We Are Being Lied To Again–Next, the AntiChrist will appear with many empty promises, peace, and security, in reality, it’s the yoking of humanity…
The identity of the Antichrist has long been a source of both debate and anxiety for Christians. The Bible warns that many people will be taken in by his lies or fail to recognize him for what he is. No Christian wants to be one of those who are deceived by this frightening and demonic figure.
Given that the stakes are nothing more or less than a person’s eternal soul, a great deal is riding on successfully identifying the Antichrist. The internet is filled with bloggers and preachers alike claiming that this political figure or that rival preacher is the Antichrist. Speculation is not confined to the depths of the web either. Innumerable churches have heard sermons warning about what the Antichrist will say and countless Bible study groups have debated where the Antichrist will originate.
So the Bible antichrist isn’t just someone who is opposed to Christ and His ways. It is someone who puts themselves in place of Jesus Christ. Now we know that satan is the ultimate antichrist, as he is the one who leads the rebellion against Christ, and tries to put himself in place of God and of Jesus. The Bible even confirms this about satan:
Isaiah 14:12-14 …’ How art thou has fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weakens the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the highest.’
So satan’s main goal was to be IN THE PLACE OF God and of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. And this is the same thinking that Satan has placed in his antichrist system that the Bible reveals. So we have satan as the main antichrist, but we also have an antichrist system that satan set up on earth to take the place of Jesus Christ on earth. The following 29 characteristics reveal just what that antichrist [IN PLACE OF-Christ] system is., planned events :
#1) Hospitals will be overrun in regions of America – As the exponential growth rates cause an explosion in infection cases, hospital beds that can handle biocontainment demands will quickly be full. We are close to that condition at this very moment, in fact.
#2) Entire cities in America will be placed under quarantine lockdown status: This may take a while to be fully recognized and declared, but it will occur. Once you are caught in quarantine, you will not be allowed to leave, for fear that you might spread the disease to other cities.
#3) School closures will become commonplace: This is already beginning to occur, and the practice will rapidly spread.
#4) Over the coming week, there will be tens of infections confirmed in America: By the end of this week (Sunday night), we should expect somewhere around 100 new cases having been confirmed this week.
#5) Within 30 days, if lab testing is allowed to take place, you will see hundreds of coronavirus infections confirmed in America. Watch for cases to jump to 200, then 500, etc. If the testing is allowed to take place, this is inevitable.
#6) Within 90 days, if the labs are legitimately trying to test everyone they can, you will see thousands of coronavirus infections confirmed in America. By June, in other words, there will be thousands of confirmed infections in America, and possibly over 10,000 by that time.
#7) Unless there’s a miracle intervention, eventually the number of coronavirus infections confirmed in America will exceed 100,000. This is mathematically inevitable, especially with the widespread negligence, incompetence and even criminal maliciousness of federal agencies that are right now telling Americans to NOT prepare. The federal government, of course, may never allow these numbers to see the light of day, since the CDC and the Trump administration now appear to be modeling their response after communist China (basically just lie about everything and hide the truth).
#8) Restrictions on domestic air travel, armed highway checkpoints: Once the quarantines begin, you will see armed roadside checkpoints and domestic air travel restrictions put in place. America will become a medical police state.
#9) Forced vaccines and “show me your papers” police state protocols. Eventually, once the vaccine is rolled out, you will see calls for mandatory vaccines and restrictions on human rights for people who are not vaccinated (no right to hold a job, no right to travel on public transportation, no right to be a parent, etc.). Prepare to be required to carry proof that you’ve been vaccinated. “Show me your papers.”
#10) The near-collapse of entire cities into lawlessness and chaos: Although it might take a year or more for the full extent of the coronavirus pandemic to work its way across the nation, at some point entire cities will seemingly descend into lawlessness and chaos. The U.S. military is already reportedly planning for up to 3.3 million deaths in America as a possible scenario. The quarantines, paycheck losses and the severing of food supply lines will wreak havoc in cities like Seattle and San Francisco, where homelessness and filth are already out of control, even without a pandemic.
Just remember, you are told there’s no need for YOU to prepare, even while the military and government are buying every truckload of emergency supplies they can find.
Target News Reported: It’s criminal. When the Surgeon General tells you to STOP buying masks because they don’t work, and then says hospital staffers need all those masks because they DO work, you know he’s lying.
By now you know the coronavirus wasn’t an accident. It was genetically engineered to exterminate humanity. Its release was not accidental, the intent was always to build a “hard kill” weapon that would unleash the economic collapse and global enslavement that would then enable the mass slaughter of obedient human beings by the demon-infested globalists who despise the human form.
