Newslinks for Friday 7th June 2024

Newslinks for Friday 7th June 2024

Sunak ‘will extend child benefit to wealthier families’ “The Conservatives have pledged to extend child benefit to 700,000 households with higher earners in...
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Date of Netanyahu’s address to Congress announced

Date of Netanyahu’s address to Congress announced

The Israeli prime minister has said he is “privileged” to be able to explain his country’s “just war” in Gaza to US lawmakers...
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Russian warships to visit Cuba next week – officials

Russian warships to visit Cuba next week – officials

The White House sees no “significant national security threat” in the exercises around the island A group of Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered...
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Living in a Free Society Is Not a Passive Endeavor Horace Cooper

Living in a Free Society Is Not a Passive Endeavor Horace Cooper For years, the progressive Left, ambitious self-serving politicians, and the elites of the administrative state have chipped away at the American dream,...
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US aiming to increase nuclear weapons pressure on Russia and China – media

US aiming to increase nuclear weapons pressure on Russia and China – media

The changes are reportedly intended to press Washington’s rivals after they supposedly rebuffed non-proliferation overtures The US is set to announce changes to...
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The Verdict – Some Thoughts: Sydney Williams

The Verdict – Some Thoughts: Sydney Williams “’Let the jury consider the verdict,’ the King said, for about the twentieth time that day. ‘No, no!’ said the Queen. ‘Sentence...
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RT panel ‘Has the West Successfully Demonized Russia?’: Live Updates

RT panel ‘Has the West Successfully Demonized Russia?’: Live Updates

Prominent experts discuss Western attempts to paint a negative image of Moscow’s foreign policy RT is hosting a discussion titled ‘The Empire of...
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Newslinks for Friday 7th June 2024

Sunak ‘will extend child benefit to wealthier families’ “The Conservatives have pledged to extend child benefit to 700,000 households with higher earners in an attempt to narrow the gap in the polls with Labour. Child benefit, which is worth over £2,000 a

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International News

Date of Netanyahu’s address to Congress announced

The Israeli prime minister has said he is “privileged” to be able to explain his country’s “just war” in Gaza to US lawmakers Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will deliver a speech before a joint session of the US Congress on

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International News

Russian warships to visit Cuba next week – officials

The White House sees no “significant national security threat” in the exercises around the island A group of Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will pay an official visit to Cuba next week, Havana’s Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces has

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Living in a Free Society Is Not a Passive Endeavor Horace Cooper For years, the progressive Left, ambitious self-serving politicians, and the elites of the administrative state have chipped away at the American dream, the promise of opportunity, and the shared reverence for the founding principles of our society that once propelled

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The Verdict – Some Thoughts: Sydney Williams “’Let the jury consider the verdict,’ the King said, for about the twentieth time that day. ‘No, no!’ said the Queen. ‘Sentence first – verdict afterwards.’” Alice in Wonderland, 1946 (my copy) Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) While the charges against Donald

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Clinton Sparks Outrage with Insensitive D-Day Comments

Hillary Clinton caused outrage on Thursday after she posted an extremely insensitive message on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. In her post, Clinton equated the Allies’ fight against Nazi Germany to the Democrats’ upcoming battle against former President Donald

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Christopher F. Rufo In Portland, the Intifada Begins in Kindergarten The local teachers’ union encourages students to resist “Zionist bullies.” Portland, Oregon, has earned its reputation as America’s most radical city. Its public school system was an early proponent of left-wing racialism and has long pushed students toward political activism. As with the death of George Floyd four years ago,

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International News

Donald Trump has become a problem for American elites

The popularity of the former US president threatens the very system from which the ruling classes derive their benefits Donald Trump intends to continue his US election campaign despite the jury’s guilty verdict in his New York trial. The former president

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Anthony Fauci has made a mockery of science America’s Covid doctor discounted all the evidence against social distancing and lockdowns. Cory Franklin In Uncontrolled Spread, Scott Gottlieb, former US Food and Drug Administration commissioner, observed that the six-foot social-distancing rule was ‘probably the single most costly intervention’ recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that ‘was consistently applied

