Mainstream media mass Media is an irresistible psychological method of brainwashing that no person can escape from over a period of time. Mass Media, even though it has the ability to shape lives in a positive fashion sad to say, this hasn’t been its sole purpose. By manipulating what individuals watch, their very belief system can be modified. Given lots of time, somebody can be assured that the sky is purple if that message is what the Media programmers need.
The government uses mass media as a tool of indoctrination and companies use it to sell you stuff you are told you need to get more money out of you. Mass Media, however, is most perilous to our kids as their minds are young and it’s easy to manifest in them intense wishes for real things programming them for the gluttony culture and by utilizing kids to incentivize their parents to purchase.
Children should not watch television unmonitored and in no eventuality should there be mass media in the bedroom of a kid. Remove television from the house and away from your children and just watch the change in their lives.
Mass Media puts out many messages today that shape your child’s understanding of the world such as these that follow:
The state is good and can be trusted (being as you don’t know what’s good for you; the state does though)
The world is brim-full of terrorists all needing to attack us for no apparent reason (One mans terrorist is another man’s patriot)
Black folk are bad and are mostly criminals (no insult to black folk meant as this is absolutely bogus as there are good and bad in all races)
Crime is spiraling out of control (although factually statistics indicate crime in all areas is down)
Protect yourself against all the evildoers that are going to rob you and break into your house (never lock my door and never been robbed or broken into)
Work conscientiously for little money (No chance to generate wealth)
Spend all of your cash (So long as you have debt you aren’t free)
Don’t raise questions (Never doubt authority)
Shut up and do what you are told (The state does not care what you want)
Our society is just and fair to all (Not if you’re poor though)
Wealth is good (If you’ve got any that is, many of us don’t)
Go to school (So that you can be programmed efficiently)
Always trust the police (Yeah they never lie right)
No individual is above the law (unless you are actually well off)
Violent crime always in the news (keep you shocked and watching)
Catastrophes and natural events (what would you do if the state is not there to save the day)
An initial step in changing your life and reducing the effect of political and big business rhetoric is by removing yourself from the boob tube. Disassociate yourself from media generally. Media takes away your freedom to choose and corrupt your inherent sense of ethics and ethics as ninety percent of what you see and hear in media is false.
The Pentagon has been using the corporate media as a propaganda delivery system for many years. Since 1948, the CIA has dominated corporate media through its Operation Mockingbird.
Once dubbed a “conspiracy theory,” the Church Committee investigation in 1975 exposed a secret Central Intelligence Agency campaign to influence domestic and foreign media beginning in the 1950s.
Operation Mockingbird
Starting in the early days of the Cold War (the late ’40s), the CIA began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters on the CIA payroll. In 1948, Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner established Mockingbird and recruited Philip Graham from The Washington Post to run the project within the industry. According to Deborah Davis in Katharine the Great; “By the early 1950s, Wisner ‘owned’ respected members of The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS, and other communications vehicles.” [Deborah Davis (1979). Katharine the Great. pp. 137–138.]
After 1953, Operation Mockingbird had a major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. It was discovered that from the 1950s through the 1970s, the CIA was paying many journalists in the USA and foreign locations to publish what they wanted. These organizations were run by people with well-known left-wing views such as William Paley (CBS), Henry Luce (Time and Life Magazine), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (New York Times), Alfred Friendly (managing editor of the Washington Post), Jerry O’Leary (Washington Star), Hal Hendrix (Miami News), Barry Bingham, Sr., (Louisville Courier-Journal), James Copley (Copley News Services) and Joseph Harrison (Christian Science Monitor). [Carl Bernstein (20 October 1977). “CIA and the Media“, Rolling Stone Magazine.]
Media assets include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. and 400 journalists, have secretly carried out assignments according to documents on file at CIA headquarters, from intelligence-gathering to serving as go-betweens.
