Customer Rips What’s In New McDonald’s Value Meal: ‘So it’s basically a Happy Meal?’

Customer Rips What’s In New McDonald’s Value Meal: ‘So it’s basically a Happy Meal?’

Fast-food places have deals for budget watchers. Wendy’s has the $7 Biggie Bag. Burger King offers 2 for $5. Chili’s has a 3...
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Tattoos Signal Satanic Possession in South Korea

Tattoos Signal Satanic Possession in South Korea

One-third of Korea's adult population, or some 13 million people, have tattoos as of the end of 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Health...
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Yuck: Kamala’s Stepdaughter Drops Shocking Photos

Yuck: Kamala’s Stepdaughter Drops Shocking Photos

Ella Emhoff, the stepdaughter of the Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, is now a model. If we are being brutally honest, this is...
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WWIII Has Begun, Next Phase Of The Awakening, Swamp The Vote, Moves & Countermoves – X22 Report

WWIII Has Begun, Next Phase Of The Awakening, Swamp The Vote, Moves & Countermoves – X22 Report

 The Hunter show trial is now off and running, people will see the two tiered justice system and this will put pressure...
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Fani fail! Georgia Appeals court POSTPONED all further proceedings in Willis’ crumbling case

Fani fail! Georgia Appeals court POSTPONED all further proceedings in Willis’ crumbling case

Lawfare may have worked in New York with slimy Democrat jurors (who’s identities amazingly still haven’t been made public), but in Georgia, the...
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Woman’s Hilarious Subway Rant Goes Viral: ‘The exact reason I started ordering on their app’

Woman’s Hilarious Subway Rant Goes Viral: ‘The exact reason I started ordering on their app’

A Subway customer claims the chain is “making fools” of its customers after dropping “cute” sandwich names. In her video, Carli (@partimevegan) criticizes...
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Sen. Cornyn: ‘Much more effective if we interdicted’ fentanyl at the border

Sen. Cornyn: ‘Much more effective if we interdicted’ fentanyl at the border

On Wednesday's "The Record with Greta Van Susteren," Sen. John Cornyn comments on the ongoing crisis at the U.S. southern border, the bill...
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In yet another display of the Biden administration’s knack for bending the rules, NBC News reported that a new policy has been introduced allowing classified information to be shared during immigration hearings and proceedings. This policy, brought forward in a memo

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Supreme Court DENIAL – Dems OUTRAGED

Democrats do not like to be told no, but that is the answer they just received from Chief Justice Roberts. Democrats have Justice Alito in their sites right now, but Roberts cut them off at the pass. After several high-ranking Democrats

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Pride Month: See the flag, say a prayer

It’s June, and that means that everywhere you turn, you’ll be confronted with LGBTQ+ flags and banners and memes and displays. But rather than get frustrated by this constant, in your face display, let’s turn it into a call for prayer.

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Tucker Carlson Interviews Based President of El Salvador

First, Tucker Carlson interviewed Javier Milei, then he interviewed Vladimir Putin. Now, the popular American journalist has released a highly-anticipated interview with El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele. Tucker Carlson Network writes: “Tucker travels to El Salvador to interview President Nayib Bukele

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Minnesota Fraud Case Takes A Crazy Twist

Grab your popcorn because today we’re diving into a courtroom drama that sounds like it’s straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster. Imagine this: a juror, a bag of cash, and a plot twist that’s got everyone on the edge of their

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US News

Biden fails gun safety

Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: WND Comics This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered by

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US News

Fauci’s mind

Click this link for the original source of this article. Author: WND Comics This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered by

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Biden Team Gives Comments To CBS News After Donation

Get ready because today, we’re diving into the world of campaign finance and, more specifically, dark money donations. You might have heard the term “dark money” thrown around in political discussions, but what exactly does it mean? And why is it

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Former Manhattan DA Comments On Trump Case

Former Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. recently shared his thoughts on former President Donald Trump’s legal predicament. Spoiler alert: Vance doesn’t think Trump will see the inside of a prison cell. Let’s break down the details of this intriguing prediction.

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International News

Britain doesn’t want to go to war

The differences between the two main parties in the UK on most foreign policy questions are matters of almost imperceptible nuance. As we were reminded in the first election debate, both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are united in their support

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International News

Where is Britain’s grand strategy?

In The Kindly Ones, Anthony Powell’s fictionalised portrayal of the Britain of the late Thirties, the approaching war appears like a spectre “now materialising in slow motion,” a “looming, menacing shape of ever greater height, ever thickening density”. The mood of

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International News

The Mannheim attacks reveal Europe’s impotence

Every year, I have to write a version of this article because events like this never seem to stop. Every year, our political leaders promise to do something. And every year, it gets worse. For the past two weeks, it has

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International News

It’s D-Day for modern masculinity

On 6 June 1944, nearly 160,000 soldiers from the Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy and commenced the reconquest of Western Europe from the Nazis. The man in charge of this massive operation, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, would go

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US News

Call Of Duty Gets Woke-r

Activision recently allowed Call of Duty (COD) Warfare III and Warzoneplayers to celebrate Pride Month with free LGBTQ+ community skins. While there’s an argument to be made about how ugly the skins look with their trans and rainbow colors, the main

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2nd Amendment

Armed Homeowner Takes On 3 Attackers In Chicago

A Chicago homeowner who is a concealed carry holder pulled a gun during an altercation. The 43-year-old male victim was in front of his home when a verbal altercation broke out between him and three other men he knew. The three

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Germany: Far-Right AfD Candidate Attacked in Mannheim

A suspect was arrested after a local council candidate for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) was attacked with a knife, police and prosecutors said on Wednesday. {snip} The candidate was attacked after confronting an individual who was trying to remove an election poster on

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Germany: Far-Right AfD Candidate Attacked in Mannheim

A suspect was arrested after a local council candidate for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) was attacked with a knife, police and prosecutors said on Wednesday. {snip} The candidate was attacked after confronting an individual who was trying to remove an election poster on

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