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It Turns Out Hamas Won’t Just Commit Suicide Noah Rothman One week ago, Joe Biden revealed the details of an Israeli cease-fire proposal (to which the Israelis seemed conspicuously cold) that he said held out the promise of a “better ‘day after’ in Gaza without Hamas in power” (to which

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A New Medical Coalition Rebuts the Propriety of ‘Gender-Affirming Care ’By Wesley J. Smith It took too many years, but finally some countries in Europe are pushing back against so-called gender-affirming care that promotes irreversible body-altering interventions to gender-confused children and adolescents. Meanwhile, the thoroughly researched and soberly written Cass Review — authored by

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The ACCESS Act—A Better Way To Healthcare?

  Thanks for your support. The content we do is quite sensitive, so it is impossible to monetize the social media platforms. Your support is what drives us to continue producing content. Thank you very much!   Join Telegram: if you

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Today’s Must-Reads – 7 June 2024

Welcome to your daily dose of curated news and insights from across the globe! Topics covered today include: Climate Change UN Shamelessly Lies as Global Deaths, Disasters Decline; Svalbard Polar Bears Getting Fatter Despite Low Ice; Covid Rare And Unusual Cancers

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Remembering D-Day’s Freedom Fighters By J.B. Shurk It is hard to believe that eighty years have passed since American, British, and Canadian troops landed at Normandy and fought their way across fortified beaches covered in German mines and barbed wire fences.  What a nightmare it must have been

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DEI Is Being Ditched. Here’s Why.

Some universities are repealing and replacing their diversity, equity, and inclusion policies.  At the end of May, the University of North Carolina system voted to repeal and replace its DEI policy for a new policy that “aims to ensure efforts to

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Shades Of Nixon: Biden Refuses To Turn Over Potentially Devastating Tapes Almost exactly 50 years ago, the Supreme Court ordered President Richard Nixon to turn over White House tapes that he had refused to release for nearly a year, citing executive privilege. On July 24, 1974, the court unanimously rejected Nixon’s

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How to Diagnose and Treat Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis, is a degenerative joint disease that affects 32.5 million U.S. adults.1 Worldwide, about 595 million people are living with the condition, a 132% increase since 1990.2 Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that

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Practice Makes Perfect — The Science of Memory Formation

Memory plays a crucial role in learning, decision-making and shaping your identity. It’s a continuous process of absorbing information, retaining it and retrieving that knowledge to frame your understanding of and responses to the world around you. The cognitive function that

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Eat Your Prunes

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published October 16, 2017. If your impression of prunes is that they’re something old people eat for help with regularity (although there is that), you could use a bit more information

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PCR fraud over-cycled ‘process’ has been & is being used to create fraud fake ‘lie of a pandemic’ one after the other…H1N1 (2009), COVID (2020), now H5N1 avian bird flu; do not fall for it! it’s a

No lab-leak, no wet-market, all lies, MISDIRECTION, not even Gain-of-fiction or claim-of-fiction or gain-of-function is applicable here…no no no…Fauci, Birx, Hahn, Azar, all of them, Bourla, Bancel, Malone et al…all conspired (yes, to affect the Trump’s 2020 election) in various ways

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WATCH: Top Legal Scholar Has Some BAD News For Hunter…

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, expressed his astonishment at the rapid unraveling of Hunter Biden’s defenses in his gun trial. The trial commenced on Monday, with Biden facing three federal gun charges filed by Special Counsel David

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Two brothers found fatally shot outside burning house

HIGHLAND PARK, IL – Investigators are piecing together the circumstances surrounding the murder of two brothers in Highland Park, Illinois. Owing to the convoluted nature of the crime, the officials from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office claim they are making headway.

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Clown mask shooter kills victim at a motel

HOUSTON, TX – In a tragic event, a 31-year-old man was shot to death at a motel in southeast Houston on Monday morning, marking the second loss for his grieving mother within a span of 15 years. The deceased, father of

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