In 1977, Rolling Stone alleged CIA controlled journalists included Stewart Alsop (New York Herald Tribune), Ben Bradlee (Newsweek), James Reston (New York Times), Charles Douglas Jackson (Time Magazine), Walter Pincus (Washington Post), William C. Baggs (The Miami News), Herb Gold (The Miami News) and Charles Bartlett (Chattanooga Times).
Today, the mainstream corporate media has become the mouthpiece of an emerging collectivist government and possesses an explicit capacity of advocacy and the ability to frame political issues.
Their agenda is to advance the New World Order message.
“Democracy without honest information creates the illusion of popular consent while enhancing the power of the state and the privileged interests protected by it. Democracy without accountability creates the illusion of popular control while offering ordinary Americans only cheap tickets to the balcony. Too far away to see that the public stage has become just a reality TV set.” – Bill Moyers
An Associated Press investigation found that over the past five years, the money the military spends on winning hearts and minds at home and abroad, what it calls “the human terrain”, has grown by 63 percent, to at least $4.7 billion this year, according to Department of Defense budgets and other documents. In 2009, the Pentagon employed 27,000 people just for recruitment, advertising and public relations which makes it bigger in size, money, and power than many media companies.
The U.S. Army’s 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN and NPR in 1998 and 1999. While the media outlets claim they have since been terminated, what do you think the odds are there are still CIA operatives employed in the mainstream media newsrooms?
President Trump calls out CNN as fake news…
The current emphasis on propaganda operations started with former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. In 2002, Rumsfeld established the Office of Strategic Influence that brought together public affairs and psychological operations. Congress demanded that the office be shut down. Rumsfeld responded in a speech he delivered on Nov. 18, 2002, “There’s the name. You can have the name, but I’m gonna keep doing every single thing that needs to be done and I have.” In 2003, Rumsfeld issued a secret Information Operations Roadmap setting out a plan for public affairs and psychological operations to work together. It noted that with global media, the military should expect and accept that psychological operations will reach the U.S. public.
Out of its Joint Hometown News Service located on an abandoned Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas, Pentagon staff writers pump out thousands of press releases, television releases and radio interviews, all provided free to news organizations around the world. The stories go out with authors’ names but not their titles and do not mention Hometown News anywhere.
Despite a supposed prohibition on propaganda, spending on public affairs stories designed to influence the American public has more than doubled since 2003. A recent inspector general audit concluded that a public affairs program called “America Supports You” was conducted “in a questionable and unregulated manner” with funds meant for the military’s Stars and Stripes newspaper.
One of the fastest-growing parts of the military media is “psychological operations,” where spending has also doubled since 2003. Psychological operations are generally aimed at foreign audiences, not intended for American consumption. However, when an American TV anchor asked Gen. David Petraeus about the mood in Iraq, the general held up a glossy photo of the Iraqi national soccer team to show the country united in victory. In fact, it was U.S. psychological operations that had quietly distributed tens of thousands of the soccer posters in July 2007 to encourage Iraqi nationalism.
Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, director of strategic communications for the U.S. Central Command, says psychological operations must be secret to be effective. He says that in the 21st century, it is probably not possible to win the information battle with insurgents without exposing American citizens to secret U.S. propaganda.
Perhaps the most momentous fake news story for me was the BBC account of the collapse of Building 7 on Sept. 11. It was sorta like the deja-vu moment where there was a glitch in the matrix. This was the story that woke me up to the fact that we were not getting the true story about what happened that fateful day. Source
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Darkness and light are metaphors for evil and good. If anyone sees an angel of light, it will automatically seem to be a good being, for the correlation of evil with darkness, and of good with light, is a powerful archetype in human history. In the Bible, light is a spiritual metaphor for truth and God’s unchanging nature (James 1:17). It is repeatedly used in the Bible to help us understand that God is wholly good and truthful (1 John 1:5). When we are “in the light,” we are with Him (1 Peter 2:9). He exhorts us to join Him in the light (1 John 1:7), for giving us light was His purpose (John 12:46). Light is the place where love dwells and is comfortable (1 John 2:9-10). God has created light (Genesis 1:3), dwells in the light (1 Timothy 6:16) and puts the light in human hearts so that we can see and know Him and understand the truth (2 Corinthians 4:6).