Those depopulation-minded globalists, of course, are working on a euthanasia injection that will kill off the masses. They are going to label that death shot a “vaccine” in order to convince billions of people to obediently agree to be injected. Mr. Depopulation himself — Bill Evil Gates — is furiously funding death injection factories that will be able to crank out lethal injections by the billions over the next 2-3 years. And unlike the attempted ethnic cleansing of the Third Reich in World War II, this time the sheeple will line up and beg to be killed, avoiding all the “messy business” of any organized resistance.
No bullets, no bombs, no gas chambers. Just mass graves quietly filled with medical euthanized sheeple who begged their captors for “immunity” but got death instead. That About Sums It Up, Almost. Next, the Antichrists Who, UN, CDC, Doj, Bill Gates, and Co-Most of Our Elected Officials Will Bring on the Antichrist System Into Play. We Are Already Under Demoniac Submission to the Beast Now :
Paul indicates “the man of lawlessness” (Lucifer, the devil) will put on a big show with counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) Millions of evil angels (actually demons) will herald the fake news, “Almighty God has arrived! Come out to see him! He has come to establish the kingdom of God on Earth and there will be a thousand years of peace and prosperity for everyone!” The wicked will be excited by this announcement. Yet, we can only understand this deception if we learn the events that occur prior to the Antichrist’s appearance. The first four trumpets will devastate Earth and ruin its many infrastructures. People who live then will be in very primitive, miserable conditions. I believe the devil and his angels will appear about two and one-half years after the first four trumpets occur. Consider the devil’s appearance as John saw it:
In John’s day, the Abyss was thought to be a mysterious region located beneath a flat Earth. People believed that demons dwelled in the Abyss and volcanoes served as chimneys for the fires that burned down there. The shaft (or bottomless pit) of the Abyss was considered to be a hole that went through the flat Earth. In this case, the star is Lucifer who was cast out of Heaven. As the angel king of the Abyss, he is given a key so that he and his followers can escape. This language indicates that Jesus deliberately and precisely controls when the Antichrist appears.
“They [the demons] were told not to harm the grass of the Earth or any plant [crops] or tree [they are not permitted to physically destroy anything], but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were not given the power to kill them, but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man. [The torture was so great that] During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them. The locusts [the angels from the Abyss] looked like [well-armed] horses prepared for battle. On their heads, they [the demons] wore something like crowns of gold [showing authority over mankind], and their faces resembled human faces. Their hair was [long] like women’s hair, and their teeth were [deadly, powerful] like lions’ teeth. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron [they were invincible, human beings could not stop them, injure them, or kill them], and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses [very loud] and chariots rushing into battle [they had intimidating power]. They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails, they had the power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, [the star who received the key] whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. [Whether Jew or Gentile, his title means: The Destroyer.] The first woe [the first curse on the wicked] is past; two other woes are yet to come [upon them].” (Revelation 9:4-12, insertions and italics mine)
John saw a representation of Lucifer and his demons in the same way that he saw the seven-headed beast in Revelation 13:1. If you remember, the seven-headed beast looked like a leopard, but it had feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion. These features are representations that describe Babylon’s powers. Lucifer and his demons will not physically look like locusts having scorpion tails. Instead, the devil and his angels will be brilliant, glorious beings with a human-like appearance, because, like mankind, they were made in God’s image. (Genesis 1:26; Job 38:7) The demons from the Abyss will be much larger and more powerful than humans. People will not be able to control, stop, or kill them. God will release them from the Abyss and give them the power to rule over the whole world for about fourteen months.
God only releases the devil and his angels from the spirit realm (the Abyss), after the world has rejected the clearest evidence of His will and higher authority. When the fifth trumpet occurs, Lucifer will confront each wicked person with the clearest evidence of his will and authority. Standing about fifteen feet tall and deceptively cloaked in brilliant light and charming benevolence, the devil will tell the wicked that he is “Almighty God.” I believe that Lucifer is physical “15 feet tall” using the following texts. Psalm 8:3-5 reveals that Jesus created man “smaller” or “shorter” than the angels and 1 Kings 6:23-26 documents that Solomon constructed a life-sized likeness of the two angels for the Most Holy Place.
To prove the lie that he is “Almighty God,” the devil will call fire down from the sky on command. (Revelation 13:13) The devil will declare he has come to establish God’s kingdom on Earth and he invites everyone to join him for 1,000 years of peace and prosperity. The devil is called “the false prophet” for this reason. Behind the scenes, demons will arrest and torture everyone caught refusing to worship the devil for blasphemy and insubordination.
Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).
StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
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Well-known medical expert Bill Gates did an AMA on Reddit (transcribed here), in which he casually drops some chilling ideas into the conversation: Ummm, people of God! Am I late? Did I miss this? Did we see this already? Digital certificates to identify those who got the #Covid19 vaccines and TO DO BUSINESS?
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Author: StevieRay Hansen
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