E53S2: “A Nation Without A Leader!” w/ JJ Carrell

E53S2: “A Nation Without A Leader!” w/ JJ Carrell

JJ Carrell, retired Border Patrol Agent and cohost of Unrestricted Invasion, has an honest and raw discussion on what a nation looks like...
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BC United MLA Lorne Doerkson switches over to join the BC Conservatives

BC United MLA Lorne Doerkson switches over to join the BC Conservatives

BC Conservative Leader John Rustad stands by MLA Lorne Doerkson during an announcement Friday that Doerkson is switching parties, leaving BC United behind....
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Watch Dave Smith and Audience Demand Chris Cuomo to APOLOGIZE to Joe Rogan

Watch Dave Smith and Audience Demand Chris Cuomo to APOLOGIZE to Joe Rogan

“You were smearing him [Rogan] for saying that. You literally said, ‘He’s taking horse dewormer. He should be ashamed of himself.’ You pleaded...
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Illegal Immigrant Who Allegedly Killed Laken Riley Pleads Not Guilty On Murder Charges

Illegal Immigrant Who Allegedly Killed Laken Riley Pleads Not Guilty On Murder Charges

On Friday, the illegal immigrant accused of killing Laken Riley, a nursing student at Augusta University, pleaded not guilty during an arraignment hearing....
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The Trump Verdict: Unmasking Government Corruption and…

The Trump Verdict: Unmasking Government Corruption and…

The Dems just slapped Trump with 34 fabricated “felonies” in a farcical trial overseen by a corrupt judge. These 34 guilty verdicts absolutely...
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I blame the COVID shutdowns

I blame the COVID shutdowns

Justice delayed is justice denied; how many times have we heard that phrase? Well, justice delayed sometimes means death for a victim who...
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Quietly Jewish scientist poised to win Sunday’s Mexican presidential election

Quietly Jewish scientist poised to win Sunday’s Mexican presidential election

By CANAAN LIDOR, Claudia Sheinbaum, would-be successor of a left-wing populist incumbent, has focused on energy and crime despite detractors’ repeated efforts to discuss...
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The Trump Verdict: Unmasking Government Corruption and…

The Dems just slapped Trump with 34 fabricated “felonies” in a farcical trial overseen by a corrupt judge. These 34 guilty verdicts absolutely reek of desperation, lawlessness, and unbridled arrogance from the illegitimate regime squatting in the White House. This perfectly

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I blame the COVID shutdowns

Justice delayed is justice denied; how many times have we heard that phrase? Well, justice delayed sometimes means death for a victim who was not originally killed. Man kills stepdaughter, 16, in Acton he was previously accused of raping then kills

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Don’t cower to the bullies behind Trump’s conviction

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on TheBlaze.com. On Thursday, I asked myself something that Ben Franklin asked himself as the Founding Fathers were writing the Declaration of Independence. As they were debating what should be included in the document,

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International News

Trump is Hillary Clinton’s spirit animal

Sometimes, I feel a little bit bad for Hillary Clinton — and not just because she missed out on a history-making presidency by a paltry 80,000 votes. It’s because she’s a feminist icon who will nevertheless always be remembered for coming

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Biden Breaks Silence On Trump’s Conviction

On Friday, President Joe Biden publicly spoke on former President Donald Trump’s conviction on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his Manhattan trial for the first time. Biden’s campaign and other Democrats had spoken on the decision in the

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International News

Britain’s golden age of sleaze

For many years now, the gold standard for government sleaze has been John Major’s ill-fated administration between 1992 and 97, but maybe that’s no longer the case. Maybe we’ve just been living through the true golden age. After all, the outgoing

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Pride Month Is Here, But We Keep Winning

It’s the last day before Pride Month begins but don’t let that get you down! Add this week to an ongoing trend of wins! My reporting this past week not only shifted the results of a crucial school board election but

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A drone dream: Big Brother in your drawers

Over the many years I’ve written this column, I’ve touched on endless subjects: politics, sociology, parenting, homesteading, economics, education. But the one thing I’ve never addressed is a dream. This week I had a dream. I’m not normally a vivid dreamer,

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The Narrative is not the Truth: My swan-song column

Editor’s note: Today WND publishes Craige McMillan’s last weekly column. Other than WND founder Joseph Farah, Craige has been a “regular” here longer than anyone else, having written commentary since February 1998. The following is his 1,232nd exclusive WND column. The

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In the land of ‘ Bidenjustnuts’

What a fascinating time we live in. The state of New York has a version of a criminal justice system called Bidenjustnuts, which is wise and wonderful. This was on display for six weeks under the guiding hand of Judge Merchan

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Law & Crime

Psychologising Our Souls

The lecture room started with lots of interested faces. By the time I had finished delivering my twenty-minute paper, at least half of those present had crossed their arms and allowed various forms of scowls to appear on their faces. It

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US News

Beantown pol uses racism as both sword & shield

For some members of the political community, claims of racism have utility as either a sword or a shield. Take, for example, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who in 2018 challenged her supporters to harass members of President Donald Trump’s administration, on

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International News

Georgian PM claims US sponsored two failed ‘color revolutions’

Relations between Tbilisi and Washington have been “spoiled,” Irakli Kobakhidze has said Tbilisi needs to “reconsider” its relationship with Washington, given that American-funded NGOs were behind at least two attempts at overthrowing the government, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has said.

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