So, when 2 Corinthians 11:14 tells us that “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light,” it means that Satan capitalizes on our love of the light in order to deceive. He wants us to think that he is good, truthful, loving, and powerful – all the things that God is. To portray himself as a dark, devilish being with horns would not be very appealing to the majority of people. Most people are not drawn to darkness, but to light. Therefore, Satan appears as a creature of light to draw us to himself and his lies.
Like any garbage, there can be found some useful items. We should keep that in mind when we listen to conservative talk radio.
Rush Limbaugh said that to “recapture the country” conservatives “are going to have to recapture the public education of this country.” Notice he said “recapture”, not “abandon”. The system will never be recaptured because we never really owned it. It was built upon sewer sand and only had a token and temporary Tidy Bowl. Limbaugh will never call for the obvious need to have a mass exodus from government indoctrination centers.
The conservative Heritage Foundation is ashamed of its roots in the Great Textbook War. Other groups, including the Tea Party, just do not get it. Contemporary conservatives are likely going to lose because they will make mistakes that the Courageous Corps of ‘74 experience could prevent. More importantly, they continue to let the enemy educate their children! That is beyond foolish!! It is one reason I quit being a conservative.
Many Christians think the multiple-married misled-Methodist Rush Limbaugh is near sainthood. The guy is a talented conservative, but (from what I can see) he is ashamed of the Gospel. He is just another Bug in my Ear. Speaking of Talk Show hosts, Neal Boortz (no longer on the air), the epitome of an Episcopalian, is a baby-killing evolutionist (due to his libertarian leanings). Sean Hannity is a confused Catholic. Glenn Beck is a lost Latter-Day Saint. Michael Savage has ravaged his Jewish heritage. Lovely Laura Ingram is another compromised Catholic who seeks to salvage the Republicrite Party. She is a good old GOP gal. All of them counsel conservatives, but may God have mercy if we put too much stock in the leadership of those misled men. (Boycott Boortz, Flush Rush, Suspect Beck, Bandage Savage, Handle Hannity Carefully, and leave Laura.) Mark Levin, a lawyer, is likely the most laudable and may lead the lost league, along with Phil Valentine, toward victory if they choose to claim Christ. (Beck is the most dangerous of all. He mixes god-talk, kumbaya, and New Age doctrine with his conservative politics.)
My point is simple: misinformation is all around us. The only way to avoid being misinformed is to conduct your own research. “The Bible”
How can we discern which light is of God and which light is of Satan? Our minds and hearts are easily confused by conflicting messages. How can we make sure we are on the right path? Psalm 119 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (verse 105) and “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple” (verse 130). The words of God have power. Just as God’s voice spoke physical light into existence, it can speak spiritual light into our hearts. Exposure to His voice – in His Word – will help us recognize the difference between the good light of God and that which is counterfeit.
Satan presents sin to us as something pleasing and beautiful to be desired, and he presents false teaching as enlightening and life-changing. Millions follow his deceptions simply because they do not know God’s truth. Isaiah 8:20-22 describes the darkness that results from ignoring the Word. The people of Israel have been seeking truth by consulting mediums, deceived by Satan’s lie. Isaiah says, “To the teaching and to the testimony! If they will not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn. They will pass through the land, greatly distressed and hungry. And when they are hungry, they will be enraged and will speak contemptuously against their king and their God, and turn their faces upward. And they will look to the earth, but behold, distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish. And they will be thrust into thick darkness.”
