Europeans reject Globalist agenda in EU elections: Rob Schmitt

Europeans reject Globalist agenda in EU elections: Rob Schmitt

Rob Schmitt reacts to the performance of conservative and populist politicians in the EU election, media's response and the new French election set...
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Europeans reject Globalist agenda in EU elections: Rob Schmitt

Europeans reject Globalist agenda in EU elections: Rob Schmitt

Rob Schmitt reacts to the performance of conservative and populist politicians in the EU election, media's response and the new French election set...
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Christian denomination loses 1 million members in a single day

Christian denomination loses 1 million members in a single day

(CBN NEWS) -- The United Methodist Church Council of Bishops has issued a response to one of the largest exoduses from the denomination...
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Your Money Problems Are Imaginary, the White House Claims. The Facts Say Otherwise.

Your Money Problems Are Imaginary, the White House Claims. The Facts Say Otherwise.

Millions of Americans are struggling to afford necessities like food, rent, insurance, and a car payment. But if you’re one of them, don’t...
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Ancient book containing earliest versions of 2 Bible books up for auction

Ancient book containing earliest versions of 2 Bible books up for auction

(CHRISTIAN POST) -- An ancient manuscript containing the oldest complete versions of two significant Biblical texts — the book of Jonah and 1...
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Australian Human Rights Commission Asks for Public Submissions: How Were You Affected by COVID Measures?

Australian Human Rights Commission Asks for Public Submissions: How Were You Affected by COVID Measures?

The Australian Human Rights Commission is asking the people for their stories as they investigate the impacts of the national, state, and community...
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Covid + mRNA Vaccines are Patented BioWeapons Partial Owned by the US Government!

Covid + mRNA Vaccines are Patented BioWeapons Partial Owned by the US Government!

In the last few weeks more and more information is coming out to the surface that shows that both the covid virus and...
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PRIVATE BLOG – War in Europe – 3rd Time is the Charm?

PRIVATE BLOG – War in Europe – 3rd Time is the Charm? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit Click this link for the original source of this

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US News

Working out at night best for lowering blood sugar

(STUDY FINDS) — Does the time of day that you exercise make a difference in your health? A new study by scientists at the University of Granada suggests it just might be, particularly if you’re at risk for diabetes. They’ve uncovered

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Iran’s Ties to the ‘Palestine Chronicle’

An American nonprofit that published the writings of a Hamas affiliate who held three Israelis hostage has ties to the Iranian regime and Al Jazeera, the Qatari-funded outlet that has served as a leading mouthpiece for Hamas, according to a Washington

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What Is Morally Justifiable

There Is no such thing as “morally justifiable” except in the minds of Liberals. If we continue to let the Left enjoy a majority rule, we will continue to see our rights and privileges erode and have no one to blame

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Trump to Virtually Meet with Probation Officers

It has been reported that the former President Donald Trump will meet with an official of the New York City Probation Department on Monday. Trump, as well as Todd Blanche, his attorney, will meet virtually from Mar-a-lago. Usually defendants do not

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Men Who Get Women

Fulfillment for a man comes from discovering  what he was born to do, and doing it.  God has given every man a mission.  A man becomes a man when he finally believes in himself,   and doesn’t put any man or woman

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US News

JP Sears: When you trust Big Pharma with your life

Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Around the Web This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered

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US News

JP Sears: When you trust Big Pharma with your life

Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: Around the Web This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered

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The DNA of neo-Leninist Democrats

There dwells within the DNA of neo-Leninist Democrats a spirit of utter and complete dishonesty, consistent with the worst that can be attributed to Satan. Harsh words; yes, but said harshness doesn’t diminish their truth. Even with the bar for propriety

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The DNA of neo-Leninist Democrats

There dwells within the DNA of neo-Leninist Democrats a spirit of utter and complete dishonesty, consistent with the worst that can be attributed to Satan. Harsh words; yes, but said harshness doesn’t diminish their truth. Even with the bar for propriety

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The Nazi past and present of the WEF

“It should not be forgotten that the Hitlerian myth of superman proceeds directly from Nietzsche. This superman is indeed resolute man, man freed from all the bourgeois conventions, cynical man, man who replaces his creator, and a man-god. As Hitler confided

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The Nazi past and present of the WEF

“It should not be forgotten that the Hitlerian myth of superman proceeds directly from Nietzsche. This superman is indeed resolute man, man freed from all the bourgeois conventions, cynical man, man who replaces his creator, and a man-god. As Hitler confided

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More adventures with AI Claude, the contrite poet

Working with the AI bot Claude is, in no particular order, amazing, frustrating and hilarious. On the one hand, when “he” gets things right, the knowledge base is beyond staggering. (Yes, I know I’m dealing with an “it,” but Claude has

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