP (14 JUN 2024)

Unmasking the Biggest Clinton Scandal of All Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Moscow-occupied areas and drops NATO bid — a nonstarter for Kyiv US and South Korea sound warning amid reports Putin is headed to North Korea U.S. Submarine Pulls

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