Darkness is a result of attempting to find truth without the Word of God. Sadly, as Isaiah says, when people do not have the “dawn,” they wander in darkness and often become angry at God, refusing to come to Him for help. This is why Satan’s masquerade as an angel of light is so effective. It turns white to black and black to white and gets us believing that God is the liar, that God is the source of darkness. Then, in our distress, we focus our hatred towards the only One who can save us.
The rise of “fake news” and the proliferation of doctored narratives that are spread by humans and bots online are challenging publishers and platforms. Those trying to stop the spread of false information are working to design technical and human systems that can weed it out and minimize the ways in which bots and other schemes spread lies and misinformation. Pew Research Center
When a society ignores the law, lawlessness is the result, and chaos ensues. The time of the judges after Joshua’s death was marked by upheaval, oppression, and general disorder. The biblical historian puts his finger on the reason for the tumult: “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25). The riot in Ephesus is a good example of lawlessness in action (Acts 19). The rioters were confused and unsure even of why they were rioting (verse 32); in their lawlessness, they were ignoring proper legal channels (verse 39) and, of course, breaking the law (verse 40).
Colossians 3:9 says, “Do not lie to each other since you have taken off your old self with its practices.” Lying is listed in 1 Timothy 1:9-11 as something practiced by the lawless. Furthermore, liars will be among those judged at the end (Revelation 21:8). In contrast, God never lies (Titus 1:2). He is the source of truth. “It is impossible for God to lie” (Hebrews 6:18).
God has a purpose for establishing the human government: “to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right” (1 Peter 2:14). Rulers are God’s appointees to maintain order and promote righteousness in a civil society. “Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves” (Romans 13:2). In other words, lawlessness is condemned in Scripture.
The Bible connects man’s lawlessness and rebellion against God with his need for God’s forgiveness. In Romans 4:7, Paul (quoting Psalm 32:1) says, “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (ESV). God’s righteousness is imputed to us at salvation, and God forgives us of our lawlessness: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17, quoting Jeremiah 31:34). Christ died on the cross “to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14, ESV). Our lawless deeds resulted in Christ’s death, but God’s grace overcomes our lawless hearts.
“You aid an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Loyalty to it implies partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with their whole soul .” – Mahatma Gandhi.
StevieRay Hansen
The light went out in the church, and that’s the reason the world got dark. Dark times were perpetrated by the “last one out, turn out the lights” “The church lights have gone OUT”.
“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils”…
Let Me Make This Abundantly Clear. (I Am Apolitical) While I Have a General Distaste for Politicians No Matter the Party They Belong To, I Am Unashamedly Politically a Bible Believing Conservative Christian. I Have a Severe Distrust of Government. I Believe It Is the Most Inefficient and Ineffective Way to Accomplish Most Things. While I Strongly Disagree with Liberals/Progressives and Conservative on Most Political Issues, and While I Believe Liberals/Progressives and Most Politicians Are Terribly Misguided and Naive About What Big Government Will Eventually Result In, I Strive to Not Question Their Motives. at the Same Time, While I Find Myself in Agreement with Conservative Politicians on Some Issues, I Do Not Believe Electing Republicans Is the Answer to Everything. for Me, Very Sadly, the Main Difference Between Republicans and Democrats Is How Quickly They Want to Drive the Car Towards the Cliff. Simply Put, I Do Not Believe the Government Is the Solution for Everything. I Do Not Place Any Faith, Trust, or Hope in Any Politicians to Fix What Is Wrong with the World. “Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20)
Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.
Education is useless without the bible (Daniel Webster)
Usually, the Lord doth no great thing for or against his people, without giving warning of it before it comes.
John Wesley who said that what we tolerate in our generation, will be embraced by the next. Wesley is 100% correct! We are living in sick times.
The Left, a broad term for Liberal Socialist Democrats that can only be explained fully by using the Bible explanation of the human race is as follows. A servant of Satan, because you are either saved or lost. This election has brought out the true nature of who you serve. Simply put, it’s Donald Trump, Conservatives, and Christians against the rest of the world. The Left’s Love applies only to those who believe as they do. They Love evil and commit Anarchy against those who love good. They are governed by lies and never tell the truth. On this Friday, Inaugural Day for the swearing-in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States the Left wants to commit widespread Anarchy to shut down the swearing-in ceremony. Their goal of transforming America, which was founded in Judea Christian values into a Pagan Nation is almost complete. Their goal has always been the total removal of God from American society and the downfall of America. Donald Trump says he is a Presbyterian, but he left off the USA, an apostate church.
- Corinthians 4:8-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
- We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9. persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10. always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
Satan has power over (LGBTQE-TRANS PEOPLE). The “sons of disobedience” referred to in Ephesians 2:2 are those who have not trusted Christ as Lord and Savior (cf. Acts 26:18; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 13:12). The demons are also under the rule of Satan (Matthew 12:24), and one of his titles is “prince of demons” (Matthew 9:34). Satan has a kingdom (Matthew 12:26) and a throne (Revelation 2:13). Satan is called a prince because he is a ruler and possesses the power to manifest evil in the world through influencing people and commanding demons.
HNewsWire- “All political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.” Just look at some of our modern-day examples: torture is “enhanced interrogation techniques”; murder is “collateral damage”; the aggression initiation of war is a “pre-emptive strike”; the theft of taxpayers’ money is a “bailout”, and the theft of depositors’ money in a bank is a “haircut” or “bail-in”.In a blatant example of Newspeak, the New World Order controllers (through the psychiatric DSM V) have tried to rename pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons” and redefine pedophilia as “sexual orientation”. This makes no sense since sexual orientation has to do with gender, not age, with whether you are attracted to males or females, not how old they are. There are even organizations (like which are claiming that pedophiles are being unfairly stigmatized for their feelings!
If homosexuality has been posed as healthy, good and normal, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, so can pedophilia. Pro-pedophilic articles are making their way into academia.
The Cult of LGBTQE-E for EVIL and is often a cover for child-molesting perverts
Tagged Under: abuse, children’s health, gender-confused, gender issues, gender madness, the left cult, LGBTQE-E For Evil un-godly Mob, Lunacy, mutilation, transgender, Child molesting perverts LGBTQE- E For Evil, drag queens, perverts
Unfortunately, not all alternative sources are reliable, even some Major Christian (and I use Christian loosely) news sources have been corrupted. They will NOT tell the truth. They just parrot the deceptive narratives perpetrated by those who currently control our government and media. Even those who are honestly trying to present the truth can miss it sometimes. There is so much deception out there. In these last days, you must be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs. It is no time to sleep or slumber. Diligence and vigilance are required. It is critical that you think for yourself and not be a Lemming.
Tagged Under: hnewswire stevie ray hansen, HNewsWire, antichrist, antichrists, Apple, Bible, Big Tech, bigotry, Christian baker, Christianity, Christians, Colorado, Colorado Civil Rights Commission, conservatives, deep state, demonic assault, end of days, end times, Facebook, First Amendment, free speech, Google, hate groups, Hate speech, hatred, hostility, insanity, Instagram, intolerance, Jack Phillips, jesus, Jesus Christ, left cult, Leftists, LGBT mafia, Liberal Mob, lunatics, persecution, Pinterest, prophecy, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, Tribulation, Twitter,Anti Christ, Bible, Blame Game, California, deception, demonic, fascism, free speech, freedom of religion, gender confused, hypocrisy, insanity, insidious gender war, left cult, LGBT, lgbtq, Liberty, lies, Mental illness, nra, oxymoron, religion, religious groups, San Francisco, suicides, terrorists, Tyranny,Big Tech, deception, disinfo, disinformation, Facebook, fake news, freedom of speech, Google, Journalism, lies, mainstream media, manipulation, Microsoft, news cartels, online speech, propaganda, Silicon Valley, tech giants, Twitter
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Author: StevieRay Hansen
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